Like galleons, these high-sided, square-rigged sailing ships had been in use for centuries. Sig to Maggi: Maggi wait, one more thing, take that with you till we see each other again in case you missed me too much. . "2 Guns Quotes." The enemy... did well because of the extreme nimbleness and the great smoke that came from their artillery. It came on with a steady and deliberate movement, yet when it drew near in full sail it seemed almost that the waves groaned under its weight and the winds were made to obey it. Bobby: [to waitress] I'm very sorry about my friend. (1), Details of the planned invasion reached England's spymaster, Sir Francis Walsingham, as early as December 1585. Bobby: You never heard the saying, never rob a bank across from a diner with the best donuts in three counties? Our swiftness in out sailing them, our nimbleness.... carrying more artillery than the Spanish ships.. discharging our cannons... double for their single-having far better gunners. This decision meant that they could now only move towards Dunkirk at the speed of the slowest ship. 2 Guns is a 2013 American action comedy film directed by Baltasar Kormákur and starring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg. To survive, we took up arms and obtained supplies by force. (14), On 21st July the English fleet engaged the Armada off Plymouth near the Eddystone rocks. But not by the men, nor by the squadrons, it put out to fight. Stig: No way. And I'm still the government of the United States. (A28) After the defeat of the Spanish Armada. He had been angered by the actions of Francis Drake in the West Indies and Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, invasion of the Netherlands. The eight ships, filled with artificial fire, advanced in line... they went drifting... with the most terrible flames that may be imagined... the ships of the Armada cut their cables at once, leaving their anchors, spreading their sails, and running out to sea. They also made use of lateen-rigged sails. It has been claimed that after the fleet sailed for England Philip II remained kneeling before the Holy Sacrament, without a cushion, for four hours each day. In my opinion... many of them will never see Spain again. Well, that's God's son of a bitch. What is it? Find more Spanish words at! Bobby: No, like we're working in the same, uh vicinity. You should see that your squadrons do not break battle formation and that their commanders, moved to greed, do not give pursuit to the enemy and take prizes. (17). During the fighting a tremendous explosion tore out the Spanish ship's stern castle and killed 200 members of the crew. Space was at a premium. Many of our largest ships are still missing... on the ships that are here there are many sick... these numbers will increase because of the bad provisions (food and drink). It was vanquished by the elements, against which valour and human daring are impotent, because it is God who rules the seas. The Duke offered him battle many times and he never wanted it, but only to fire on us, like a man who had better artillery with longer range." Stig: How much did you keep? The King had ordered that the squadron should not give battle until the ships of Farnese joined it. The Spanish fleet was stretched out in the form of a half moon with an immense distance between its extremities. The alarm was raised. It is reported that horses had to be thrown overboard because of a lack of water. That night Medina Sidonia sent out a warning to his captains that he expected a fire-ship attack. (15), Admiral Pedro de Valdés and his flag-ship, Nuestra Senora del Rosario, collided with another Spanish vessel, breaking her bowsprit and bringing down the halyards and forecourse. 2 Guns is a 2013 American action comedy film directed by Baltasar Kormákur and starring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg. Bobby: All right, all right! The Spanish admiral deliberated as to what was best to do. Stig: Now you're making me not be able to trust you. The Spanish fought on a number of fronts during the 16th and 17th centuries, launching campaigns against Islamic powers and Barbary corsairs in the Mediterranean, against Protestant rebels in the Low Countries, and against the endlessly bothersome English and their privateer fleets. The men have long been unpaid and need relief. I am driven myself, of force, to come a-land, to see them bestowed in some lodging; and the best I can get is barns and outhouses. Men began to think they were like the terror-ships laden with gunpowder which had been encountered at Antwerp. Spanish galleons were mostly built in two distinct regions – the Basque country and southern Andalucia. In like sort had the Lord Charles Howard, Admiral of England, been lost in the year 1588 if he had not been better advised than a great many malignant fools were who found fault with his behaviour. The galleons and large ships were concentrated in the centre. (8), The Spanish Armada left Lisbon on 29th May 1588. Because it's our money. to Count Feria, the Spanish ambassador in England (12 February, 1559), Pope Gregory XIII, letter to his ambassador in Spain (1580). He warned his captains not to panic and not to head out to the open sea. Hans Holbein and Henry VIII (Answer Commentary), The Marriage of Prince Arthur and Catherine of Aragon (Answer Commentary), Henry VIII and Anne of Cleves (Answer Commentary), Was Queen Catherine Howard guilty of treason? Stig: [to Bobby] You're my people and we have a code. The first galleon can arguably be dated to as early as 1517, but it was in the 