Seven is the number of perfection in the Bible; she has had six men in her life but no satisfaction. He does not demand or claim or declare anything. Author : Carl Wells ISBN : 9781468558920 Genre : Religion File Size : … The Romans don’t really care; they are apathetic. Again, no name is given. “I could dance all the way home,” he testified. He does not gloss over sin and the need for repentance, but He does not run her down or call her names either. We do not know? As Jesus is approaching, the centurion sends more people out to stop Jesus and tell Him that He does not have to appear in person. What do they have to teach us? Jesus next addresses her sin. You and I are like them. You will never find comfort in yourself. Matthew 26:44 says that both the robbers joined in the chorus and reviled the Son of God. He just says, “Go, call your husband and come here.” She admits she has no husband. This unnamed, outcast lady runs into town telling everyone, “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. The Apostle Paul wrote that not many wise or mighty or noble are called, but God chooses to use those  that are foolish, weak, and base to show the world what His grace can do (1 Corinthians 1:26-27). We could go on, as there are many people, both young and old, whose name we do not know that hold a special place in the stories of the Bible. You may be a fool, and yet you can look. But the Bible doesn’t tell us his name. Now the addition of this curious detail has suggested to many that this young man may have been Mark. I can’t wait! When he said “remember me,” he was simply repeating a common biblical figure of speech (Genesis 40:14; 8:1; 19:29; 30:22). Once again, they were unnamed. All men resist death and try to protest and delay it. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Paul recognized that something was missing, and after questioning them about their spiritual life, he laid hands on them. Her actions show that something transformative had taken place in her heart, soul, and mind. He finally identifies Himself to her as the Messiah (John 4:28-29), and makes her the very first evangelist to the Samaritan people. John 19:1 says that Pilate flogged Jesus. The miracle of Jesus feeding the 5,000 with five loaves and two small fish is recorded in all four gospels, but only Johns’ gospel makes reference to the little boy who provided the meal. Click Download or Read Online button to get Nameless Heroes Of The Bible download ebook book now. Notice how Jesus has the last word in the story: “Your faith has saved you, go in peace.” No rituals or ceremonies saved her. They are Nameless Heroes of the Bible. It depends. What was Simon’s problem? A whole lot fewer Gentiles believed in Jesus. SuperStock / Getty Images. . Should the Story of Jesus Forgiving the Adulterous Woman Be in the Bible? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. The thief knew that Jesus was a King who was coming into a kingdom even though he was dying a criminal’s torturous death. You and I are like them. It simply meant, “be gracious to me; please give me what I DON’T deserve.” Jesus did. ( Log Out /  Have the faith of a Roman soldier who hung on to Jesus with just the little bit of faith he had — which was enough to be amazing faith. Consider a different example. It was a stormy night and only eight people were present. . ( Log Out /  Some of God’s “best stuff” is accomplished through nameless nobodies who were considered outcasts in their day. You always will be miserable if you don’t obey the text; but if you obey now, this moment you may be saved.”, The young man who was visiting was Charles Haddon Spurgeon, and he was converted that night. The Bible gives us true stories about a large handful of fascinating, but nameless, people. Jesus embraced it. (Ruth 4:1-12) Should we conclude that all unnamed Bible characters are likewise marred by bad traits or are too insignificant to be named?No. Didn’t he know that they were getting exactly what they deserve, but this Jesus had done nothing wrong? One was a visitor who had been on his way to a church social, but due to weather had stopped at the chapel instead. Not at all. One of the great themes of the Bible is that God uses nobodies. Then there were the two thieves crucified on either side of Jesus. He read from Isaiah 45, “Look unto Me and be ye saved.”, His pointed and personalized commentary on the passage was very simple and is equally appropriate if the opening imperative is translated turn rather than look. This is simply a literary device abbreviating the sequence of events. The same thing has also happened throughout church history, as there are countless stories of people who played a God-given role in the lives of others, whose names we do not know. We too will be nameless to history. He is simply described as a young man. I preach it at every funeral and explain it to everyone who asks me how they can get to heaven. