Surveillance maritime efficace, surveillance des écosystèmes, gestion des catastrophes. Different from the CE receiver, the use of fixed sampling rate irrespective of the chirp RBW leads to a simpler design of the digital interpolation filter. 30). Receive DSP architecture: The CE receiver is an oversampling system where the analog signals are sampled at a higher rate and then down-sampled in the digital domain to a lower rate based on the RBW. AIS is a mixed ship and shore-based broadcast transponder system, operating in the VHF maritime band, which sends ship identification, position, heading, ship length, beam, type, draught and hazardous cargo information, to other ships as well as to shore. It will be harmonized for data reception at the Polar Epsilon coastal stations in order to support near-real time maritime surveillance. As a constellation, the RCM will launch three small identical satellites instead of a single large satellite like RADARSAT-1 and RADARSAT-2. Qui utilise les données de RADARSAT et de quelle façon, applications et avantages des satellites dans notre quotidien. The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) is Canada's new generation of Earth observation satellites.Launched on June 12, 2019, the three identical satellites work together to bring solutions to key challenges for Canadians. Launch: The launch of the first RCM spacecraft is planned for the fall of 2016 on a Falcon 9 launch vehicle. RCM will offer interferometric data on a four day repeat interval. [14] Its synthetic aperture radars (SAR) have a mass of 400 kg each, and a resolution of 1 × 3 m.[1] As secondary payload, it includes Automatic Identification System for ships (AIS). En savoir plus sur le Rôle de Ressources naturelles Canada dans la mission de la constellation RADARSAT. The design of the down-sampler and digital anti-aliasing filter is directed by two important criteria: - The oversampling ratio, defined as the ratio between the actual sample rate and the Nyquist rate, should be optimized for all RBWs. The RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM) is Canada’s newest generation of radar Earth Observation (EO) satellites that will contribute to a better understanding of Canada’s land and natural resources. The satellites will be interoperable, enabling tasking from one satellite to the next and will be equally spaced in a 600 km low earth orbit. The overall objective is to ensure C-band data continuity beyond RADARSAT-2 and to provide SAR imagery for operational applications such as maritime surveillance (ship detection, sea ice cover mapping, coastal monitoring), disaster management, and environmental monitoring (oil spills, ocean winds and wave heights). 11), Operational imaging modes: The operational modes range from wide area surveillance with 500 km imaging swaths, to spotlight modes with resolution of 1 m in azimuth, and 3 m in range, as well as a large number of modes in between these extremes. Operational and beam modes, data availability, coverage, access and imaging time, timeliness and data latency. Figure 13: Simplified block diagram of the receive front end of CE subsystem (image credit: COM DEV). [6] Other improvements include more frequent area coverage of Canada and reduced risk of a service interruption. The core data processing module in payload systems is often referred to as the CE (Central Electronics) subsystem. In addition, the global land surface observation services for the SAR user community are to be continued to permit change detection monitoring of areas affected by geo-hazards, climate change related processes, and man-made activities. Après avoir consulté notre site Web, pourriez-vous répondre à quelques questions sur la raison de votre visite? - Comments and corrections to this article are always welcome for further updates. To provide good CCD performance, a requirement for two dimensional bandwidth overlap of 75% has been imposed. The oversampling helps increase the signal-to-quantization noise ratio (SQNR) by 3 dB for every down-sampling by a factor of 2. COM DEV Ltd. is the subcontractor to MDA for the CE. In all imaging modes, the system can operate with single or dual polarization. Thus the full scattering matrix is obtained. The RADARSAT constellation is planned to be operational by 2016. In May 2009, Bristol Aerospace received a contract from MDA for the preliminary design upgrade of the MAC-200 bus.