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[18] Sima was close to SS Volksgruppenführer Andreas Schmidt, a volksdeutsch (ethnic German) from Romania, and through him become close to Schmidt's father-in-law, the powerful Gottlob Berger who headed the SS Main Office in Berlin. The Legion differed from other fascist movements in that it had its mass base among the peasantry and students, rather than among military veterans.

The mysticism of the Legion led to a cult of martyrdom and self-sacrifice. Central European University, Jewish Studies Program, 2003. However, Interior Minister Armand Călinescu did not trust Codreanu and ordered him arrested on 16 April. Iordachi, Constantin. An AGI representative will reply within 3 business days. Next.

[12] The fact that many members of Romania's elite were often corrupt and that very little of the vast sums of money generated by Romania's oil found its way into the pockets of ordinary people, further enhanced the appeal of the Legion who denounced the entire elite as irredeemably corrupt.

4.4 out of 5 stars 6,433. This water purifier also comes with a Mineral Guard to prevent the accumulation of salts, such as Calcium and Magnesium, on the Quartz glass. Horia Sima stated that the camps "destroyed class prejudice" by bringing together those from different classes. On 28 September the elder Codreanu stormed the Legion headquarters in Bucharest (the Green House) in an unsuccessful attempt to install himself as leader. However, this new man was very different in conception.

[9] The Great Depression seemed to show the literal bankruptcy of these policies and many of the younger Romanian intelligentsia, especially university students, were attracted by the Iron Guard's glorification of "Romanian genius" and its leaders who boasted that they were proud to speak Romanian. [21] The Malaxa factory had been licence-producing these French armored vehicles since mid-1939,[22] and aside from the two such machines, the factory also supplied the Legion with machine guns and rifles. Sima became deputy premier, and four other legionnaires joined Sima in the cabinet.[16]. They had an action squad that was called Echipa morții, or "Death Squad".

[10], Romania had been a strongly Francophile country starting in 1859 when the United Principalities came into being, giving Romania effective independence from the Ottoman Empire (an event largely made possible by French diplomacy which pressured the Ottomans on behalf of the Romanians), and from that time onwards, most of the Romanian intelligentsia professed themselves believers in French ideas about the universal appeal of democracy, freedom and human rights, while at the same time holding antisemitic views about Romania's Jewish minority. Built for flexibility and adaptability, from small farm installations to large commercial grain operations. Following it, the Iron Guard movement was banned and 9,000 of its members were imprisoned. [35] Part of the reason for the overwhelming male membership of the Iron Guard was that a disproportionate number of legionnaires were university students and very few women went to university in Romania during the inter-war period. 40 … After a brief period of arrests, beatings, torture and even killings (twelve members of the Legionary Movement were murdered by the police force), Iron Guard members retaliated on 29 December 1933, by assassinating Duca on the platform of Sinaia railway station.

As part of the deal, Romania was proclaimed a "National Legionary State," with the Legion as the country's only legal party. TIGI Catwalk Haute Iron Spray for Unisex, 6 Ounce 4.7 out of 5 stars 782. Your question and comments are greatly appreciated. [38] Again, the term Cantacuzino used was the masculine sterilitate rather than the feminine stearpă.