her pronunciation of words like spaghetti is WRONG. I’d also like to say, that perhaps Giada eats the food she makes in moderation, which would be a good lesson for everyone. Never. And that's what people wanted. WSW | May 26, 2012 at 5:19 pm Pasta doesn’t make you fat. As far as tasting as she cooks, it’s not like I’m saying you need to take out a ladle, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen her taste as she goes. Cheese. I get that the food bucket is probably necessary, but it actually hints at why I could never sit through those shows. OMG Never seen that before but it’s perfect. Plus cheese can really put the weight on you. BC lost me there too. I am definitely her target audience. I always thought she was small but I never realized just how tiny she is. She’s kind of annoying though–when I watched her show I hated the way she ate her food. Vanity sizing? Teeny tiny bites. I know it’s not her fault but once you notice the disproportion it’s hard to concentrate on anything else. TV show Californication – nymphomaniac TV chef ” Chloe Metz”! And I guess I can’t blame her for her standard answer of “I eat a little bit of everything and not a lot of anything. If I say so myself. She doesn't always eat and swallow every time, since they can do sometimes six to 10 takes with three episodes a day, and that would be like eating six to eight meals a day . Under this discourse, the video of Giada at Home models behaviors that could contribute to how the public identifies with: the role of gender in the space of the kitchen, standards for physical and bodily appearance in realation to food, overall family structure and division of labor between members of the family. And yes, that's a stark contrast to the American way. Well, I suppose this is still better than all those, ya know, other rumors about her. Ina forever! Oh, just give in to it already. I could never ever put a delicious bite of food in my mouth and spit it out. and lidia, who isn’t on FN, is top notch. But I’ve sort of grown to dislike Giada de Laurentiis. Hi RN: Giada has the wisest mouth Ive ever seen and it freaks me out shes like the Joker. I would actually like to see a lifestyle show hosted by Giada and Goop!!! I have no issue with this normally. He encouraged me …. width: 33%; A nutritionist once told me never trust a fat nutritionist or a skinny chef. I think a breakup is coming soon but she needs him for the show. This may explain her terrible decisions. } Giada is one of the people that makes me turn the channel immediately. I imagine they all if doing multiple takes don’t eat every bite shooting all day doing a cooking show. It was just so annoying–she ate it down like a bird pecking at crumbs, off her spoon. Everything in moderation.” I mean, who wants to hear that a TV chef actually never eats her own creations on the show? The Food Network star is another joke. I agree. Hahaha! I’ve watched a lot of Food Network over the years, and it’s interesting how it works. Still, pretending to eat a tiny bite and then spitting it out seem ridiculous to me. She's pretty good at faking it, kind of like a mock orange. While this is not problematic in itself, the article mentions that it’s dangerous to move toward a situation where content is even more closely tied to selling goods. She’s a pencil. #godimgladyoureback. Although Giada doesn’t go out of her way to use local, organic or whole foods, it reminds me of my time at City Market because they sell almost all of the ingredients used in the show, and also I love to cook! My six year-old son thinks she’s pretty and now will eat just about anything if I tell him it’s from her cookbook. Giada won ‘Gracie Awards’ in 2012 for Giada at Home. The clip opens with a scene of her and her family, yet she is the only one we see in kitchen preparing food. Don’t bite me Kitten, but yeah, she could stand to be a bit more butch in the kitchen. I love to cook but by the end of it, I’m so over the sensory overload I don’t want to eat* any of it. Bobby Flay I can understand as a judge, Giada?? Let's get rid of all the "slim shaming" in the food industry. Giada has an estimated net worth of $20 million. Never trust a skinny chef — my entire life, first thing out of people's mouth is, 'How do you stay like that and eat all that pasta?' That man certainly gets around! Another thing to consider would be whether she has a medical condition or issue going on in her life that could result in an unnaturally low weight for her. Side note: I was in Quebec City a couple of weeks ago on vacation and MY GAHD. Have you heard the saying “don’t trust a skinny chef”? It became entertainment, not teaching. So much is preprepared and they don’t cover what they’re tossing in enough. They thought it was a very adult in nature show. Husband and stepson will eat cheese on anything and I’m just sitting here like no thanks. In any case, it’s just as hard on your body to be underweight (I.e. I have never even heard of her before until I saw her name on here tonight. since, the cleavage in your face, the diva vibe… I used to watch her show when I had the Food Network.