Where the development site is greater than 1,800sqm in area, the full IFS as mapped will apply. Mandatory minimum environmental performance requirements also apply for certain types of commercial development. An individual must give consent for the use of their photograph or video image for an event. The City of Parramatta will only publish personal information on the website if it has been collected for this purpose with your knowledge and consent. The most recent version of the Terms can be seen on this page. The new framework is guided by a number of key documents such as Council’s Parramatta CBD Planning Strategy (2015) and Local Strategic Planning Statement (2020), and also the Greater Sydney Commission’s Greater Sydney Region Plan – A Metropolis of Three Cities and the Central City District Plan. We are not responsible for your communications or dealings, including payment and delivery of goods or services, with a third party found via our website. The undercroft does not form part of the Museum. We will endeavor to inform you where you have left “Participate Parramatta” website and we encourage you to read the privacy policies of all third parties before providing any information to them. Should you wish to access or amend this information, please contact participate@cityofparramatta.nsw.gov.au. If consent is not provided no identifiable, photos or videos footage of you are taken. The FSR sliding scale also encourages sites to combine with their neighbours where practicable for larger developments. The EIS was exhibited between Wednesday 10 June 2020 and Tuesday 21 July 2020. This new clause operates in addition to the existing standard Heritage Conservation control (Clause 5.10) and requires development consider the relationship to heritage items and heritage conservation areas. The space has been designed to mitigate impacts to the site, during infrequent times of river flooding by conveying flood waters, similar to how the existing car park experiences inundation currently. What are the changes to the design and project proposal since the Environmental Impact Statement was on exhibition? Report to Council seeking resolution to endorse CBD Planning Proposal to be sent to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) for a Gateway Determination, State Agency consultation (Dec 2019-Jan 2020) and then Approval by DPIE for public exhibition, Public exhibition (21 Sept 2020 to 2 Nov 2020), Report to Council seeking resolution to send Planning Proposal to DPIE for finalisation, Banner visualisation courtesy of Arterra Interactive. If you have accessibility concerns, please contact the National Relay Service at relayservice.gov.au and provide them with the City of Parramatta contact number, 1300 617 058. Expand the Commercial Core to provide for long-term employment opportunities and enable corporate organisations to locate in Parramatta; Increase floor space ratios and height controls to provide for high quality office and mixed-use tower development across the CBD, subject to the development providing community infrastructure (in the case of mixed-use tower development) and meeting other design criteria; Protect sunlight access to important open spaces and public domain areas in and surrounding the CBD by limiting building heights around these spaces to minimise overshadowing during the colder parts of the year; Promote best practice environmental sustainability in new development, including dual piping, water and energy use standards, reducing on-site car parking, and also requiring bicycle parking and end-of-journey facilities (such as showers and change rooms); Recognise the importance of Parramatta’s heritage and ensure new development demonstrates an appropriate relationship to heritage items and conservation areas in and surrounding the CBD while preserving existing controls to the land within the Park Edge Highly Sensitive Area and Parramatta Park; Promote design excellence in new development by offering incentives where an applicant undertakes a competitive design process for the development; Manage the risk to property and life through building design to enable people to shelter-in-place and/or safely evacuate from the building in the event of a flood. Revised flood modelling and analysis confirms the Powerhouse Parramatta will be a safe building for people to visit and for the Collection to be exhibited. Parramatta Arts and Culture Parramatta is one of the biggest hubs in Western Sydney, which means there’s always something going on. Key matters raised included: A Response to Submissions Report has been prepared to address the matters raised. Protection of the land from overshadowing applies between 12 noon and 2pm on 21 June (mid-winter) for all areas except Experiment Farm, where the controls apply from 10am to 2pm, in any given year. Floor space ratio controls are one of the key planning controls that influence the height and scale of buildings. This is a requirement of the proposed amendment to Clause 7.6, which extends the application of airspace operations to the entire Parramatta CBD. Hawkesbury-Nepean Valley Flood Risk Management Strategy, Timely Information on Infrastructure Projects, Department of Planning, Industry and Environment’s, powerhouse.parramatta@infrastructure.nsw.gov.au, Read the latest information on the project in our, An elegant, robust and intelligent solution, The building’s architecture and structural expression will create a landmark cultural destination of international significance, The proposed spatial organisation, transparency and lightness of the structure encapsulates the ambitions of the Powerhouse Parramatta, The external public realm will be generous, offering an exceptional public open space for Parramatta that will significantly extend the civic link and reinforce the important relationship of the city to the river. Personal information collected by “Participate Parramatta” will be treated within the terms of the New South Wales Government's privacy responsibilities and obligations. The City of Parramatta Council owns and retains all proprietary rights in the intellectual property. If you would like to join our mailing list, please email powerhouse.parramatta@infrastructure.nsw.gov.au. You are responsible for protecting your own password you use for this site and for any activities done under that password. The changes address feedback from agencies, stakeholders and the community that were received during the exhibition of the State Significant Development Application. A draft provision is also proposed that requires plans to be in place for State public infrastructure such as state and regional roads, schools and hospitals before major development is approved.