Our site uses cookies. We can be the loving awareness we may struggle to be for ourselves, for the people we love or are trying to love. The tears rolled effortlessly and silently. At times it felt incredibly intense, almost as though the loving awareness was making a sound loud enough to shatter the windows of that tiny cabin. At times we hallucinated, and on other, we sighed and yawned for a bit and enjoyed each other’s presence. Use a fan or a white noise device to block outside noises (ear plugs may also work). 3. I hope you enjoyed this post, you can get some more information on tratak meditation here and I would also like to recommend the book “Dharana Darshan” which contains a great deal of information on external object concentration exercises based on ancient wisdom that can help you with your spiritual progress. 3. Aryeh Levine is a writer who is fascinated by the the intersection of meditation, psychedelics, neuroscience, and philosophy. You will begin to see something; the important thing is to keep in that relaxed and receptive state of being. Time Required for Changing Your Subconscious Programming, 5 Reasons Why You Might Be Feeling Tired after Meditation, How to Heal Your Aura Using a Simple 5 Step Method, Side Effects of Energy Healing – Price Paid for Spiritual Progress, 8 Tips on How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking, Meditation to Clear the Mind – Making Inspired Decisions, 3 Energy Healing Training Programs That Changed My Life. That is an experience of total freedom, psychologically in the presence of another. 2. Let’s break this cycle into three phases of three months each: 0-3 months, 3-6 months and finally 6-9 months. You will also see your face in the mirror getting vanished when you are able to concentrate better and that signifies your progress. Use it if you want to begin using your beauty mirror. Enhanced intuitive power and creative power. While it is STILL a myth, it can instantly turn into reality if you don’t follow the following SAFE-sun gazing tips: 1. Breathe deeply. I felt more comfortable in my skin and more positive towards my friends. Meanwhile, she was experiencing what she described as a unique warmth filling her body. Think about your innate desires and positive outcomes. It will be quite surprising to the readers to know the fact that Maharishi did not eat any food served in the flight (since he felt that it was not suitable to him) during his trip to USA and and other countries; he was able to travel comfortably by drinking milk only. However, in modern times, this practice was hidden in plain sight until Hira Ratan Manek decided to manifest it in 1962. Or you may hear your loved one's voice speak to you, either aloud or in your mind. An unflappable, non-judgmental, loving awareness started to compete with the neurotic and brutal voices in my head. Advantages of Mirror- Gazing: According to the research by Tara Well: Mirro-gazing is a powerful tool to deal with mental health issues like depression, inferiority complex, anxiety, stress, or reduced self-esteem. 2. 14. People primed by a few minutes of direct gazing are better at evaluating their own bodily responses to emotionally evocative photos, proving that eye gazing not only increases sensitivity to how one is perceived but also to how one perceives oneself, in one’s own body. Our Revered Guru, Thathuvagnani Vethathiri Maharishi, with kindness and compassion, graciously included the practices for increasing the bio-magnetism: Lamp gazing and Mirror gazing in the Introspection courses of SKY. He studied the sun gazing benefits for thirty long years, in an attempt to understand why was it so famous in ancient history across all civilizations. We see the signal of consciousness in a gleaming eye and imagine some ethereal space beneath the vault of the skull, lit by shifting patterns of feeling and thought, charged with intention. Any mirror can be enchanted by the Sun to become a magick mirror. Try to stick with one spot. There are a lot of myths that clouds sun gazing benefits, the primary one is that the UV rays so generated damages the eye. And nearly all of us already have access to one. It is these practices — eye contact and mirror meditation — that I will be discussing in detail. Thus, Maharishi was able to withstand the degeneration process which causes loss of memory and other problems related to ageing. Place a lit candle behind you. He underwent a 130-day observation by the medical team of Thomas Jefferson University and the University of Pennsylvania in 2002 which proved that the gray cells in her HRM’s brain are regenerating. If you are sending back harmful energy the Guardians perceive it as "attack" energy sent towards a specific target. What was surprising though, was that the degree of love and self-acceptance hadn’t changed at all. This can have pronounced pro-social effects. In the initial days, you will feel your energy levels rising and a strange sense of calmness as the stress fades away. The bulb kept spinning as I saw the most beautiful version of myself – some sort of Hindu god, complete with six arms, an aura, beaming eyes, the whole ninety billion yards. What is Mirror Gazing Meditation? Sungazers and studies reveal that with the continued exposure to the sun for such long periods, your brain is exposed to all the colors of sun which compels the physical diseases to leave your body. Fix an appropriate place and time before you begin, by creating a good atmosphere for meditation you can increase its effectiveness.