But, if your loved one didn't appreciate music (and lots of folks don’t), it may be more appropriate to read chosen spiritual selections, or excerpts from literature. Composed of three activities, the visitation, the funeral service, and the committal service, performed at the graveside; this funeral is the one we'd easily recognize from contemporary literature and film. A Christian funeral service is not complete without a few readings from scripture. The Visitation: Held prior to the funeral, often the night before but sometimes on the same day, the visitation (or viewing) is a time when people come to support the family and, more importantly, pay their respects to the deceased. While a funeral, as we've described it above, has more to do with the orderly and often spiritually-defined; a celebration of life is more concerned with telling the story of the deceased. What you serve may depend on the theme of your celebration of life, or may be based on your loved one's favorite dishes. Many families are choosing to have a celebration of life service in Weaverville, instead of a traditional funeral service because it allows them to customize the service and honor the life of their loved one in a way that is unique and meaningful to them. The service can … The timing for a celebration of life service may also be more flexible than with a funeral. Mementos:  Photo albums, video slideshow, scrapbooks and personal items of your loved one are usually displayed on memory tables and display boards. Refreshments: It can depend on where the service is held, but light drinks or even a catered meal much appreciated. As you explore ideas for a service, consider what the deceased would enjoy, but also what the attendees will enjoy and what will meet their emotional and spiritual needs. These are just some of the possibilities when planning and hosting a Celebration of Life service. Memorial services are also known as celebration of life services, or just celebration services. A Celebration of Life service can be small, close and intimate shared with only close friends and family, or it can be of a larger scope with extended family, business colleagues and the like. This could be focused on their favorite sports team or their love for hunting for instance. Many families have heard about the concept of a celebration of life service and are looking for ideas on planning a unique service for their loved one. Music: Recorded songs, funeral songs or even live music in the genre that your loved one enjoyed. Many times family members or friends will be very direct about their desire to make a short presentation at the celebration of life; other times you need to come out and ask folks if they would be willing to publicly share their thoughts and feelings. Music can be played throughout the entire service, intermittently or only at the beginning called the procession and at the end called the recessional. It should outline your loved one’s life and include childhood photos and photos throughout their life at their best and happiest moments. Celebrations of life are similar to memorial services, which can be described as a hybrid event; combining the flexibility of a celebration of life with many of the activities of a traditional funeral order-of-service. Instead of being a somber event, guests use this time to talk, laugh and share the good times they had with the person who died. Typically Celebration of Life services are held instead of a Memorial Service following the loved one’s burial or cremation. It normally occurs a few days after the person passes or up to several weeks later. If planning for snacks or refreshments, plan to enjoy your loved one’s favorite dishes or treats. The location can be a funeral home with a reception space, a place of worship, a family member's house or a place that was special to the loved one being celebrated. It is played sporadically or continuously throughout the service or only at the beginning (procession) and end (ressesional). And without doubt, this allows you to make better decisions about how you'd like to celebrate the life of someone you dearly loved. Memorial note-cards: Usually printed on a high quality stock paper, guests are able to write a note to the family sharing their favorite memories with your loved one. Consider making copies of the slideshow to hand out to callers as a keepsake. This often involves stepping up to the casket to view the body; either in the company of a member of the surviving family or on your own. Celebration of Life services are not constrained or limited by the social expectations that traditional funeral services tend to have, so let your imagination run wild to plan the perfect service that is as unique as the life of your loved one. Guestbook: Similarly to a traditional funeral service, a guestbook of usually available to attendees to sign. So, think about exactly who will be there, and what they're likely to want or need. Keepsakes - Funeral keepsakes are gifts or momentos distributed at memorial services or celebrations of life that help mourners remember their loved ones after the service is over. If you have any questions about having a celebration of life, or are looking for help on ideas for how to personalize a service for your loved one, please feel free to give us a call at, Mars Hill, NC 28754     Phone: (828) 680-0287, Thinking Beyond the Graveside: Creating a Memorial. But it could also take place days, weeks, or months later. This type of informal memorial service can be a refreshing change to the typical stuffy and somber funeral service. Choose from our wide selection of funeral program and memorial card templates. Readings can help mourners process the loss and find meaning in the midst of pain. Celebration of life services are either intimate with close family and friends or larger and include business colleagues and extended family members. Sit down with other family members, at least once, but maybe even more than once; to explore the celebration of life ideas which arise from answering these questions: While celebrations of life are not burdened by social expectations—they can be pretty much anything you want them to be—it's important to realize that the event you're planning should meet the emotional needs of the guests. The celebration of life service will need someone to … Author Barbara Kingsolver, in her book The Poisonwood Bible, wrote “To live is to be marked. Not every biographical detail needs to be highlighted; rather you're trying to capture their essence by telling revealing anecdotes or stories. There are many different ways you can honor your loved and their legacy. Additionally, the Bible is full of verses that give hope to the hopeless, comfort to the grieving, and the promise of an eternal future with God at the end of life. The number of guests define the where, when, and how of your celebration of life. It can take place shortly after your loved one’s passing or even months later to facilitate guests coming from out of town. These are then placed in a special memory box or bag and kept for future generations to read. A celebration of life service is an opportunity for family and friends to pay tribute to a loved one while saying goodbye in a uniquely personal way. A typical service may includes:      Speakers: Including the officiant, these presenters can talk about the deceased person's life, hobbies, work, etc. These keepsakes can include memorial bookmarks,memorial prayer cards, candles, charms, and many other trinkets. Include childhood photos, as well as those showing your loved one at his or her best. The Funeral Service: Commonly held in the funeral home or church, the traditional funeral service is led by an officiant of one kind or another; most commonly a pastor or the funeral director. See Our Packages for more details. The most desirable location would be a place that held significance in the deceased’s life. The last thing you want to do is put together a celebration of life that the deceased would not have liked. Write down the names of everyone you think would want to be there and then set it aside. It's really a process of asking–and answering–questions. The size depends on budget, as well as the personality and lifestyle of the deceased person. Yet they achieve those things in very different ways. If your loved one was religious, you may opt to have their pastor or church minister perform these tasks. Instead of mourning the individual's death, guests celebrate the joy he or she brought into everyday living. Move the deceased from one social status to another. If there are not many options available, you can always choose to conduct the service at funeral venues or local places. Celebration of Life Services.