"They are our bread. Oh, you know what's happening October 8? Hymn number 532, "day by day. " Here you got caleb, who maybe has grown up and he's kind of mixed blood. I believe in the God of Israel. Nothing. Omissions? God bless. And he doesn't say that. Thank you musicians and morning, friends. Comments made on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday may not be approved until the following Monday. We hope you'll go there and get more information. They start to groan and murmur and say, "oh no, what are we going to do? All 27 lessons of our popular Bible lesson series available at the click of your mouse. And everyone from rahab to tamar to Ruth, right, came from other places. Who were the hittites? All of the sudden the glory of God begins to flash and reverberate from the temple. He's wise. Say good morning to the class and welcome everybody. It's a difficult word, 'cause the root is used several ways in the Bible. They said it's a land. Moses preemptively struck an Egyptian and killed him. Is that the one that we gave you? We could pave our roads with it. And after all he did to bring them out of Egypt and all the miracles to bring them out of Egypt, why would they doubt--yeah there's obstacles--why would they doubt that he could do it? I pray these things in your holy and precious name, amen. Now you notice 40 years later, Joshua again sends spies, but he hand picks them and he picks them for faith and he sends two of them. Isn't that nice to know? They went out and saw a miracle. The source for everything happening at Amazing Facts. Lord, help us to remember each day that we are your treasure and we are your child. So if you have your Bibles, you might turn with me to Numbers 13. So here everyone's afraid of the giants when they first spy out the land. So God gives us evidence for our faith. And in some way it's talking about the relentlessness of a dog. When you post, you agree to the terms and conditions of our comments policy. Well that sounds like a good report. We've been talking about faith today. Everyone else had died from various plagues and things in the wilderness. We'll be studying together again next week. Caleb teaches us to be loyal to God and to expect him to be loyal to us in return. He survived 40 years of wandering in the desert, then on returning to the Promised Land, he conquered the territory around Hebron, defeating the giant sons of Anak: Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai. Do not fear them. " Which way is the wind blowing? Caleb the statesman "tried to quiet the people as they stood before Moses. "But my servant, caleb, because he has a different spirit in him." Uriah, the hittite, loyal soldier of David, right? "They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength." And caleb, he said, "oh, it doesn't matter. You've heard me say this before but in California on a spring day, you can have two birds that are native flying around, one is looking for things that are dead and carrion, decomposing, the other one's looking for flowers and nectar. These deals on incredible witnessing and Bible resources don’t last long! So they go and they look at the land and two of 'em say, "flowing with milk and honey." And she dismounted from her donkey, and caleb said to her, 'what do you wish?' Would it not be better for us to return to Egypt?" They just drop their stones. And they're speaking to the congregation. He said, "we are well able--" oh yeah, verse 31--somebody look up, I'm in Numbers 13:32. Okay, so we're in chapter 14 now. He had to wait 40 years before God was going to use him in a different way. Moses sent spies, one from each of the twelve tribes of Israel, into Canaan to scout the territory. Something interesting about his family tree; you can read in Joshua 14:6. Teen meetings. The gardens were fenced. And you know what? And so you're getting conflicting reports. I think that's a wonderful promise. Read through verse 15. And what you have here in Numbers is God saying, "okay."