The first time you do a mirror meditation, you will undoubtedly feel self-conscious, strange, and uncomfortable. Observe where you feel any areas of tension or tightness, particularly in your face. Notice if you are breathing particularly fast, or slow, or holding your breaths. Mirror Meditation does not increase narcissism. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Become aware of any changes in your breathing when you first catch your reflection. Tara Well, PhD presented her TEDx Talk in Ocala Florida on November 2nd to a sold out crowd. Just be aware that if this happens, simply bring your intention back and remember to look at yourself with kindness. You’ll be more open and honest and genuinely curious about others — which is a less narcissistic, self-involved way of relating to others. You sit with yourself in silence and experience whatever arises. Practicing a mirror meditation could not be more simple, and it doesn’t take long to feel the results. Remember to relax, breathe, and continue to observe yourself with compassion. Mirror meditation can help you shift from self-criticism to self-compassion, if you are willing to take a look! Dr. Raymond Moody’s Mirror Gazing. You can discover things about yourself, increase your self-esteem, self-love, and learn to connect with others in much deeper ways. Seeing your own face may evoke feelings of shame, sadness, fear, anger, or disgust. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Taken from: Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, Dynamics of Meditation, Bombay, India, 1972 The technique of mirror gazing is a very powerful method for encountering one's unconsciousness. Tara talks about how as young children, looking at ourselves in the mirror is usually a fun mimicry exercise or a silly game of making facial expressions, but as we grow older, we start to scrutinize our reflections, becoming deeply critical and feeling negative emotions when we meet our own gaze. You can recognize where you have negative emotions and simply let them be as you continue to breathe and connect with your own face in the looking glass. In the third eye mirror meditation you will see the faces from your previous lives, faces of people from other race, maybe even fairies and aliens. We offer private facilitation over the phone. Stare into your own eyes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Tara also presents Mirror Meditation workshops at private gatherings and in business settings. It’s amazing how a simple looking glass mirror meditation can be such a catalyst for some true life-changing realizations. Allow them to come and go without getting caught up in them or judging them. I’m not a ‘guru’ or yogi with ten vipassana retreats under my belt. Tara has worked with many different students and has seen the benefits that mirror meditation can bring. Motivational psychologist Tara Well, PhD has created Mirror Meditation based on the neuroscience of mirroring and psychological research on stress-management, self-compassion, and emotional resilience. Recent projects include promoting positive body image in girls and women, using mirror meditation for stress-management and emotional resilience, and the role of attention and motivation in mindful media consumption. [mc4wp_form id=”1122″], Sign up for the Mirror Meditation News and Events It can help to pretend that your reflection is an unknown person, and you are scrutinizing them now to see who they are. Instead, it facilitates honesty and acceptance – and ultimately self-compassion. The Pineal Gland – Activating Your Third Eye. Your intention should purely be to sit and observe yourself. 4 years ago.