: Write S for sentence and F for fragment. He found Speck on the back porch, smoking a cigar while gazing at the glowing wheat fields. He found a fifth of whiskey setting on the counter and opened half the cabinet doors before finding a glass. Boris on the contrary at once found his footing, and related quietly and humorously how he had known that doll Mimi when she was still quite a young lady, before her nose was broken; how she had aged during the five years he had known her, and how her head had cracked right across the skull. A Colorado farm boy was found cowering from his father's wrath in the loft of a barn while a retarded Illinois ten year old was lured to the house of a local registered sex offender after being told his parents had sold him to the man. A body could get lost out here and never be found. 511. The first time I went to Oz I found you there, ruling the Emerald City. Slowly he lowered his head to hers and his lips found hers - warm and questioning. Donning a heavy coat and some rubber boots that she found in the entry closet, she battled the storm to the shed. Then one day I found lipstick on his clothes. In fact, the thing she found most attractive about Brandon was his smile. Oh, and I found where I think the lab was. After a lifetime of rejection, she'd found a home with the very people her father warned her against. And she still found it hard to believe he was guilty. 182. The messengers found him in his house talking to his friends and teaching them wisdom. So it was natural that to earn extra money, Jason and I would buy cool, old cars we found in junkyards for a few hundred dollars apiece. Between Betsy's internet searching and Quinn's calculations the location we sought was found. Uncle Henry says 'Eureka' means 'I have found it.'. Below are six versions of our grade 1 vocabulary worksheet on identifying the right word to complete each sentence and writing that word on the line provided. Even the crossbow she'd used the other night was clean and perched where she'd found it, loaded once again. It seemed like hours before we found our way out. But of course you know her already, he said, evidently trying to entertain a visitor with whom he now found nothing in common. After I managed to get in I fished around for a light switch and found they didn't work. Five. So Dorothy ran to her room and found the kitten under the bed. He stopped looking when my mother insisted she didn't want Josh Mulligan found! He didn't drink long, and she nuzzled his neck then found his lips with her own. If he found out the extent she'd gone to in order to be here with him? Declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamatory sentences I found some wild mushrooms under the log. A man who has at length found something to do will not need to get a new suit to do it in; for him the old will do, that has lain dusty in the garret for an indeterminate period. Her thoughts clearing, she realized she needed to call the police about the body she found. Ethel Reagan found none that fit her pattern being proved wrong. "He used to be the devil but he found God," said the spokesman. ppt, 3 MB. Was that what Sarah had found so amusing the first day - the fact that she hadn't melted under Yancey's stern gaze? We just found out and are researching it. Russie came home that night and found her. She found herself nodding, accepting his explanation more easily than even Gabriel's. She quickly replaced the envelope with shaking hands, making sure it was in exactly the same position as she found it. Opening the door, she found her assumption correct. She found a chair jammed against the wall and stepped on it to see the crowd. Someone must have already been on the way because she passed two more patrol cars and found a third waiting for her at the store. Mrs. Marsh had found one last reserve of uncontrollable sobs. She found herself reaching for her power again, only to find it gone. While she didn't yet understand the depths of her new world, she found peace in knowing this was indeed her world, too. Speaking of the position of Prussia, Anna Pavlovna very naturally asked Boris to tell them about his journey to Glogau and in what state he found the Prussian army. Did he marry Valorie for love, or because she found out about his business? If we found they were destroyed, it would take a big weight off our minds. She smiled up at him as his hand found her waist. An Ancient's mate had never before been found. Live entertainment is usually found at the restaurant during dinner hours, and patrons can choose from an extensive wine list. It was a week or so before his car was found. He ducked her blow and grunted at the elbow that found his midsection. So I've finally found something you're afraid of more than me. She found herself nipping back at his chest and neck, something she'd never done before. "The woman we found is an immortal's mate," he started. Satisfied to have found his room, Jenn made her way back to the window, where Jonny remained. She snuggled close to him and his lips found hers again. Unnerved by the idea of being somewhere she clearly didn't belong, she opened drawers until she found a pair of shears. The bed was made and she found his clothes in the hamper. Her body was found on the Iowa bank of the Mississippi ten days later. All the same, Saturday found her at a restaurant in Bartlesville, where she was supposed to meet her prospective employer. If they found you out, the assault on you from every quarter would be unimaginable. His eyes found Bianca, who stood shivering in the rain, staring towards the fire, as if waiting for Jonny to reappear. To her surprise and distress she found that her prayers did not calm her excitement. She found herself walking along the bank, gaze on the souls that were moving.