All rights reserved. Pakistan hosts more than 1.4 million registered Afghan refugees and over 1 million unregistered ones. For additional information on viewing and accessing webinars, view our full terms and conditions here. de tout dans le territoire palestinien occupé; acheminé de l'alimentation jusqu'à 4,1 millions de Zimbabwéens en situation de vulnérabilité; distribué 12 535 couvertures, 10 275 matelas et 14 600 bâches en plastique à des personnes déplacées en République centrafricaine; aidé 10 000 personnes déplacées par les troubles civils au Timor-Leste; endigué 131 épidémies en République démocratique du Congo; creusé 300 puits artésiens pour approvisionner en eau des personnes touchées par la guerre en Ouganda. FTLF can transfer a registration to someone else within your organization or, provided you have not already viewed the webinar, transfer the registration to another on-demand program. Search for your county social services agency on the internet. This paperwork may include: Karina C. Hernandez is a real estate agent in San Diego since 2004. The UNHCR’s Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Mr. Indrika Ratwatte, attended the distribution of cash assistance to refugees at a post office in Islamabad. He also thanked the Government of Pakistan for providing refugees with access to public services, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. operations that are rapid, flexible and effective. Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. Once posted to your account, you can view this webinar anytime on-demand during the access period identified in your purchase confirmation. Pakistan hosts over 1.4 million Afghan refugees, and during the pandemic thousands of refugees, including daily wage earners, were left without a source of income. plus touchées, qui ont également bénéficié d'une indemnisation accélérée. All rights reserved. © Al Nisr Publishing LLC 2020. familles, pour un montant total de 3,7 millions de dollars. Hays County, in conjunction with PeopleFund and the Greater San Marcos Partnership, has issued the first 18 grants under its Emergency Cash Assistance Program, an Aug. 17 press release announced. Territory; delivered food to 4.1 million vulnerable Zimbabweans; distributed 12,535 blankets, 10,275 mats and 14,600 plastic sheets, to internally displaced persons in the Central African Republic; assisted 10,000 people displaced by civil strife in Timor-Leste; contained 131 epidemics in the Democratic Republic of the Congo; and drilled over 300 boreholes to provide water for war-affected people in Uganda. Those include $50 million in cash transfers for temporary shelter, $11 million and $6 million, for electricity and water pipeline repairs and a $600 million housing loan, Cette aide comprend 50 millions de dollars en transfert en espèces pour construire des abris temporaires, 11 et 6 millions de dollars pour la remise en état des réseaux d'électricité et d'adduction d'eau et, 600 millions de dollars sous la forme d'un plan de garantie de prêt au, Since that time we have responded solely through, Depuis lors, nous avons répondu seulement aux. Accordingly, other health centers may wish to consider implementing emergency cash assistance programs during the COVID-19 public health emergency. UNHCR is targeting 70,000 of the most vulnerable refugee families. If you pay by credit card or PayPal, you will be able to access the recorded webinar immediately (unless the live webinar has not yet occurred). Generally, you can’t have more than $2,000 in funds available to you when applying for emergency cash assistance. UNHCR’S Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific, Indrika Ratwatte – who is on a three-day visit to Pakistan – participated in the distribution of cash assistance to refugees at an Islamabad Post Office along with the UNHCR Representative in Pakistan, Noriko Yoshida, and senior officials from the Post Office. et a conçu des programmes d'enseignement compensatoire et d'orientation dans les écoles. This section is about Living in UAE and essential information you cannot live without. It is important for you to check this source to see about the available program of government-funded cash assistance, grants, loans, and other programs that you may eligible.