But seriously…who has time for that? You are not able to recover your heart rate after a period of higher intensity work as quickly as usual. You can also look at this data when you think you might be facing a case of overtraining. Well, it turns out my suspicion has been correct. But when we try to progress too quickly, our bodies don’t have time to adapt appropriately. Decreased agility, strength and endurance, such as slower reaction timesand reduced running speeds are all common signs of overtraining. You might also consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that you are healthy to continue exercising. 2. One is by documenting your heart rates over time. If you have not taken a break in a while and/or have been working at mostly high intensities, you may need more rest. If you notice your heart rate steadily increasing over a two- or three-week period, it’s quite possible you’re overtraining or not scheduling enough recovery time between workouts. You need to have the courage to rest! In the study researchers wanted to see if testing an athlete’s resting heart rate really is a good method of determining overtraining status, and the results seem to suggest it is. Since overtraining is a complex condition, in this post we’ll describe how we might overtrain, as well as symptoms and how to spot signs of overtraining using your MYZONE belt. So how can we use our MYZONE's heart rate fitness tracking to detect signs of aerobic/cardiorespiratory overtraining? With overtraining, your heart rate might linger in the higher zones for a bit longer. You can also use this data to identify long-term trends. Now make sure to repeat this process every morning. You need to have the courage to rest! The pulse is controlled by the nervous system, and the nervous system is one of the first systems to show signs of overtraining. Join Active Pass from PodiumRunner to access exclusive content, free books, 1,000s of training plans & more. Either way, overtraining leaves us more susceptible to injury. Consequently, negative adaptation to training stress potentially involves the autonomic nervous system, and may result in an altered heart rate. It’s possible to overtrain a certain muscle group or to overtrain our entire body. Considering it takes less than a minute to perform, there’s no excuse for not adding this simple practice to your daily routine to ensure you’re training optimally and recovering well between workouts. All you need is a digital watch,  a small notebook and a pen on your nightstand. Overtraining syndrome: the signs, causes and cures. Here's the data showing supine morning heart rate every seventh day (i.e. In general, you are not able to control your heart rate response to exercise as much as you typically can. Maybe you feel like you’re at an 8 out of 10, but your MYZONE monitor says you’re in the blue zone (60-69% of your maximal heart rate). A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning this month examined the role of heart rate monitoring in the prevention of overtraining. We want to help you exercise safely and effectively – and that means maintaining balance within your training program!