So Aish came up with he calls “the carrot”: a weekend retreat with fellow Birthrighters from their group of 40 bus mates, plus the Israeli participants — IDF soldiers who accompanied them for part of the Israel visit — flown in for the reunion. Submissions will be accepted until Tuesday, September 23, 2008. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Free dinner! From my perspective, having worked with some of those staff members and having been brought in as an advisor before the initiative was even launched, Birthright Next is/was a case study in how not to spend millions of philanthropic dollars. We all rolled our eyes. Although it is often unseen, Taglit-Birthright Israel participants are quietly transforming their generation in North America and every Jewish organization has the potential to benefit from their renewed passion for Israel and for Jewish life. The NEXT staffers “feel that NEXT Shabbat is a highly successful way to engage young Jewish adults, teach about Jewish ritual, and build leadership among participants by asking some participants to host a NEXT Shabbat in their own homes,” the report’s authors wrote. It’s a gift. He described his sense of accomplishment in hosting a family seder for the first time and interacting with a rabbi. But not to those who have followed the program closely, and watched its revolving door of talented staff fail at their mission. Follow-up programs to engage returnees from Israel have been problematic; several are seeking to fill the vacuum. One Table now has been launched in New York, with funding from the Paul Singer Foundation and philanthropist and Birthright founder Michael Steinhardt. Things could’ve been different. All readers can browse the comments, and all Forward subscribers can add to the conversation. ‘Liberal’ Jews for Trump, Labour boots Corbyn, Stephen Miller’s second-term warning, Meet a New York Orthodox Rabbi Voting for Biden. Israel Outdoors NEXT provides opportunities for young Jewish adults of all backgrounds to do extraordinary things. Rabbis have endorsed Trump and their followers have rallied in support of the incumbent. “I feel discriminated against,” says a Long Island philanthropist and activist. Birthright Israel participants enjoy the 20th-anniversary kick-off festivities. There are already dozens of market-tested programs out there: educational initiatives, retreats, social justice actions, you name it. There are so many excellent programs out there, I thought, and so many underfunded ones. Adam Yormack, 29, raised as a Reform Jew and married to a devout Catholic in Miami Beach, Fla. is one of several participants who catalogued their 100 points in a booklet published by Aish. Imagining a Post-Pandemic Jewish Community. But it was a bold initiative, and has changed the lives of many of its participants. Your contribution will help us bring you vital news, The New York University Silver School of Social Work, THE SILVER SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, The New York University Silver School of Social Work (SSSW), From Midtown to the Mideast - We Cover Your World, Get Jewish Week's Newsletter by email and never miss our top stories, Some Orthodox Are Turned Off by Community’s Embrace of Trump. The Birthright Israel program was initiated in 1994 and founded in cooperation with Charles Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt, as well as the Israeli government, private donors, the Jewish Agency for Israel, … More about Israel Outdoors, We’re part of Authentic Israel, an organization with a track record spanning three decades in the field of experiential travel and informal education. Efforts like One Table and Bring Israel Home underscore the appeal of empowering young people to engage their peers in ways that fit their lifestyle, utilizing social media and technology trends. In late November, the organization hosted a training session for 50 Jewish professionals on how to engage Birthright alumni. What’s the catch?’ they ask,” said Kline, who formerly was founding executive director of Mayyim Hayyim, the inclusive, all-service mikvah in Boston, and a seasoned pro in interpreting and adapting ancient rituals for 21st century, largely unaffiliated Jews. We were envisioning a follow-up to a product they never bought.”. Birthright Israel Foundation holds a platinum rating on Charity Navigator and Guidestar. Were unaffiliated young people expected to suddenly attend synagogue, join Jewish organizations, or enroll in Jewish study courses? National Opinions: Opinion Pieces From The USA. Outsource the expertise, but provide the information and the resources for disaffiliated Jews to make use of it. All rights reserved. Sign up today. Should it create new programs or support existing ones? Volunteer and make an impact while becoming a real part of an Israeli community in the Galilee or the Negev Desert. Those are two reasons why Birthright Next, the division of the Birthright Israel Foundation created to translate the participants’ enthusiasm for Israel into involvement in Jewish life back home, is now officially over. They were the professionals. Trouble is, when you’ve got so much money swishing around, it’s hard to tell what’s real and what isn’t. In