Because of this, he was described by his student Plato as a "gadfly", annoying the placid Athenian citizens like a gadfly annoys the horses. I'll make you move, bitch. This implies a person is more in deeds than in words, and saying the Western philosophers' boasting aren't effective; the reason is explained in the next line.). We filled a nation with patience and the presence for living, (The Eastern philosophers believe that they have made their nation, China, a better place with their teachings, which students in China continue to learn.). He wrote more than 20,000 letters and more than 2,000 books and pamphlets, meaning he will make more insults towards his opponents than the amount of his written works combined.).

), (This lyric is what developed into the lyric, "'Cause I'm N-I-E-T-Z-S-C-H-E!"

P — Physical capacity or stamina. And I'm a freethinker, so confronting conformists like you? (This lyric is what developed into the lyric, "Laozi, kick the beat; now Confucius, drop some bars! ("Sacré bleu" is an antiquated, stereotypical French profanity which equates to "God damn it" in English. This of course alludes to the Golden Rule, a thesis in communal philosophy known as the law of reciprocity, which was touched upon by both Lao Tzu and Confucius, although is most normally attributed to Confucius.). You can obtain the most current list by going to the code page website (see links below); however, for those who may Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal, Army Reserve Components Overseas Training Ribbon, Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross with Palm, Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Medal, 1st Class, Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Medal, 1st Class w/Palm, Republic of Vietnam Civil Action Medal, 2nd Class, Inter-American Defense Board Medal and Ribbon, Kuwait Liberation Medal ( Kingdom of Saudi Arabia), Kuwait Liberation Medal (Government of Kuwait), United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan, United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia, United Nations Security Forces, Hollandia, United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia, United Nations Iraq / Kuwait Observation Mission, United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia. (This lyric is what developed into the lyric, "You're pitiful lyrically. Select “View your Retrieved OMPF Information” button on the right side of the page. This line is also a reference to Method Man, an American rapper who is best known as being a member of the Wu-Tang Clan. Dishing out more disses than letters and pamphlets and plays I've been publishing! In contrast, one of the primary doctrines of Taoism is the concept of wu-wei, which, in essential, teaches letting go of control and letting life take you on a natural course to achieve harmony. Nietzsche states that Lao Tzu's teachings are, in fact, invalid.). Voltaire is saying that Socrates is making things tense by arguing with Nietzsche, his teammate.). This is also a play on words, as a yeast infection is an illness in which the yeast Candida, normally symbiotic in the human body, goes into overgrowth and causes a range of symptoms, such as thrush and varying degrees of irritation in both genders. ERB Code. Continuing from the previous line, Nietzsche is saying he will take a shit on, or insult and demoralize, Lao Tzu.). Hang a sandal on the door 'cause you can suck Soc's dick! (Wu (武) is the Chinese word for military, or combat-related matters, which Sun Tzu was famous for discussing in his work The Art of War. During this line in the video, Confucius can also be seen showing respect by nodding his head, since Confucius was Lao Tzu's student in real life.). It details all of your accomplishments and achievements while serving in the military. Now watch the masters rebut. Having failed his mission, Confucius went into self-exile for 18 years and would not return until his enemy, Viscount Ji Huan, was dead. ), (Nietzsche's main goal was to spread his ideas and philosophy to share it with his fellow Germans but he failed on doing so because it was misinterpreted and changed into the basis for Nazism.). I'm coming off the Acropolis to start some pandemonium. COURSE: Description of military school/courses attended. Enlisted Record Brief. The only philosopher on the Western team that is considered ancient is Socrates, while all three members of the Eastern team are considered ancient, and Nietzsche implies that the wider range of time for thought on the Western team would translate to better, more refined thought. Asians spitting sick, but no, this isn't SARS!

(Sun Tzu's biggest influence is the aforementioned The Art of War, which is a book full of tactical aspects meant for battle but is applicable on daily events. These instructions will be helpful to anyone needing: For Purepost users, if you’ve already got a PDF copy of your DD214, you can stop here and go to your Purepost profile to upload it for review. (???) He claims this will give his team an advantage, i.e. (The Acropolis of Athens is where Socrates taught. (Lao Tzu is telling Sun Tzu not to attack his philosophy. (Voltaire says he will use his sharp wit, or intelligence, to impale Confucius. The line thus also serves to mock this addiction. As such, he takes Voltaire's illegal behavior as a personal offense.). The grégue, or "French drip" is a traditional style of coffee pot originating in colonial France. Their chaos is our opportunity!/We must remember: a bowl is most useful when it is empty."). An idea often associated with him is that the wisest man is the one who's aware of his own ignorance.

