While Communism is not practiced in China today, its influence lingers in education and strong one-party government control of commerce and the populace. (Other influences on thought may include language, climate, and genetics, but they are more speculative.). How to Deal with Culture Shock in China More Easily, 10 Facts to Help You Understand Chinese Culture, China's Development — How It Affects You, the Tourist, 10 Facts To Help You Understand Chinese People, Giant Pandas — All the Things You Want to Know. In the past Eastern (Chinese) and Western cultures have had very different formative influences, leading to major differences in thinking. And this has consequences for society, the workplace, family, even relationships. When I asked for more details, she came up with a list of issues that she had never mentioned during the relationship, all out of a desire to not induce confrontation). As a result, young people have become China’s lucrative generation. In some cases, a third party may be used to convey negative news from one side to another, in order to avoid confrontations. Any deviation from these principles makes you stand out in a negative way. The first 4 lessons of each level are available for you to sample for free. A Christian worldview includes a belief in absolute truth: one God created us all and has standards that apply to all people, and guilt is experienced if God's standards are not met. It exists as a corollary followed from the observation of many particulars. Not being up front with your opinions and ideas might be considered rude in Western culture, whereas in Chinese culture it is considered polite, since by doing so they are allowing you to save face. There are over 400 lessons to choose from. To take in the whole, one must circle around it, reaching one’s conclusion, in the words of François Jullien, “by indirection.”. You rarely see beggars on the streets in Chinese communities, and those you do see are usually seen approaching foreigners, whome they are more likely to get assistance from. In China people generally accept what authority figures say, and express agreement (even if they don't agree). As all social relations are hierarchical, to criticize a superior in a direct manner might risk disrupting good relations, which depend on a perceptible demonstration of deference. Hopefully you will also be more understanding of the culture of the people of China, especially if you come to visit yourself. Trying to keep boredom at bay while in coronavirus lockdown? (Analects of Confucius II, 3). The usual Western way is different but not automatically superior. Chinese People Queueing up for Recommended Snacks. Chinese consumers rely on recommendations. In the Chinese world, politeness is part of a basic set of principles that has to be followed by all. Chinese have a strong system of respect. E-commerce has a prosperous development in China in the recent years, no matter domestic or cross border e-commerce. Sign up with your Facebook account to try out the first 4 lessons of the course for free. This same situation can also be observed in personal relationships between a Westerner and a Chinese, where the latter’s silence on matters and propensity to not confront, could erroneously suggest to the former that all is well in the relationship, when that might not be the case. Chinese values would require the person to keep his opinions to himself in such an environments. However, in China people buy cars to fit in, whereas in the West people buy cars to stand out! As you know Black Friday and Cyber Monday in some western countries, Single’s Day (11st of November) in China may be the largest digital shopping event in human history, for all the platforms in China, particularly Taobao, Tmall and JD.com. Progressive self study course for absolute beginners to intermediate learners. If you have specific products to buy in mind, please feel free to let us know, we will customize the most suitable tour based on your requirements. In China, be more generous with respect and tactful with criticism. Almost all of the time one cannot say what one means (or at least one hesitates to do so). It related to the Eastern and Western cultural background and the science development history. For online booking or shopping, Chinese consumers are inclined to read through some online reviews, honestly, the comments on social media influence them a lot when make a decision, because Chinese consumers care more about the feedbacks. In China, people use very different e-commerce platforms from what you use in your own country, especially among young people. Western thinking) is best. In conclusion, there is no “right” or “wrong” when we talk about the major differences between Chinese and western thinking. In any case this ancestor veneration has again influenced thought in the direction of repetition, society, and shame. As Chinese people like shopping around more and seek for the best deal, comments are really important to them. In the Chinese world, politeness is part of a basic set of principles that has to be followed by all. On the contrary, Chinese people consider an indirect way is more polite, so that they don’t like to say “No” directly. In China, many people are prepared to do things for the good of society. Harmony is considered more important than pointing out faults, so, when a fault must be mentioned, great care is taken to avoid giving offense. Chinese wear white. Young generation in China are more likely to live in urban areas and seek for opportunities in bigger cities, what’s more, more young people get a university degree. Understanding this nature within Chinese people is important, since it is easy to otherwise assume that their silence indicates agreement. In the East (China) there is an emphasis on consistency through formulas and repetition (e.g. Thus China has become "the factory of the world" and the West has become "the world's driving force for progress and innovation". Group is the top priority for Chinese people, and sometimes they will make sacrifice for the good of the whole group, because of the idea of unity and harmony. (Personal note: I have experienced this first hand, when a former girlfriend broke up with me out of the blue, when I thought all was well. In the West, independence and freedom of choice are highly valued. Chinese people value more group achievements, while western people think it more important to have self-improvement and achieve success. Anyway, your real experience is more important. There are more platforms in China, and we believe that there will still be more new platforms accustom to the real wants of Chinese consumers. Private space for Chinese people is in their heads; for Westerners it's in their homes (or wherever they can't be seen or heard). And, finally, in lieu of a clear conclusion, an assumption that “facts” are presented only to provide a moral: that is, to be offered as guidance from and to the larger community. Westerners feel a strong sense of individualism. When it comes to etiquette and ways of doing things, there are some key differences between how the Chinese operate versus how Westerners do so. Chinese honor them as symbols of God. Actions have reinforced thought patterns, and established thought has led to more of the same actions, in a chicken-and-egg scenario lasting millennia. Based on Chinese way of thinking, there is no strict rule for how the world runs, as paradoxes and contradictions always exist. Basically there are four ancient influences (geography, history, philosophy, and religion) and three modern influences (government, capitalism, and consumerism). Any deviation from these principles makes you stand out in a negative way. Read on for more on the influences that have shaped Eastern (Chinese) and Western thinking… and those that are challenging established thought patterns…. Lucrative generation in China is young generation. You may still be thinking that your own way of thinking (i.e. Even so, Chinese students certainly can learn how to write in a Western-style academic essay. In Western society, the individual rules. 5 Days Inner Mongolia Research Family Tour. They might pick the same tour if what their friends say are good. This is also why it is so important to keep making contacts in order to enter the circles of others. the school system, exercises, politeness, rituals). Dialectical thinking also has a Western version, which Americans often consider the highest, most sophisticated form of reasoning, said Peng. Create a Tour in China for Sightseeing and Shopping, Chinese Lunar New Year Vs Western New Year, Chinese and Western Culture: Hot Water vs Cold Water, Differences between Chinese and Western Consumer Behavior, Major Differences between Chinese and Western Drinking Culture, 9 Main Differences between Chinese and Western Eating, The Difference between Chinese and Western Education, Differences between Chinese and Western Family Values, Major Differences between Chinese and Western Culture. Some people find that Chinese consumers are crazy, they are really into shopping. A generalized summary: While Westerners were exploring the world: fighting with, trading with, living with, and conquering other nations, while at the same time letting other nations across their borders; the Chinese were consumed with controlling things within their own borders, minding their own business, developing their own culture, and keeping others out.