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Stories of Faith: 365 Daily Devotions. God used a young Salvation Army boy to invite me to an evangelistic meeting, where I gave my heart to Jesus. What do they have to teach us? He doesn’t just start talking about eternal life and heaven and hell. Jesus was not afraid to break silly traditions that had no basis in truth. Luke, however, adds the detail that he sent servants to speak for him to Jesus (typical of Luke to add extra detail like that). Does a Roman centurion fit the description of a nobody? In this story, he was actually highly esteemed by the Jews because he had been so kind to the Jewish people, but he was still a soldier in the occupying army and a foreigner who had not converted to the faith of Israel. He never realized that he was just as bankrupt before God as the prostitute. We don’t know his name. ( Log Out /  Download Nameless Heroes Of The Bible download ebook or read online books in PDF, EPUB, Tuebl, textbook and Mobi Format. Notice how Jesus builds a bridge to the woman at the well. If we take our place with that dying thief, admit our absolute inability to save our guilty selves and put our trust in Christ alone, then the Lord will, without fail, save us and take us all the way home to glory. Nobody knows their names . I could cite numerous stories of overlooked biblical heroes, but here are five that mean so much to me. No name is given to this lad, but for the rest of his life, he would always remember how, when he gave his lunch to Jesus, Jesus miraculously fed 5,000 people. Simon is horrified, but Jesus is not. Names, names, and more names. For many Jews he still represented Caesar and all the abominable practices of the pagans. We still don’t know the names of these people. At the age of seventeen, he began his preaching ministry, and during the nearly forty years that he was a pastor in London, he had brought some twenty thousand people into his church. Don’t pass up the opportunity! In John 6:9, John records, “There is a lad here who has five barley loaves and two small fishes.” I can’t help but wonder who this little boy was. I wonder what happened to them? He simply throws himself at the mercy of God. Maybe your life has been touched by an unnamed hero who God used at a particular time in your life. In Acts 19, Paul comes to the Ephesus and encounters about twelve men who were called disciples, though they had not received the Holy Spirit when they first believed. These twelve would surely remember their meeting with Paul and what they had received as a result of his prayer over them. Is this a contradiction? That is true, humble faith, folks. They are Nameless Heroes of the Bible. With Stupefying Cluelessness, Media Criticize Conservative Tech Refugees for Fleeing Censorship, 10 Reasons Pennsylvania’s Election Results May Be ‘Irredeemably Compromised’, Trump Needs to Troll Dems With 2024 Run if He Loses, New Tax in New Jersey May Drive NASDAQ to Homestead in Texas, How Joe Biden Will Turn the Clock Back and Fan the Flames of Conflict in the Middle East. I love this story so much because it presents a wonderful blueprint for talking to people about the Lord. Daybreak Books, 1990. In fact, she has been married five times before, and is currently living with another man. All Rights Reserved. Change ). They are the great unnamed nobodies to us. Here is the scene from the 1976 film “Jesus”: Isn’t it interesting how Jesus brings together people who normally would never meet? The woman does not care what they think; she only wants to worship Jesus. It seems that everyone else in Israel demands a sign that they can see before they will believe. That blacksmith was an unnamed hero. Yet the Bible says this Roman officer sent emissaries to urgently get Jesus. Look to Christ. That unnamed thief is a picture of us all. 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There are plenty of people like Simon: they are religious and say nice things about Jesus, they might even visit church on occasion, but they keep the Savior at arm’s length. This young man was an unnamed hero. Someday, I will meet them, learn their names, and thank them for the great lessons they taught me. Here in this short little story is a picture of everyone, and it’s not very pretty. Let me tell you one such story taken from a devotional book. Can this be the Christ?”. The hateful world surrounds Jesus at the cross. The nameless blacksmith, who was willing to stand in for the pastor and was courageous enough to challenge him about his lost condition, has been forgotten. The Bible is full of names from Adam and Eve in Genesis to the apostle John in the book of Revelation. The disciples were either scattered or faithfully standing at the foot of the cross, but not really comprehending what was going on or what would happen on Sunday. It’s about Simon the Pharisee who thinks he is a big-shot, and a nameless woman who believes she is less than nothing. Nameless Heroes Of The Bible. Simon had heard of Jesus, and just wanted to impress his neighbors with his open-mindedness. This site is like a library, Use search box in … (Isn’t it wonderful, though, that Jesus is the seventh man in her life? In the Bible book of Ruth, a man who refused to perform his duty according to the Mosaic Law is simply called So-and-so. Did they become leaders in the church? I wonder if, in later years, he was aware that the young man that had responded to his message that stormy night become one of England’s greatest preachers. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Tucker, Ruth. Read here about the ministry of Kairos and ways that you can support and partner with Pastors Alan and Dorothy Langstaff. One of them just could be the “woman at the well” Jesus wants you to have a conversation with. Now she would live out her deliverance in peace, while Simon was left to stew in his legalistic religion of human effort. Mark 6:6 says that Jesus was amazed at the unbelief of Israel after all the mighty things He did. Soon after, this boy exited my life, and I never saw him again. The Visual Bible depicts this scene from John 4: Then Jesus talks about her need. We too will be nameless to history. If a centurion could, then I can, too. Notice how gentle He is. In amongst them all are lists of names, including the genealogies of Jesus in the Gospels.