the zeros are dips) and (where 1, R1, 1-5, 1995. The numbers of nontrivial zeros less than 10, , , ... are 0, Edwards 2001, pp. in Action. 110, 439-465, 1987. Finch, S. R. Mathematical No known zeros with order greater than one are known. additional benefit that is entire Farmer, D. W. "Counting Distinct Zeros of the Riemann Zeta-Function." of , and write the sums of the negative Pegg, E. Jr. and Weisstein, E. W. "Seven Mathematical Tidbits." constant, are Stieltjes (OEIS A074760; Edwards 2001, p. 160) is classical and was known to Riemann, who used it in his computation of the roots of Math. first few nontrivial zeros occur at the values given in the following table (Wagon Walk through homework problems step-by-step from beginning to end. Gourdon corresponding negative values are also roots. Lehmer, D. H. "The Sum of Like Powers of the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Electronic J. Combinatorics 2, No. The plots above show the real and imaginary parts of plotted Dr. Riemann's Zeros: The Search for the $1 Million Solution to the Greatest Problem in Mathematics. While the existence of such zeros would not disprove the Riemann hypothesis, it would cause serious problems for many current computational techniques (Derbyshire 2004, p. 385). in the complex plane together with the complex modulus Soc. Edwards, H. M. Riemann's real part , asserts that the nontrivial zeros of all have Riemann Hypothesis." even integers , , , ..., and "nontrivial 58, 765-773, 1992. Wagon, S. Mathematica These are called the trivial zeros. Preprint. with is commonly denoted (Brent 1979; to locate. precisely along these ridges that the nontrivial zeros of lie. the Riemann Zeta Function and 70 Million of Its Neighbors." Davenport, H. Multiplicative As can be seen, the "The First Zeros Comput. Oct. 24, Comput. Unlimited random practice problems and answers with built-in Step-by-step solutions. 77, 274-287, 1999. Knowledge-based programming for everyone. It is 33, 1361-1372, 1979. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, p. 168, 2003. "Tables of Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function." by Wolfram Research (1995). II." Landau, E. "Über die Nullstellen der Zetafunction." Mathematica." The Zeros to Compute the Mertens Function, Using The Riemann zeta function can be factored over its nontrivial zeros as the Hadamard Pegg, E. Jr. "Math Games: Ten Trillion Zeta Zeros." Brent, R. P. "On the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function in the Critical Numerical evidence suggests that all values of corresponding to "Power Series Expansions of Riemann's Function." "Computation of Zeros of the Zeta Function." An attractive poster plotting zeros of the Riemann zeta function on the critical line together , and the th nontrivial zero [text, 1.8 MB] [gzip'd text, 730 KB] The first 100 zeros of the Riemann zeta function, accurate to over 1000 decimal places. Math. Sabbagh, K. Dr. Riemann's Zeros: The Search for the $1 Million Solution to the Greatest Problem in Mathematics. For the Riemann zeta function on the critical line, see Z-function. Riemann zeta function ζ(s) in the complex plane. Wolfram Research. Wiener (1951) showed that the prime number theorem is literally equivalent to the assertion that has no zeros 39, 681-688, 1982. 2003. "On the Roots of the Riemann Zeta-Function." A. Sequences A002410/M4924, A058303, A072080, The color of a point s shows the value of ζ(s): strong colors are for values close to zero and hue encodes the value's argument. and Lagarias 1999). 361-362 and 367-368; Havil 2003, p. 196; Odlyzko), where the Wagon, S. "The Evidence: Where Are the Zeros of Zeta of ?" Wiener, N. §19 et seq. 193-196, New York: Penguin, 2004. a line called the "critical line." As can be seen, in right half-plane, Math. 91, 296-300, Zeros number 10^12+1 through 10^12+10^4 of the Riemann zeta function. 2004. and Weisstein 2004). Gourdon, X. The above plot shows for 71, The following table lists historical benchmarks in the number and A074760 in "The On-Line Encyclopedia Brent, R. P.; van de Lune, J.; te Riele, H. J. J.; and Winter, D. T. "On the Zeros of the Riemann Zeta Function in the Critical Strip. Riemann has precisely the same zeros as the nontrivial zeros of with the Phys. Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function, 2nd ed. Fourier Integral and Certain of Its Applications. Sci. Theory of the Riemann Zeta Function, 2nd ed. The Derbyshire, J. Strip." New York: Clarendon Press, 1987. 8, 57-62, 1986. New York: New York: Dover, 2001. The white spot at s= 1 is the pole of the zeta function; the black spots on the negative real axis and on the critical line Re(s) = 1/2 are its zeros.