an effort to combat this, Jewish community organizations, the Israeli government and a core group of Jewish philanthropists – Charles Bronfman and Michael Steinhardt, later joined by Sheldon and Mariam Adelson in 2006 – formed Birthright Israel. Biden supporters say they were ‘blindsided” as rabbis and protesters aligned so closely with a polarizing incumbent. Instead of inventing a new program, imagine if Next had worked on strengthening existing ones. NEXT is a project of Israel Outdoors, the award-winning Birthright Israel program organizer. Meet the ‘Closeted’ Liberal Jews Voting for Trump. The Shining Face of the Kohen Gadol and Personal Forgiveness, Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech: The Longest Day, Rejoicing in the Triumphs of the Next Generation, Parshat Ki Tetze – Relationship Building as a Mitzvah, When Torah Asks Us to Take a Leap of Faith, Sports World Pays Attention After Jewish Girl Calls ‘Foul!’. If Birthright Next brought one-tenth as many participants to them as Birthright Israel has brought to Masada, it could provide a huge boost to grassroots and grasstops efforts across the country. (Jason Cohen), "I wanted to teach the next Jewish learners Hebrew and the Jewish traditions," Cohen said. Gary Rosenblatt is The NY Jewish Week's editor at large. Attendees stick to health guidelines but fume at restrictions. This is your chance to reflect on who you are and what you want to become – to live outside of your comfort zone, and to learn and grow as a person in a new culture. Today we call it Birthright Israel Next, NY; it operates in partnership with the Jewish Enrichment Center and is directed by Rebecca Sugar. The way forward is in an America in which we are all seen, heard, respected and valued. “I can introduce you to people that met their bashert [soul mate] because of the program,” he said. But in its shift over the last several years from direct programming for Birthrighters to providing communal consulting, training local engagers, and working with other organizations that seek to reach young adults, it had successes under the radar. Biden’s Jewish Supporters Breathe a Loud Sigh of Relief. Egregious commenters or repeat offenders will be banned from commenting. As in Cohen's case, the trip has had a significant impact on all types of participants – whether they are religious or secular, politically progressive or conservative. “I like when all my friends are together,” she said, and appreciated that the experience “allowed me to be me” and to host the event at home. Anxious Jewish voters turn to an old standby: prayer. "The anti-Semitism and increasing sentiment of anti-Israel has a double effect sometimes," Mark explained. The Forward welcomes reader comments in order to promote thoughtful discussion on issues of importance to the Jewish community. Brenner, who now serves as chief of education and program at Moving Traditions, said the program promoted “the idea of home hospitality as being a central building block to Jewish community.”, Brenner said that he remained proud of the program. ©2020 FOX News Network, LLC. Hosts are screened in advance and coached to create a welcoming environment by the One Table team. Carly and Alex Vargas, 31, were living miles apart in Boston but didn't meet until they landed in the Holy Land for their trip in the summer of 2014. On many issues important to American Jews, including Israel and Iran, expect more continuity than quick reversals. Find out how we’ve adjusted and carried on during these times OUR COVID-19 APPROACH. Additionally, … Meanwhile, tens of millions of dollars, and the future direction of the Jewish community, are riding on the outcome. “‘What will be expected of me? It’s really an open discovery for them.". Aware that lots of people wanted a few of those gazillions, my experience was that they didn’t return calls, they copied ideas without attribution, and they did everything their way, all with the gloss and patina of Jewish management consultants. Free Sign Up. How best to evaluate its effectiveness? DEAN FOR FIELD LEARNING AND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS, A Comedy Writer Looks Back on Her 1960s Childhood, How Partisan Affiliations Blind Us to the Threats Next Door, Embracing Auschwitz: Learning Not to ‘Get Over’ the Holocaust, Woman of Few Words: My Creative Journey with Dystonia, Read an excerpt from ‘The Violin Players,’ a new YA novel about anti-Semitism and racism, A taste of Palestine, ‘a place and a people’. Birthright Israel, a travel organization that offers Jewish young adults a free 10-day trip to the Holy Land, has become a rite of passage for many Jews around the world. The Jewish Week’s Fresh Ink for Teens program finds young people who are still committed to telling their community’s story. Republican efforts to block the path to the ballot box must be thwarted. Rabbi Yitz Greenman, executive director of Aish Hatorah New York, an Orthodox educational outreach program, says he was shocked by that finding. "That’s why we believe Israel is the key component of identity for young Jews today.". This felt very last-century. It wasn’t sticking. Besides hosting a dinner at home, options include eating out at a restaurant.