All bookings have to be made at least 72 hours before the exam. What is the success rate of CMA USA Exam? • Demand in industry: CMA professionals are highly in demand across the globe because of their expertise in area of management accounting. Thereafter, you can schedule your examination.

Part 1 and 2 of the CMA examinations can be taken in any sequence, but it is mandatory to pass both. The exams are held only in 3 windows spread over 6 months in a year: IMA requires the students to clear both parts 1 and 2 within 3 years, giving them access to a total of 9 exam windows within this period. Eligibility for CMA. In the wake of globalisation, employers often prefer global certification , meaning your college degree might not be sufficient. So, if you want to give your career, an international edge, you should definitely opt for CMA USA. US CMA | CMA USA Exam Eligibility Detail Information :Exam Date & Schedule. After graduation, the regular fees will apply. * Total price includes (Institute fees + training fees) with Saraf Academy. To pursue CMA US course the two major eligibility is : you need to be e a graduate from any discipline and second you need to have minimum 2 years of work experience into finance or accounting profile. Hold active membership with the IMA 2. CFA Institute, CFA®, and Chartered Financial Analyst®\ are trademarks owned by CFA Institute. • Best In Class Training Classes The weights assigned to the different areas are: Part 2 covers Financial Decision-Making, and the weights assigned to the different areas are: The theoretical education requirements for receiving the CMA certification specify that the candidates to pass both the Parts 1 and 2 of the CMA exam. You must abide by the IMA’s Statement of Ethical Professional Practice. Further, GARP is not responsible for any fees paid by the user to EduPristine nor is GARP responsible for any remuneration to any person or entity providing services to EduPristine. Bigger the company, higher will be the salary. • For students: $500- $600 CMA Exam has two parts of four hours each. Fulfill the education qualification 4. To earn the CMA certification, you must fulfill these 7 CMA requirements in this order: 1. So, are all your doubts regarding the CMA certification solved? Students can book a seat in a test centre of their choice at a time slot convenient for them.

CMA professionals are offered lot of opportunities in India as well as the global market. Lorem ipsum sit amet dollor simply dummy text. From our center success rate for CMA USA is 80% to 90%. If you have just started out, you might not be able to draw a big amount, but after completing a few years, there’s no looking back.