In 1872, on a buying trip to Ireland, he met and married Helen Boyce. The family moved to Brooklyn in 1858 and began a military surplus business near the Brooklyn Navy Yard in 1865 purchasing surplus military equipment at the close of the American Civil War. This source continued even after the Spanish American War. The Castle can also be seen in the movie Against the Current with Joseph Fiennes. Dark fantasy author Caitlín R. Kiernan uses Bannerman's Castle and Pollepel Island as the setting for a number of the stories in her collection Tales of Pain and Wonder (2000), including "Estate", "The Last Child of Lir", and "Salammbô". In the meantime, it’s a tourist destination, hosting 12,000 guests a year in good times, and half that during this time of Covid 19. Doubleday, 2008> and the site of a series of abductions in Kirsten Miller's book Kiki Strike: Inside the Shadow City. Pollepel Island is a murder scene in Linda Fairstein's murder mystery Killer Heat