On the cells along that corridor, only one contains treasure x1 Unknown Soldier's Soul. Go through it and take the two stairs downwards. With that key you can now open the locked cells on this floor. Also, at the end of the corridor, you can loot another body to obtain x1 Renowned Soldier's Soul. There's another iron maiden to your right, loot it to obtain x1 Unknown Hero's Soul. “Some of Miyazaki’s levels in the series are masterclasses in progression, non-linearity, and environmental storytelling.” He specified that a level like Tower of Latria from Demon’s Souls (2009) was perfect example of how to “unfold a level to a player.” Tower of Latria left an impact on Mansell, as he explained: “There’s a prison section later on in my map that in hindsight is pretty much a direct tribute to [Latria].”, The idea for the map has been in Mansell’s brain since 2003—it was then that Mansell, while in a college lecture, started doodling the idea for a Doom map. x1 Wooden Catalyst, x1 Wizard's Clothes, x1 Wizard's Gloves and x1 Wizard's Shoes. From that cell, continue around the railed area as it continues toward the far wall and then wraps to the right again.

“This was the very first venue we created when developing Demon’s souls. There will be another guard coming toward you, so take him out with magic and melee attacks before he can harm you.

With the ballista disabled, you should next head into the other tower that you saw. Go upstairs and turn left to find the Archstone, touch it to obtain Doll Demon's Soul. take the path first to loot x1 Heavy Crossbow and x9 Black Bolt. There's a locked gate to the left that you can't pass through yet, while the main passageway will head back toward the right. Turn back to where you dropped from and climb up. One is to raise her hands in the air and summon traps along the floor (they appear as green markings) and the other is to fire arrows. The first area probably won’t be a shocker to many Souls fans, as it’s certainly one of my favorite zones from the From Software catalog – The Tower of Latria’s first map (Demon’s Souls). Investigate to obtain another Renowned Soldier's Soul. If you loot it, you can obtain x1 Stone of Ephemeral Eyes. Mind the bolts being shot at you, however you won't be able to target the attacker from there. Enter the door and climb the stairs up. It’s quite a traditional Doom map in some senses, following the kind of nonlinear, sprawling design principals many modern FPSs shy away from.”, Mansell wants to make another Doom map, but he’s going to take a break first. The twisting and disturbing prison filled with mind flayers and other terrors is a fan favorite, and its creator was particularly hands-on during its genesis.

At that second bend you'll find your first enemy in the area, a guard that rushes you once he sees you.

Move across the room and you'll find several weaklings wandering amongst the pews in the chapel. But he never did anything with the idea until last year. All Rights Reserved. A map so large it will take most players two to three hours to complete. Keep going forward to reach a wooden door, open it and continue going forward, until the end to find x1 Silver Catalyst. On the next cell, there are five iron maidens, fourwith their backs against each other and the other one by itself. To get it, you need to hop off halfway up the elevator next to the Irithyll Dungeon Bonifre. Head left from the entry door and you'll find another door, this one covered in fog. :) The Tower of Latria is a top zone of any game in the entire history of gaming. Once you reach the end of it, on your left there will be a Mind Flayer. It's Summer in Boletaria! On your left again, you will find cells. Drop to the narrow one next to it, and keep going forward until the end to loot x1 Mercury Rapier +1. 3-1 Tower of Latria - Pure White Tendency Head down to the 2F West section and use the key to open Lord Rydell's Cell and collect … Demons Souls has it's flaws but Tower of Latria is untouchable, and not even Blighttown matches the misery of Valley of Defilement. Please do *NOT* spoil the game for others or link to the wiki to answer questions. Behind the table where the Fool's Idol appears you can loot x1 Baby's Nail, behind a column on the right you can loot x1 Storied Soldier's Soul, on the left of the fog door you can loot x2 old Spice. Head out and reach the end of the corridor to open another iron gate.

You can open it to gain access to a wider hallway. As you arrive back on the scene, the two locked doors should now be on your left. Hack apart some caskets and search the area beyond to obtain a Renowned Soldier's Soul. Then he'll outline his plans to leave and reward you with Geri's Stiletto. This leads you to the ballista-like device that was shooting arrows and preventing you from crossing the bridge. There is another locked door exactly like the one on the previous floor. He drops a Phosphorescent Pole when killed.

Don't do that unless you're anxious for conflict or you want to check the cells for items. Miyazaki gravitates toward Demon’s Souls to find some of his favorite zones. Now you can then touch an archstone once to receive Doll Demon's Soul, then again to warp back to the Nexus.

But I never ever forgot how scared I was just to keep inching forward in Tower of Latria and Valley of Defilement. There are around eight or ten of them. 1-3 Tower Knight Archstone; 1-4 Penetrator Archstone; 1-5 False King Archstone; Burrow King. Keep going along the corridor, you will find a cell filled with 5 Prisoners. Anonymous. On your left there's another iron maiden, but if you open it you will be Poisoned and will have to fight a Prisoner. Latria, land of the queens ivory tower. At the moment the path widens, to your left there is a Prisoner, and there are two more on the next cell. You'll receive a precious Wooden Catalyst, Wizard's Clothes, Wizard's Gloves and Wizard's Shoes for your troubles, so you should definitely do so if the way is clear. Hit her a few times with your sword before she disappears and then reappears elsewhere. 3-1 Tower of Latria; 3-2 Fool's Idol Archstone; 3-3 Maneater Archstone; 3-4 Old Monk Archstone; Shadowmen.