Just curious to know what you guys think. Heat energy in the brain dissipates into the surroundings as the body cools, and the chemical energy is transferred to other living organisms and into the ground during the process of decomposition. So Anna is alive. Hydronium Bromide. But Paul has no support, he has to back down. Cookies help us deliver our Services. so why would we suddenly enter nothing when we die? This gives Jack the reason to consider the chick dead and bury it. Eliot has convinced Jack that he needs to bury the beings that are incapable of living. But at the precipice of life turning to death, Eliot wants to know if these people can change. Not to live with regrets. It also made me think of regrets too. It was weird because in the dream he told everyone "I just want to see my niece" which was strange to me at the time but I needed the closure as there had been no official funeral. His love for movies and production has led him to write his well-received film explanation and analysis articles to help everyone appreciate the films better. She wants to see herself once more before the funeral. All those presses are obsolete. Unfortunately, there are millions of people who have seen things that weren't there. This he tries to tell Paul. Anna’s mother doesn’t seem to like him and tells him that he shouldn’t have let her drive in that weather. I have no choice. I find this post very comforting... One thing that nailed it for me was an account, which I believe was in the Scole Report, which is a book about a group that conducted experiments for years trying to contact the other side. Eliot has a predecessor now. Many questions pop up right now. Afterlife Ending Explained By the end of the series Tony comes to realise that in loss there is also the opportunity to regain and grow. Anna is seen attending the funeral of her piano teacher in the beginning. (he was cremated.). I still find it a bit odd that the scientific method and rules of evidence are invoked to "prove" that super-nature, that which is beyond the natural, exists. I LOVED The Good Place. Eliot has drugged Anna sufficiently to ensure she can’t feel anything, not even her own pulse. Reply. Eliot can now go back to what he does best. NDERF, the near-death experience research foundation, collection of exceptional NDE accounts. He’s speeding and overtaking. Note the still from that scene. He’s going through a lot of guilt. The heartbeat slows to almost nothing”. This could be because Eliot has bugged the phone or just bad luck. He’s not yet engaged to her and is therefore not family. Ghost Hunters by Deborah Blum is a great book about the scientific investigation of phenomena in the late 1800s/early 1900s by Nobel prize winners and great scientific and literary minds of the time. As a killer, this is possibly him giving his victims a last chance. A great many people who die and are resuscitated come back with extremely detailed experiences that seem more real than their own real life. Barry is a technologist who helps start-ups build successful products. I maintain it as a personal matter--proving it to others just doesn't seem so important. The paramedics proclaim him dead and Paul is now in Eliot’s funeral home. Nothing else explained after that. Paul screams out in pain and dies. All they do is piss and shit. When Jack sees Anna at the funeral home, he naturally assumes that he sees the dead Anna. i remember one story where someone was describing the surgeon and that he was doing some specific maneuver with his arms while in the room. 'Nature' has a philosophical meaning that is synonymous with 'an idea about reality'.