Before I go on leave, I will do all I can to make sure that my projects are completed before my leave. This letter concerns my request for a maternity leave from __________ to __________ (mention your duration). Our expert sample shows how to write the easiest leave letter yet. I don't expect to have any problem returning to my current position and delivering the same quality of work I do now. If the letter is being sent as a hard copy, then it should be in the proper business format, otherwise, if the letter is being emailed, it should have an appropriate subject line and proper grammar. Maternity Leave Letter A maternity letter is used to inform your employer about the time off you'll be taking for the birth of your child. Variety of maternity leave letter template that will flawlessly match your demands. From, _______________________ ________________________, Sub: _______________________________________________________________. Variety of maternity leave letter template that will flawlessly match your demands. This is to bring to your kind attention that I need to go to my hometown Ohio for two weeks for the documentation of our new property. In Corporate World, leave letter is considered as an official document supporting your absence in office. Thank you for informing me of my Maternity Leave entitlement and for the enclosed Maternity Policy. I have handed over my responsibilities to Mr. Peter, who is my team member, and I am sure he will manage the things effectively in my absence and will update you regarding the same. If not completed, you may assign the task to any of your colleagues capable of doing it and add full details in the letter about this issue. The employer should give such kind of vacation to a future mother because it is very important for her and baby’s health. I wish to avail of a maternity leave application for four months to nature my child and rest. I would like to bring to your kind attention that I will be leaving to my hometown tomorrow morning for _____________ days. Why not use our quick and easy maternity leave letter template. Make sure you use uppercase for this, eg: ‘PERSONAL’ or ‘CONFIDENTIAL’. I hope you will understand my situation and grant me leaves form ______________ to _______________. Sample Employee Maternity Leave Announcement Email to Staff When a woman employee goes on maternity leave, either she herself or her boss should inform all other colleagues about this. When writing an official or company letter, presentation design and layout is crucial making a great impression. You must mention the reason as to why you are taking leave and also mention the period for the same. I have attached the required maternity leave request forms for your perusal. Thank you for your understanding and accomodation. This letter is to inform you that I am pregnant and plan to take maternity leave. [If your company has already provided this to you] I would like to start my maternity leave and pay on [insert the date you’d like to start your maternity leave]. I understand that our company's policies allow six weeks of paid leave. I plan to work until my due date, unless my doctor advises me to leave full time employment earlier for medical reasons. Wordings of the letter should be such that it expresses your appeal of leave sincerely and genuinely. Also, mention the number of days with dates if possible and state a valid reason for asking leave of absence. Inform them that you are pregnant and when the due date is. A maternity letter is used to inform your employer about the time off you'll be taking for the birth of your child. When writing an official or company letter, presentation design and layout is crucial making a great impression. I hope to be back in office by __________ (mention your date of rejoining). You’ll need to give this letter to your employer no later than 15 weeks before your due date, along with your MATB1. Aside from the formal letter you submit, you will also need a maternity certificate from your doctor (MAT B1) for confirmation that you’re pregnant, including your due date. Please make sure that there should not be any grammatical mistakes in the letter. I hereby write this letter to notify you that I am pregnant and I wish to apply for maternity leave. I plan to take [number] weeks of maternity leave. Click to view LiveCareer's Maternity Leave letter to Employer. I do plan to take 12 weeks, with six weeks of unpaid time off. Steven Joseph Manager Unitech Infotech Atlanta, Mr. Marc Spencer Personnel Manager Unitech Infotech. Tell me when I can get my MATB1 form and who from. Thank you for informing me of my Maternity Leave entitlement and for the enclosed Maternity Policy. Further, during my maternity leave, you may call me at (555) 555-555 for any emergency questions that arise about my usual job duties that cannot be resolved except by speaking with me. I have enclosed my MATB1 certificate which confirms my due date. If you happen to be pregnant or a mother of a kid and your company offers maternity leave, our Maternity Leave Letter Templates help you apply for leave for a certain period without losing your salary. The term of maternity leave … These templates offer exceptional examples of how you can structure such a letter, and consist of sample content to work as… The letter should clearly state the day that the maternity leave will start and when it will end. I am pregnant and due on or around [Expected Due Date]. If there are any changes, I will update you as soon as I am able. Generally, in paragraph one, you need to tell your details to your employer and inform him of your need for a leave of absence from office. It could be something like: ‘Maternity Leave Request’. During the period of her absence from duty, (Name of Another Employee) will be assuming the responsibilities on her behalf temporarily. In the final part of your letter, thank your employer for considering your leave and mention your contact number if applicable to contact you in case of an emergency. According to my leave records with the HR department, I am still entitled to 15 days of annual leave which I would like to add on to my maternity leave entitlement. Leave Letter Format Last Updated On March 24, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment Leave letters are considered to be a part of formal communication among two people in which one is informing the other about his absence in an organization for a particular period. It is vital to keep the letter short and to the point. I would be leaving tomorrow evening, i.e. I got a letter from my father yesterday regarding the same, and he has told me to come at the earliest. Dear Sir/Ma’am, I really hope that this letter finds you in the best of health. To draft a letter to the company, make sure it is done in formal format. Let our letter help you advance your career! She expects to join back service on (Date). You should mention the date/timing from which you are going on leave.Also, letter should include the reason for your leave whether it is a casual leave, medical leave etc. We have recently purchased a ______________ and I am supposed to be there to do all the legal formalities. I also welcome the opportunity to train my replacement. Dear All, We are pleased to announce that Mrs. (Name of the Employee), (Designation) will be taking her maternity leave from (Date). Ask for a gradual return. on 31st August and would be returning on 14th September after completing the formalities. Since this is going to be a long leave, her responsibilities will either be assigned to some other staff or her temporary replacement has to be selected. In paragraph 2, you need to tell your employer about your present handled work and its status, whether completed or not.