We travel the world, and meet and work closely with professionals from foreign countries. In 2003, the Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld's "Working Group" on interrogations requested that the DIA come up with prisoner interrogation techniques for the group's consideration. [10] Due to the interconnected nature of intelligence requirements, particularly in times of war, there has been a significant overlap in the work of the two agencies. [18] This was a several fold increase from 2002 when, according to information provided to Congress, the DIA conducted 1,345 polygraphs. DIA’s mission is unique and no other agency matches its military expertise across such a broad range of intelligence disciplines. [54], President George H.W. According to one account, the interrogators of what was then DIA's Defense HUMINT Service (currently the Defense Clandestine Service), forced subjects to watch gay porn, draped them with the Israeli Flag and interrogated them in rooms lit by strobe lights for 16–18 hours, all the while telling prisoners that they were from FBI. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. The program was then authorized by JCS Chairman John Vessey, and sanctioned by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI), with the sponsorship of Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC) and Senator Barry Goldwater (R-AZ). Further, DIA is responsible for administering the JIOCEUR and various Joint Intelligence Centers which serve and are co-located with each of the Unified Combatant Commands. [38] According to the analysis of the Office of Defense Inspector General, the DIA's cited justification for the use of drugs was to "[relax] detainee to cooperative state" and that mind-altering substances were not used. Becker claimed that the Working Group members were particularly interested in aggressive methods and that he "was encouraged to talk about techniques that Initiative 701 Integrity As one of the principal members of the U.S. Intelligence Community, the agency works to inform national civilian and defense policymakers about the military intentions and capabilities of foreign governments and non-state actors, while also providing department-level intelligence assistance and coordination to individual military service intelligence components and the warfighter. This was part of the continuing effort to consolidate intelligence production and make it more efficient. Arms control monitoring also increased the demand for intelligence support from DIA.[54]. Agency analysts in 1972 concentrated on Lebanon, President Richard Nixon's visit to China, the 1973 Chilean coup d'état, the formation of Sri Lanka, and the prisoners of war being held in Southeast Asia. [7] In 1994, it was revealed that the DIA requested approximately $4 billion in funding for the period of 1996-2001 ($6.3 billion inflation adjusted), averaging $666 million per year ($1.05 billion inflation adjusted). The initial letters of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) also comprise the Greek word “dia,” which means divided into two parts. Most of them associated in some way with the national-level Joint Intelligence Center (JIC), which DIA established in The Pentagon to integrate the intelligence being produced throughout the Community. DIA sent more than 100 employees into the Kuwaiti Theater of Operations to provide intelligence support. A lock ( Unlike the Russian GRU, which encompasses equivalents of nearly all joint U.S. military intelligence operations, the DIA assists and coordinates the activities of individual service intelligence units (i.e. Personnel selection and training were rigorous, and the case officers were notable for their advanced educations, area knowledge, and multilingual capabilities. The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) provides military intelligence to warfighters, defense policymakers and force planners in the Department of Defense and the Intelligence Community in support of U.S. military planning and operations, and weapon systems acquisition. [12][13], DIA is organized into three directorates and five regional centers[14]. In this instance, the flaming torch and its gold color represent knowledge, i.e., intelligence, “lighting” the way of the “known” light blue-green world against the darkness or unknown symbolized by the dark background —“the area of the truth” still sought by the worldwide mission of the Agency. Green Cards and Permanent Residence in the U.S. U.S. Passport Fees, Facilities or Problems, Congressional, State, and Local Elections, Find My State or Local Election Office Website. [37] It is unknown to what extent the agency's recommendations were used or for how long, but according to the same Senate report, the list drawn up by DIA included the use "drugs such as sodium pentothal and demerol", humiliating treatment using female interrogators and sleep deprivation. Ultimately, the Agency strengthened its support to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), and the Unified & Specified Commands, and also modernized the National Military Intelligence Center (NMIC). Additionally, DIA manages the Directorate for Intelligence, Joint Staff (J2) which advises and supports the Joint Chiefs of Staff with foreign military intelligence for defense policy and war planning. It is unclear what happened to the secret facility after the 2013 transfer of the base to Afghan authorities following several postponements. According to the 2008 US Senate Armed Services Committee report on the treatment of detainees in U.S. custody, the DIA began drawing up the list of techniques with the help of its civilian employee, a former Guantanamo Interrogation Control Element (ICE) Chief David Becker. Due to the sensitive nature of DIA's work, all of its personnel, including interns and contractors, are subject to the same security standards and must obtain a Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS/SCI) access. [53], After