You make a mockery of ethics, so keep your fat nose in your coffee! (Socrates goes on to describe his opponent's lyrics as pitiful. Fortune cookies are assumed by many to be Chinese but they were actually created in Kyoto, Japan.). In some Western countries, Chinese restaurants offer Chinese takeout which are usually served in a special takeout box. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. In Taoism, it also mentions that you should go with the flow but this time…). ), All your self-righteous Western philosophy has gotten us, (The Easterners claim that Western philosophy is self-righteous, as it isn't based around the good of community as much as the good of the individual, and says that this hasn't done anything but…). Let me be frank: don't start beef with the Frank, (The adjective "frank" means direct and honest, thus Voltaire is saying that he'll sum up quickly and sincerely why Socrates and Nietzsche should not challenge him. By referring to himself as the Frank, he is elevating himself above all Frenchmen, and even above the other philosophers in claiming himself to be an icon, the greatest of an entire nation, which they are not. It's evident you've never been our type of mental brethren! If you have an electronic DD214, but it’s in a photo format such as .jpg or .png, you can convert it to PDF: Open the image with your favorite photo editor and either…, “Save as…” and choose “PDF” as the file type and save the file, or, “Print..” and choose the Print to PDF option and save the file, Use a scanner to save your DD214 to your computer in PDF format, or, With a smart phone, snap a picture and save it as a PDF with one of the many apps in the Apple or Google store.

"Holding fortune cookies" means everyone in the battle can hold Confucius's balls, mainly because they're lower than him. Chan is known for his impressive and often comedic fighting style.

Also, both Confucius and Lao Tzu had come up with the Golden Rule in their respective philosophy, Confucianism and Taoism. When I squat down and squeeze out a Tao of Pooh on Lao Tzu!

Soldiers cannot have correspondence and Military Education Training posted for the same courses. (Apart from being a philosopher, Voltaire was also a writer. making shish kebabs, or sticks with meat and vegetables on them. Furthermore, Confucius also wrote a book titled the Book of Rites, which is a compiled collection of texts describing social forms, administration, and ceremonial rites.). The Tao is referred to as a path in Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, as Tao (道) also means a road in Chinese. And you'll never hold a candle to the wisdom we've written! (They believe the Western philosophers are disrespectful, which makes them unwise and disgraceful. ), Oh, I'm delighted by their writing; such charming little thoughts, (Voltaire remarks his entertainment in reading the Eastern Philosophers' writings, "charming" being used sarcastically, in this case meaning underdeveloped and immature compared to the Western Philosophers.).

Socrates is saying that he should go back to drinking coffee, as he has no place in telling him what to do.

Finally, Confucius mocks Voltaire's looks, saying that his hair is stringy like egg noodles.

(This line is a paraphrase of the Golden Rule, stating that any negative thing that is done by one unto another will be received by a negative thing unto oneself. I'll fuck you up like the Tao Te Ching, G. (Lao Tzu then backlashes with a claim that he'll "fuck him up" like the Tao Te Ching, which translates to "The Book of the Way of Virtues," meaning that Lao Tzu will defeat Nietzsche as if it was the way of virtue. Acronym Finder, All Rights Reserved. (Voltaire is known for his large nose and having an addiction to coffee. Who hangs out with B. Franks, giving the chicks beef franks! So here's the real golden rule: I'm way above you weak rookies! Ó Oh, do teach the Prussian what the Greeks consider wrestling! In his book Also Sprach Zarathustra (Thus Spoke Zarathustra), Nietzsche describes the Übermensch as one who is driven to seek meaning in their current life, in contrast with the acceptance advocated by Taoism. What Confucius says here is that Sun Tzu should not dis him, as now Confucius disses him back. Soldiers see the following message when they try to view their PPW: "At this time, we are working to resolve issues with Promotion Point Worksheet. Once forwarded to the ORB/ERB page, select the “view/print” button. (This lyric is what developed into the lyric, "I have turned them on themselves. When I squat down and drop a Tao of Pooh on who?