However, modern-day mood rings are well-sealed to prevent water (or any other liquid) from making its way inside the protective casing and disrupting the liquid crystal’s color-changing activity. What Would Happen If You Shot A Bullet On A Train? A mood ring is a ring usually made of thermochromic elements, the colors of which change based on shifts in the temperature of the finger of the person wearing it. Mood rings were invented in 1975 by an enterprising pair of New Yorkers named Maris Ambats and Josy Reynolds. What Are the Most Dangerous Chemical Substances Known to Man? The resultant energy of all these different interacting waves is a dominated by one particular wavelength and frequency – one strong color. There’s only one thing you can be certain the color of the stone is telling you. And they make a great talking point! If you’re holding something warm – a hot beverage, for example, your ring will change color. Heat, as most readers know, kicks atoms into gear. A soft dry cloth is the best bet. That means it will react to changes in temperature by changing color. And if you want to get in touch with your own emotions, meditation and mindfulness are useful practices. But as we know mood rings are not able to reflect or indicate the mood swing in a person with a scientific accuracy how do mood rings work?. So, do mood rings work? These change their hue in different temperatures. Try wrapping it in a paper towel and putting it into the freezer for two minutes. “Reading” a mood ring is usually a simple matter of consulting the chart provided alongside it. And if you’re at a wedding, don’t worry about the future of the happy couple if their rings appear dark! Some are cheap and ugly. Put one on and you’ll be able to wear your heart on your sleeve – or finger! The stones were supposed to change color depending on the mood of the wearer. Whatever be the case, if you have ever seen a mood ring, then you would have definitely wondered about their functioning. (See the Exact Time). We’ve already seen that the crystals that form mood rings change color in different temperatures. Mood rings can't tell your emotional state with any degree of accuracy, but the crystals are calibrated to have a pleasing blue or green color at the average person's normal resting peripheral temperature of 82 F (28 C). Of course, the best way to tell how someone else is feeling is simply to ask them. Well, as the temperature changes, the crystals themselves actually twist. Intersecting crests grow higher and troughs grow lower, while crests that meet troughs annihilate. Can We Harness Electricity From Lightning? The color change was actually a response to changes in temperature, but marketers cleverly associated this temperature change with the wearer’s emotions.