Your progression will tell you everything. If you never worked out before, especially not in high intensities, the sudden positive-stress on your body will have a heavy (!) I’m 23(going to be 24 soon). any suggestion? A very great and inspiring post. Also what do you suggest from your end. After your general warmup and warmup sets, add 10lbs to the weight already established on the first workout. Katie Dupere is an editor and writer based in New York City. Thanks for the guide it is one of the most useful ones I’ve seen on the topic of hardgainers. You’ve lost your balance (if there was ever any) and let her play with you. Does this program work better than ones that incorporate different things? How long should the enitre days workout take? Problem is you’re gonna need a lot of them — unless you fill your diet with enough protein from other sources (see the recommendations I gave to the vegan guy a few comments above). not seeing much gains. If you’re trying to stay under a particular weight category, you can limit your food intake and just increase working weights to build more strength. great and very inspiring regev and it’s only 18 month apart! Growth happens when you recover, not when you train. Just follow the steps as listed and you’ll gain massive amounts of muscle. I spent the following years learning from the valuable experience of field experts, devouring books and scientific researches while applying the newly acquired knowledge on my naturally fragile body. If you suspect you added too much weight on the bar, drop 5 or 10lbs – depending on the exercise. What can I do. is their any posible ways i could gain some weights even though our cook sucks at selecting food such as your advice in Yeah, bud. And doing so made Jones realize his physical endurance was lacking even after more than two months of working out at home. Also I want to gain weight to the get the hot ladies. But know that big muscles and size are only as good in attracting women as their ability to alter your inner state of mind. this is all quite unlikely, but worth checking if you eat very clean, train SS properly, and still get a big belly. Thanks a lot for teaching how to gain weight for skinny guys with fast metabolism, but what about girls? Great job! Only 18 months??? You should obviously increase your food intake along with your muscle and strength growth if you want to keep adding muscle mass to your frame. Now, if I eat extra food and don’t workout regularly, the food passes through me very quickly. - Kai Greene. I called it the “’Nuff Protein Diet.” (Jim Wendler), I highly encourage you to avoid eating crap, but I would like to put the next chapter’s emphasis on calories (non)counting and protein intake. I am skinny 6’1″ & 63 killo.but i had started to work out even if i didnt take it that seriously my friends told me that they saw a lot of change but i stoped it …does it mean that i have to eat more and work harder than ever to get big?? “I am defeated,” Jones simply says at the end of the workout. Your article will help each and every reader as it contains every aspect of weight gain. I can see a few possible causes. Thank you. Is it too long or hard to follow? The warmup sets are a function of the sets themselves, remember that we measure them by an absolute percentage of the total working weight. So will he keep up the routine? You don’t need any fancy machine. I have the same problem(yeah another skinny guy. Hi great article just tonlet you know. Crazy skinny to buff transformation dude!!! You’ll find different recommendations among every lifter, trainer or magazine – most commonly ranging from 1.7 to 2.5 grams per body-weight in kilogram. Also, I don’t have access to a gym so would the SS workouts be possible for me to do at home with the basic equipment? I have a question though : I don’t have any equipment, and I live in an appartment without much room, so having a bench / rack or something like that isn’t an option for me (also, tight budget). I remember that on the first day I stepped into the gym that I was immediately hooked. Two more months passed until we finally found the motivation to really pack our backpacks and join a gym. I eat all day and can’t gain a single pound!”. “One cheat meal/day once a week! you story resonates very close to my heart as i have struggled for years with trying to become bigger, when i was 30 the last time i put alot of effort into trying to gain mass i did it for 2 years ate tons drank protein and worked out, although now i know my workouts where mainly cardio (doo), i only managed about a 5/6 lb increase back then and that was after 2 years of trying then once i stopped i lost it within 2 weeks. “What I wanted to do instead is see how much muscle mass I can put on from the comfort of my own home with limited equipment and, frankly, limited space.”. I’m a 15-year-old male and want to gain muscle. don’t sleep enough? This one goes hand in hand with the former “Starting Strength”. I feel like we’re doomed for skinniness. It might seem confusing that amateurs can increase workloads so quickly, but that’s because the nervous system recovery rate can’t catch up with the increase of weights (without steroids), thus the need for a longer recovery time between workouts when the working weight racks up over time. You will discover the true horsepower within you. Starting soon with my bulking. My only question is, was any supplements involved at all? Can you please provide me a rough Vegan Meal Plan so that it’ll help me. Bring on the food. Low T and growth hormone levels are going to hurt his recovery rates so he needs to work out less. I’m not a doctor though, so always consult a professional. 3. hormonal problem – are you overtrained? 5777 N Meeker Ave, Boise, ID 83713-1520 USA. REMEMBER – MUSCLE MASS GAIN IS ABOUT FOOD. Muscle building for skinny guys is mostly nutrition. I have a question about the Chin-ups and pull-ups: “Chin-ups: 3 sets to failure (add weight if completing more than 15 reps)” Thanks a lot 1: what to do if you reach the weight that you want? The iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. You intuitively know to avoid alcohol and smoking if you want to ***optimize*** your health, regardless of increasing muscle mass. But a change in physical appearance isn’t the most important thing he’s taking away from the challenge. I experimented both with ‘Kethnaabs’ modified version and with the next program, recommended by Rippetoe himself as an alternative to his ‘Original Starting Strength Novice Program‘. I’m not trying to pack on muscle, I just want to run faster. You just have to drizzle yourself with the right dose of determination and persistence. Focus on the big picture and eat a TON. Hi, and thanks for your article, it’s awesome ! Thanks allot!! Again. As I said, read the nutritional part of the guide again, follow the foods listed — and eat as much as you can from them. The more you work out, the more good nutrition you need. Again thanks for being so patient with every one and great job of just being a life changer for us all that read your article. I read everything and i understood what u said but if it possible to give me a good schedule of eating food for the 7 days, that will be terrific. Hey Regev i read almost all the comments only just to know whether i can gain weight easily or not .After reading now i am pretty sure that ill gain weight after having a proper nutritional diet. You’re already shoving enough calories to stress your body, at least mind where they’re coming from. What should i do before starting your Program? My question to you: Do you think I should restrict my training to strength training as you preach skinny guys should do? He needs to do one or two complex movements (bench press & squats / shoulder press & rows / etc) and go with them all the way to complete failure, go rest for a week – and then come back and do the same thing with a little higher weights. Please can you clarify something for me, it would be very much appreciated. It will maximize your beginner’s gains. What would be a legit workout routine to help me reach my goals? If you can’t – try the meal replacement shakes on the site. Hello, thanks for all the advice… I have a question, is there possibly a workout schedule that needs only one dumbbell and can still provide excellent results? Your article is very inspiring, I wish I could do what you did. .I have been to the gym for 6-8 months around and gained 10-15lbs approx. dude i like your article ….in I promise u ill gonna follow it an ill rply u after18 months what was my result.