Open the letter with a confirmation of the approval giving reasons for the approval where necessary. Don’t Send the Application without a Word of Warning: In order to get approval for that vacation of a lifetime or that medical leave that you badly need, you’ll have to speak with your manager before sending a formal application. Asking for an extended period of time off can be stressful, but remember that you are legally allowed to do so if you have a valid reason. Include the day(s) for which leave is approved. I have approved your leave request for April 28 on May 16. If the recipient is required to take further actions, state so clearly. Leave Letter To School Teacher Due To Fever, How To Write Leave Letter To Project Manager, How To Write a Grievance Letter to Employer, Recommendation Letter Sample For Students, Landlord Ending A Tenancy Agreement Letter, Sample of Car Insurance Cancellation Letter. As with any official letter in the workplace, you must abide by some formatting rules to make sure it’s presented in a clear and professional manner. The letter could be ended with a friendly note. For example a teacher may send a letter of approval to a local business asking for approval to bring in a large amount of students for a field trip. has been approved. Send your boss an email or IM and ask for a quick chat when it’s convenient for them. There are many reasons for which approval letters may be written. Whatever the reason for your writing, the letter must be formal and professional. What’s a leave of absence, and how does it impact your employment? All letters to employees must be addressed with the proper names of the recipients. Have you recently requested a leave of absence? Convey your message briefly but clearly, highlighting all the important details. If you are a creditor, working with a government body, or an employer with staff, chances are you will be required to know how to write an approval letter. This unpaid leave will begin on August 1 and end on September 30. Your email address will not be published. This can help you learn whether you are FMLA eligible and if your employer is likely to grant your request. If the issue that you are writing about requires further explanation, make sure to offer your explanation in a way that the recipient can easily understand. Sample letter #5, Approval letter example for extended leave request, Approval of maternity leave sample letter, Sample letter to approve a photo essay sent to a publication, Approval sample letter to postpone a proposal presentation, A letter of approval for a leave.   Depending on the organization, you may simply be able to ask for time off from work. But it should contain the leave period granted. If your employer does not have a leave policy or does not want to grant you a leave, taking the time off without their approval could be considered job abandonment or resignation—both of which are grounds for … In this letter, address and header information should be entered for both the sender and the recipient. The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge receipt of your physician’s statement (Form DOP‐L3) and your request for a medical leave of absence from your position as [classification] dated [date] that you submitted to [name], [title]. It is upon the employer to respond to the leave extension application after analyzing the situation that a person is in and grant the leave if he finds that the employee is right in asking for it. [Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-.