1530s that the design and its name became common. Company Imports Trove of M1 Carbines from Ethiopia to Sell in US, New Documentary Reveals Story of Last German Soldiers to Surrender, 41 Year Old Medal of Honor Recipient was Laid to Rest at Arlington, Atomic “Annie” Cannon and its after effects – Actual Footage And Photos Inside, “Lured Onto the Punch” – How the Falklands War Really Started, One Man Regiment at Iwo Jima – MoH Marine Becomes Army Mess Hall Cook, Top Secret: US Naval Base At Ulithi Was For A Time The World’s Largest Naval Facility, 3 Unique Outdated Military Vehicles Still Used in the 3rd World Today. In the Mediterranean, oared galleys were common as fighting ships, and by the early 16th century these carried cannons at the front. They drifted until they reached the beach where they continued to burn until the fire reached the water line. [beat] Screw it. This initial information came from a merchant who had heard about it in Italy. The Duke, hasty and inexperienced, dashed out to the open sea to fight his adversary. Guns, powder, and shot were all produced in royal foundries and workshops. The Commander-in-chief, Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, took with him 50 servants. This tactic had been successfully used by Francis Drake in Cadiz in 1587 and the fresh breeze blowing steadily from the English fleet towards Calais, meant the conditions were ideal for such an attack. Our ships suffered slight losses in this first skirmish. I heard great complaints about the command of ships in the Spanish Armada being given to young fellows just because they were nobles. (3), In early 1587 Walsingham received alarming intelligence of the Spanish build-up. In command of the fleet was the Duke of Medina Sidonia, a loyal man of proud lineage and great wealth, but in no wise versed in naval science. (26) According to Philippa Jones, the author of Elizabeth: Virgin Queen (2010): "The defeat of the Spanish Armada in July 1588 heralded the highest point in Elizabeth's rule, and was a victory that lent England not only a strong sense of national pride, but also the sense that God was on the side of a Protestant victory against the Catholic enemy." The production of ships’ guns and ammunition was even more tightly controlled. Your Majesty, believe me when I assure you that we are very weak... how do you think we can attack so great a country as England with such a force as ours is now? I sent you to fight with men, and not with the weather. They were paid in installments at specific stages of the work, before handing the ships over to the crown once completed. However, Walsingham was unconvinced by the story. . Emerging in the mid-16th century, the Spanish galleon quickly became hugely important both to naval warfare and to securing civilian trade from the Americas. For most of the 16th century, the Spanish clung to an old-fashioned model of naval warfare in which most of the damage was done through boarding actions. (Answer Commentary), Hans Holbein's Art and Religious Propaganda (Answer Commentary), 1517 May Day Riots: How do historians know what happened? Translate Guns N' Roses. The Invincible Armada of the Imperial Spanish Fleet was for the first time conquered. The Spanish captains tried to get their ships in close so that their soldiers could board the English vessels. Medina Sidonia, on board the São Martinho, had remained near his original anchorage. Based on the comic book series of the same name created by Steven Grant and Mateus Santolouco, published in 2007 by Boom! Not a free world. (12), English land forces were divided into an army of 30,000 under Henry Carey, 1st Baron Hunsdon based at Windsor, whose main task was to defend Queen Elizabeth and 16,000, who were to prevent an attack on London. Bobby: No, not like we're working together. It was decided to throw all the horses overboard to save water. Earl: You're still a drug dealer. When dawn came, the fleet was broken and dispersed. Construction was usually carried out by private shipbuilders following tight regulations laid down by the government. These sometimes required powerful fleets that packed a punch as well as carrying ground troops, and for this work, the galleon came into its own. In this fight there was some hurt done among the Spaniards... Our ships, God be thanked, have received little hurt... Now their fleet is here, and very forcible, it must be waited upon with all our force, which is little enough. Howard wrote bitterly: "It is a most pitiful sight to see, here at Margate, how the men, having no place to receive them into here, die in the streets. We were in dire need of food... nearly 80 of our soldiers and galley slaves had died of hunger and thirst, the inhabitants refusing to allow us to obtain water; nor would they sell us food. Their presence was vital to protect these heavily laden and incredibly valuable ships from attack by foreign powers and pirates – both freelance buccaneers and those supported by the English in their unofficial naval war against Spain. One Irishman, Melaghin McCabb, boasted that he had dispatched eighty Spaniards with his axe. It would grieve any man's heart to see them that have served so valiantly to die so miserably. And because it's our money. (18). Galleons carried a fearsome weight of guns and could devastate enemy ships. It, therefore, filled a vital role for the Spanish, protecting their growing treasure fleets as silver and gold flowed back from their colonies in the Americas. You blow a man's head off 'fore he's had a chance to tell you what you wanna know.