Step Five: Attack the Legs and Claws. Tips for Cooking With Crab. So, follow along and hear how we catch, clean, and cook blue crabs here in South Carolina's coastal lowcountry. My Charleston Deviled Crab recipe is perfect for all that hard-earned crab meat. You can see how easily these twist off [SOUND], just like that. [MUSIC] The crab's already cooked, and they have a little bit of seasoning on them, and we're gonna take the legs off the crabs. Get the tiny bits out: If you're using the meat in other recipes, be sure to go through it first.It’s easy to overlook tiny bits of shell and cartilage. Just make sure you have a nice work surface that's easy to clean up, that maybe … And the payoff is a feast of tender sweet crab meat dipped in hot butter as friends and family gather around the newspaper-covered picnic table on the porch. With the lump meat found in the clusters under control, now it's time to attack the crab's legs and claws. This meat is some of the sweetest blue crab meat and it is my favorite part of the crab. Mix gently: You might want to be careful mixing the ingredients gently so that the lumps aren’t broken up. Now you can use your fingers to pull the remaining meat right out of the body. Easy on the seasoning: Crabmeat is mild in flavor, and it doesn’t need a lot of heavy seasonings.