World War II, until the creation of DIA, the three Military Departments collected, produced and distributed their intelligence for individual use. government. [47], In 2008, with the consolidation of the new Defense Counterintelligence and Human Intelligence Center (DCHC), the DIA secured an additional authority to conduct "offensive counterintelligence", which entails conducting clandestine operations, domestically and abroad, "to thwart what the opposition is trying to do to us and to learn more about what they're trying to get from us. Teamwork CIA) and also operates the U.S. Defense Attache Offices. In addition to the rigorous background investigations, psychological and drug screening, as well as security interviews, DIA requires that its applicants pass the agency polygraph. The service intelligence components have billions of dollars of their own funding and if taken together, are estimated to be larger than DIA in terms of personnel and budget.[26]. DIA sets intelligence requirements for numerous installations, such as T-AGM-23, which checks compliance with strategic arms treaties worldwide. Together we provide unrivaled Defense Intelligence to our customers. Intelligence support to U.S. allies in the Middle East intensified as the Iran–Iraq War spilled into the Persian Gulf. Designated a combat support agency under the Goldwater-Nichols Act, DIA moved to increase cooperation with the Unified & Specified Commands and to begin developing a body of joint intelligence doctrine. DIA came of age in the 1980s by focusing heavily on the intelligence needs of both field commanders and national-level decision makers. The magazine cited an alleged DIA report that confirmed the agency's officers were at the site of the incident. At the same time, with American involvement in Vietnam ending, defense intelligence faced a significant decline in resources. U.S. Department of Defense Related Agency Although there were previous attempts to establish such a DoD level espionage organization, there was no authorization document by which it could be established. [54], During the 1960s, DIA analysts focused on: China's detonation of an atomic bomb and the launching of its Cultural Revolution; increasing unrest among African and South Asian nations; fighting in Cyprus and Kashmir; and the missile gap between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. In 2006, at the height of Donald Rumsfeld's push to further expand the scope of military intelligence beyond tactical considerations, the DIA was estimated to receive up to $3 billion annually.[24]. The DIA differs from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in that the latter is focused on providing non-military national security intelligence, through the ODNI, for the President and the National Security Council, while the former focuses on generating military-related intelligence for national policymakers, with greater emphasis given to informing the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Combatant Commanders. [25] The numbers exclude the Military Intelligence Component (MIP) of the overall US intelligence budget, which by itself has averaged more than $20 billion per year in the past decade. Other objectives included more efficiently allocating scarce intelligence resources, more effectively managing all DoD intelligence activities, and eliminating redundancies in facilities, organizations, and tasks. This proved difficult at first since sweeping manpower decrements between 1968 and 1975 had reduced Agency manpower by 31 percent and precipitated mission reductions and a broad organizational restructuring. We plan, manage, and execute intelligence operations during peacetime, crisis, and war. [54], Intense Congressional review during 1975-76 created turbulence within the national Intelligence Community. "Defense Intelligence Agency". Federal Law (10 U.S.C. The DIA administered only a handful of FS polygraphs and only for those personnel who were to be detailed to the CIA. DIA's publication in 1981 of the first in a series of whitepapers on the strengths and capabilities of Soviet military forces titled Soviet Military Power met with wide acclaim. DIA also manages Community-wide centers such as the National Center for Medical Intelligence, the Missile and Space Intelligence Center, the National Media Exploitation Center, and the Underground Facilities Analysis Center (UFAC). Later Shaffer published his book Operation Dark Heart but, upon complaints from the DIA and NSA that it included national security information, the Defense Department went as far as to buy and destroy the initial 10,000 copies of the book, causing the Streisand effect. Directorate Science and Technology: The Directorate of Science and Technology manages DIA's technical assets and personnel. A memorial wall at the DIA headquarters honors those DIA personnel who lost their lives while working for the agency around the globe and whose deaths are not classified. In the 1970s, DIA and CIA engaged in heated debate on whether the new Soviet Strategic Bomber would strike the continental U.S. As resources declined, intelligence requirements expanded. DIA is the nation’s premier all-source military intelligence organization. DIA was also involved with the intelligence build-up to the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and was a subject in the Senate Report of Pre-war Intelligence on Iraq. [54], Also at this time, the Agency concentrated on the rapidly shifting national security environment, characterized by key issues such as changes within the Soviet Union, counter-narcotics, war fighting capabilities and sustainability, and low-intensity conflict. Further, while the CIA has a practice of marking the losses of its contract employees on its memorial wall,[57] the number of DIA contractor losses, if any, is unknown. A locked padlock The two red atomic ellipses symbolize the scientific and technical aspects of intelligence today and of the future.