The Fastest Growing Trade Jobs For 2020 and Beyond, 7 High Paying Trade Jobs in Demand Now to Start Your Career, 14 Jobs That Prove You Don’t Need A 4 Year Degree To Succeed, Steps to Help You in Choosing a Career Path, 8 Blue-Collar Careers That Are Recession-Proof, How to Learn a Trade & Start A Lucrative Career, Top 5 Blue Collar Jobs (by job opening) – October 2020, How to become a water transportation worker. Even if their choice isn’t set in stone, having a general idea of their career choice can help them pick courses that would benefit them once they graduate. A great job to keep your brain engaged and potentially a great job for night owls, as the hours for air traffic controllers can rotate or be set late. 2. Top earners will take home more than $100K, but all have sturdy careers. Though there’s only a handful a states that offer this position (Pennsylvania, Illinois, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Mississippi), it’s worth discussing. Most high school graduates go off to college but a college degree isn’t necessarily needed in order to have a good-paying job. While certainly an aberration, it can’t hurt to know that there are high paying jobs even in the fast-food industry. The Fastest Growing Trade Jobs In 2020 and Beyond? You can keep the world turning as a distribution manager. A wind turbine service technician is responsible for the installation, maintenance and repair of wind turbines. Nuclear Power Reactor Operators are responsible for the electricity that supplies millions of homes and businesses. as a water transportation worker. That large demand is due to more people being predicted to adopt solar energy over the next decade. Pay: The BLS reports that the annual salary for a personal care aide is $24,060. Nice blog. A carpenter doesn’t need a college degree and the average wage is $46,590 per year. Median yearly pay for this occupation was $44,890 in 2019. At our high school there are programs the seniors can apply for that let them work in a trade while finishing high school. Career Growth: The BLS reports that the demand for wind turbine service technicians will grow 56% by 2028. To enter this exploding career, you must attend a two-year technical school and complete at least one year of on-the-job training or an apprenticeship. A physician assistant is a key member of any healthcare team. This role is similar to the Nuclear Power Reactor Operator role, but spread out in more states. Do you like a change of scenery frequently as you are doing your job? The median salary does vary by state for an HVAC technician, but most states the salary exceeds $45,000 a year. Typically only requiring a high school degree and on the job training, power plant operators can make serious money. As more and more people turn to wind-powered energy, more technicians will be needed to ensure the turbines are working properly. Each of the vocational trade jobs listed above requires you to solve a customer’s problem and achieve customer success. Some high schools offer students the opportunity to learn a trade or receive vocational training, but with the Internet boom, some schools took away these programs. Travel the world (or stay local if you prefer!) Such third party cookies may track your use on this site.a, To learn more please go to: If so, head over here to learn more! To get started on your way to becoming a certified HVAC technician, you can either attend a trade school to get a certificate or you can go to college to get your associates degree. The needs for nurse practitioners will grow as the U.S. population grows older and looks to more preventative healthcare options. Nurses and software developers have a bright future — here are 30 of the fastest-growing high-paying jobs in the US. Protect lives and property in your community by becoming a police officer. Some high schools offer trade programs (schools desperately need to bring back vocational training) so that students can start learning a skill set that would allow them to continue once they graduate high school. They build, repair, and install projects ranging from kitchen cabinets to building highways or bridges. Thus, the jobs are more likely available by you. Plumbers are also a much needed skilled trade that is heavily relied on when things in your house go haywire with the septic system or freshwater supply. Education Requirements: The BLS reports that occupational therapy assistants need an associate's degree from an accredited occupational therapy assistant program. Occupational therapy assistants can choose to work with children or adults. Usually, there’s no education requirement, but often on the job training and certification requirements. It is a job that you can do year-round without worrying about weather delays. Median Salary: 124,540Annual Salary for Top Earners: 175,800.