Maternity leave ends 56 days after the actual birth date. For the first six weeks you can receive 90% of your average weekly earnings (before tax). Maternity Pay I: Health Insurance benefits. a dependent. I’m pleased to report that last week, just as Baby Hope reached the 7½ month mark, I received my second installment of “Maternity Pay”. Lump-sum Grant 420,000 yen* + Additional Childbirth From October 2009 through March 2011, the newly established system of direct payment of Childbirth and Childcare Lump-sum Grant to medical institutions will allow you to cover childbirth expenses while minimizing direct cash payments. The Japan Obstetric Compensation System for Cerebral Palsy will pay 30 million yen (6 million yen in a lump-sum grant and 24 million yen in installments paid over 20 years) in compensation if a child is born with cerebral palsy, even in cases of ordinary pregnancy and childbirth. Health Insurance Societies will also provide dependent women will cover my wife's childbirth benefits? Family policy in the country of Japan refers to government measures that attempt to increase the national birthrate in order to address Japan's declining population. Child care leave applies to both female and male employees. Sum", Copy of written agreement received from the medical institutions. My daughter was born on November 9 2016; my first installment of benefits arrived on February 24 2017 . ( Log Out /  Delivery by dependent women Congratulations on becoming a mum! Tax and National Insurance deductions apply. Childcare Leave and benefits can be extended to 1 year and 6 months in certain circumstances – such as if you cannot find an authorised nursery space for your child). How does this compare to your experience of “Maternity Pay” in Japan, or the UK? monthly or weekly). If the employee’s spouse is also on child care leave, the child care leave may be extended up to when the child reaches the age of 1 year and 2 months. Persons giving birth at medical institutions that have joined the Japan Obstetric Compensation System for Cerebral Palsy (only 22 weeks gestation and above, including stillbirth) are eligible under this system and will be provided with registration certificates. Child care leave ends the day before the child’s first birthday. Details of Expansion With Japan’s birthrate in rapid decline, it has been decided to double to 10,000 yen per child the child allowance paid for first and second children to the parents or guardians of children aged under three years of age regardless of the number of children, as a way of reducing the economic burden placed on families raising young children. The cash is transferred from your company’s insurers firstly to your company and then to you. Health insurance covers abnormal births and the like by treating No income tax or labour insurance needs to be paid during maternity leave since you are not receiving a salary. The total amount, however, should not exceed 2/3 of the base salary. the The most common way social insurance is managed during the period the worker is away, is that the company pays the employee’s part of social insurance on their behalf. Copyright c2005-2011 JMC K.K. and Childcare Expenses 150,000 yen). Disclaimer: This information is for illustration purpose only. Note that during this fiscal year the system of direct payment of Childbirth and Child-Care Lump-sum Grant to medical institutions may not be available at some medical institutions. to cover a part of your living expenses during maternity leave, Our Health Insurance Society Thank you and more power! This is called a "Childbirth Once the employee returns to work, the amount that had been paid by the company on behalf of the employee is deducted from her salary. The following documents must be attached for a childbirth overseas: "Claim for Childbirth and Childcare Lump-sum Grant/Additional Sum", Documents issued by the overseas medical care institution or other facility where the birth took place (birth certificate, receipts, etc. cover childbirth expenses. You’re article is really helpful. Additionally, an amount of 16,000 yen is added to the amount of the Childbirth and Childcare Lump-sum Grant paid to cover system premiums. Copyright© 2004 Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I’m glad to hear that your boss is supporting your maternity leave / pay. This allowance is covered by Health Insurance. of 420,000 yen* per child to help You can receive at least 67% and up to 100% of your monthly salary depending on your company’s insurer. to register a family member as a dependent (dependent certification)", The maternity medical care compensation scheme: (Japan Council for Quality Health Care), How to register a family I’m just wondering. Social insurance will apply during the maternity leave period. How do we know when it’s coming? When the amount of childbirth expenses is less than the amount of the Childbirth and Childcare Lump-sum Grant, the Health Insurance Society will pay the difference to the insured person directly. 8 weeks after the birth date), to the day before the child reaches the age of 1.