and their lives were very bitter with the hard service (עבודה), with mortar and with bricks and with all the service (עבודה) in the field, all their service (עבודה) which they served (עבד) in them with the whip, (Revised Mechanical Translation, Exodus 1:14). The following table lists the letters and their sounds followed by the points and which vowel sound each represents. 43 Israeli startups raised more $755 million in October 2020, 7 SCARY MONSTERS THAT HAUNT EVERY STARTUP, A new record: Israeli startups raised $1.2 billion in September 2020! ...The wages of a hired servant shall not remain with you all night until the morning. Or means “Light” in Hebrew, “Cam,” which seems like a short for the word camera, is actually the Hebrew word for “Rise,” so, if Light Rises, it might help the visually impaired people “see.” [Link], RoboTeam (רובוטים) is building… robots. MORE THAN 20 ISRAELI COMPANIES ARE GAINING WORLDWIDE POPULARITY USING HEBREW NAMES. Jill Suzanne Jacobs, MA, is a writer, Jewish educator, and part of the editorial team of (KJV, 1 Chronicles 16:37). In the transliterations below, ' is used to refer to the sh'vah, which is similar/equivalent to ə; a mid-word aleph, a glottal stop; and a mid-word ayin, a voiced pharyngeal fricative ʕ similar/equivalent to Arabic ع.Whenever ` is used, it refers to ayin whether word-initial, medial, or final. It's free and you can unsubscribe at any time. This verb is used over 2,500 times in the Hebrew Bible and of these; it is translated as "make" or "made" about 650 times. פעולה (p'ul'lah, Strong's #6468) In the Hebrew Bible the satan is an angelic adviser of God and is not evil per se. Both עבודה and עבד are found in the following passage. The King James Version of the Bible translates twelve different Hebrew words (listed below) with the word "work," but each one of these Hebrew words have a specific meaning that means more than just "work. Do you know of any other companies with Hebrew names? In Hebrew it originally meant "true and solid," but today means the same as the English word. This may be the service from one person (a slave, servant or steward) to another (the master), but it may also be a service to the land, which is the first use of the word in the Hebrew Bible. Tush - Yes, this word for buttocks comes from the Hebrew takhat - beneath. It is translated as "labour" 15 times in the King James Version and as "work" only once. The name itself is a Hellenized version of the Hebrew Yehuda. At the other end of the social spectrum are jubilee and thus also jubilation, which originate from word yovel: the year ending a 50-year cycle, at which Hebrew slaves were freed and land purchased was returned to the seller. [Link], Hulyo (חוליו) has a pretty tricky name. Hebrew: Baruch Atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech Ha’Olam, Sh’hecheyanu, V’Kiyemanu, V’Higianu LaZman HaZeh. יגיע (y'gi'a, Strong's #3018) עליליה (a'li'li'yah, Strong's #5950). [Link], OrCam (אור קם) we wrote about OrCam in a previous blog post, so we’ll just copy it over here: The Israeli startup that developed wearables that help blind people “see” has a simple explanation for the name. In Biblical Hebrew, shiboleth simply meant “ear of corn” or “torrent of water.” But it appears in a gruesome story in the Book of Judges, in which the Gileadites identified Ephramite refugees fleeing their lost battle by ordering them to say shiboleth. But perhaps that's just latter-day chutzpah on their part – which is, yes, another Hebrew word that means "nervy". The first use of the verb עשה (Ah.S.H, Strong's #6213) is in the first chapter of Genesis. 35 ISRAELI STARTUPS RAISED MORE THAN $690 MILLION IN JULY 2020. So he left there before the ark of the covenant of the LORD Asaph and his brethren, to minister before the ark continually, as every day's work required. This is one of the issues that I have with modern translations of the Bible; they take a lot of liberties when translating the text and will often remove the more concrete meaning of a Hebrew word and replace it with a more abstract word in order to make the text flow better in English.