There is anecdotal evidence that describes cases where people found relief from many symptoms once they  have committed to a sulfite free diet. If you already know you’re allergic to sulfites, it's important you pay close attention to what kind of wine you drink. More research is needed regarding ingredients in wines that cause these reactions, according to the Bath Students’ Union Wine Society. The sulfites and histamines in wine might cause adverse effects, and they are the chemicals typically responsible for allergic reactions. You won’t find sulfites in fresh, raw fruits and vegetables or any whole, unprocessed foods. This chemical sensitivity isn’t considered a true allergy, but some can test positive for sulfite reactions in skin allergy tests. Anaphylactic shock is a potentially fatal allergic reaction to people who are extremely sensitive to certain substances. It’s important to know all about your food allergies and how better to treat and manage them so you can live a healthier and more enjoyable life. Sulfites are antibacterial agents and make good preservatives for wine. It makes sense — sulfites are added to foods to fight bacterial overgrowth, so when these foods are consumed and processed in the small and large intestines, they continue their antibacterial effects.
People who suffer from asthma are also at a higher risk for allergic reactions from wine sulfites. The Food and Drug Administration reports that only 1 percent of the U.S. population is sensitive to the additive.

A., Metcalfe, D. D., Sampson, H. A., & Simon, R. A. This additive is also used to prevent browning, food spoilage and more. We really have a no idea how sulfites and other chemicals will effect the population long-term, but more and more evidence is pointing to food additives as the root cause for the many health conditions that society seems to be plagued with. Sulfites. It’s not recommended to consume it unless under the care of a doctor. These effects may be brought on not only by sulfites but also by other additives in the making of wine. Red wine in particular causes the allergic reactions, according to the University of Bath Students’ Union Wine Society in England. Sulfites are present in most processed foods. Many people have some type of physiological reaction to sulfite (sulphate) containing  products. Adverse reactions to sulfites. Headaches, facial flushing, irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure and asthma are the most common reactions for people with wine allergies. Food additives including sulfites, nitrates, food dyes and MSG have been linked to free radical damage within the body. Their reactions can occur after consuming other products that contain histamines, as well. Taylor, S. L., Bush, R. K., Nordlee, J. Stick to sulfite-safe foods that aren’t processed — not only is it better for those with a sulfite allergy, but it’s also better for your overall health. In addition to these medications, sulfites are also added to cosmetic products, including hair dyes, body creams and perfumes. The information in our articles is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. By Jerry Shaw. Let’s take a look at them, along with what a sulfite allergy means. For that reason, limiting your consumption of processed foods containing additives is important for your overall health. When it comes to sulfites in wine, there’s actually a method to remove the preservatives, at least in theory. They are used for preservation, preventing bacterial growth, maintaining color and more. This chemical sensitivity isn’t considered a true allergy, but some can test positive for sulfite reactions in skin allergy tests. When it comes to sulfites in wine, there’s actually a method to remove the preservatives, at least in theory. Common Sulfate Allergy Symptoms. Here are the top foods containing sulfites: Sulfites are used in a range of pharmaceutical products, including: While sulfites are used in EpiPens to prevent browning, they are not known to cause adverse reactions and should still be used when someone is having an allergic emergency. This Dr. Axe content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure factually accurate information. Sulfites may not be the only culprit in wine. Wine Allergy Symptoms. How common is it to have an allergic reaction? Precipitating Factors in Asthma Aspirin, Sulfites, and Other Drugs and Chemicals. Headache; Runny nose Plus 4 Substitutes, Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits and Uses (30! While moderate alcohol consumption can have a beneficial effect on your health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, opting for wine might cause side effects. There are products, containing hydrogen peroxide and water, that are meant to remove sulfites when added to your wine.

10% of people with asthma will have an allergic reaction to sulfites. This is especially true for people eating a typical Western diet of processed foods, canned foods and alcoholic beverages. This impacts the good bacteria in your gut, too, and alters your microbiome. In rare cases they can cause anaphylaxis, the most severe type of allergic reaction. are clickable links to medically peer-reviewed studies. For wine, there are “sulfite-free” options on the market, which means that there’s less than 10 mg/L of sulfites present. Reports show that sulfite exposure can induce a range of sulfite allergy symptoms, including: Exposures that can cause allergy symptoms include consuming sulfites in foods and drinks, taking pharmaceutical products made with these additives, and exposure through occupational settings. This article is based on scientific evidence, written by experts and fact checked by our trained editorial staff. Allergic reactions to sulfites include dizziness, trouble swallowing, hives, headache and vomiting. sulfur dioxide gas (with the sulfite formula SO2), sulfur salts containing potassium, calcium or sodium, asthmatic reactions, like difficulty breathing. Dr. Josh Axe is on a mission to provide you and your family with the highest quality nutrition tips and healthy recipes in the world...Sign up to get VIP access to his eBooks and valuable weekly health tips for FREE! Note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, etc.) A vast majority of sulfite allergy reports describe the additive triggering the constriction of airways in asthmatic people. If you are experiencing the above symptoms after you eat certain foods or if you have any of the above disorders you may want to look at the amount of sulfites in your diet. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 86(1), 37-48. The asthmatic symptoms connected to sulfites may range from wheezing to serious reactions that could be life-threatening, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Foods without sulfites include fresh fruits and vegetables and whole foods in their natural forms. Yang, W. H., & Purchase, E. C. (1985). The sulfites and histamines in wine might cause adverse effects, and they are the chemicals typically responsible for allergic reactions. 2), 339-357. The chronic toxicity of sulfites. CHEST Journal, 87(1_Supplement), 50S-54S. University of Bath Students’ Union Wine Society: Wine Allergies, A Web Experience brought to you by LEAFtv, How to Make Wine From Frozen Grape Juice Concentrate. Sulfites can cause allergy like reactions (intolerances), with symptoms such as wheezing in people with asthma, allergic rhinitis (hay fever), and urticaria (hives).
They’re also detrimental to your health for several additional reasons. For people who experience allergy symptoms to sulfites, avoiding foods containing the additive is the safest and most effective way to avoid adverse reactions. Do sulfites cause cancer? Sulfites in foods and drugs are regarded as safe for consumption by governmental regulatory agencies at concentrations up to 5,000 parts per million. They are also found in cosmetic and industrial products.

Sulfite Allergy Symptoms and Causes. What are the side effects of drinking wine with sulfites?