Like most physicians, I was always focused on quickly diagnosing my patients, and then using drugs and surgical procedures to treat them—that is, until I became a patient myself. They have often transformed the clinical practices and have become certified Wahls Protocol health professionals. Now, in The Wahls Protocol, she shares the details of the protocol that allowed her to reverse many of her symptoms, get back to her life, and embark on a new mission: to share the Wahls Protocol with others suffering from the ravages of multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune conditions. Something went wrong. Her story is incredible and brings hope to millions needlessly suffering. And so let’s begin. Finally, we were down to the last test: a spinal tap. This is a brilliant book, so much information. In November 2011, Dr. Wahls shared her remarkable recovery in a TEDx talk that immediately went viral. Then something happened that changed my life. This is the typical procedure because the brain releases endorphins and nerve growth factors that make the e-stim more comfortable, so after a few minutes patients can typically tolerate a higher dose of electricity. For those not familiar with TEDx, it is an offshoot of TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design. to view the supplemental material. Doesn't seem that you are reading a medical book or anything. Informed by science, she began using Paleo principles as guidelines for her unique, nutrient-rich plan. They feel less tired and more able to think clearly. He also suggested I try taking mitoxantrone, a form of chemotherapy. I researched Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s dementia, Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS), and Huntington’s disease. He had published a number of articles and had also recently published a book for the public called The Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You Were Designed to Eat, which was much easier reading than the technical scientific papers.1 I began to absorb information more quickly: molecular mimicry, leaky gut, lectins, immune modulation (I’ll talk about all these things later in this book). If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Our Paleolithic ancestors didn’t take supplements, obviously. They demonstrate what I have known for many years: food is medicine or poison, depending on our choices. Dr. Wahls adopted the nutrient-rich paleo diet, gradually refining and integrating it into a regimen of neuromuscular stimulation. After I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I consulted leading doctors and took the newest drugs, which, I was told, would never restore function, only delay decline. An integrative approach to healing chronic autoimmune conditions by a doctor, researcher, and sufferer of progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) whose TEDx talk is already a web sensation. Sitting at my desk at work was exhausting. I read it in a week on my holidays. In patient after patient, I watched symptoms and the need for drugs decrease as diet and lifestyles improved. She is a complete inspiration. She is always on the pulse of what is new and provides a balanced perspective.”, “In The Wahls Protocol, Dr. Terry Wahls offers a revolutionary way of reversing multiple sclerosis: nutrient- dense food. At one point she was even getting special shots for knee pain at $800 a pop so she could even walk. Dr. Cordain linked changes in the human diet to the development of chronic disease in Western society. Many people who are ultimately diagnosed with multiple sclerosis go through a similar experience. We measured clinical outcomes at baseline in 12 weeks and demonstrated that our diet was associated with significantly less fatigue, improved quality of life and improved motor function. The Wahls Protocol comes out of Dr. Wahls' own quest to treat the debilitating symptoms she experiences as a sufferer of progressive MS. You ended that it’s a very complex and large asked to give up today’s pleasure for a potential benefit in the future, and what are the things that we can do that help people be more successful at changing their diet, changing their habits, and what makes them more likely to fail? Diet and lifestyle healed me. She cannot do this without peer-reviewed research that will validate how conventional medical treatment protocols could change. Join my community to receive articles, podcasts, tips and a free copy of my favorite techniques to extend your healthspan. Within a year, that lecture had more than 1 million views. You can have hope too. The Wahls Protocol will be the go‑‑to resource for anyone suffering from MS or another autoimmune condition who is ready to fight back. My new book, The Revised and Expanded The Wahls Protocol: A Radical New Way to Treat All Chronic Autoimmune Conditions Using Paleo Principles, details how to transform your life using diet and lifestyle. If doctors would take this incredible information to heart (and into their practices), the health crisis in this world would be over— the cancer industry crushed and the rise in autoimmune conditions would fall.True health reform is contained within these pages. With time, it got easier. I realized that I needed an eating plan specifically designed to maximize my mitochondrial and brain function—an eating plan that went beyond anything I’d already encountered. I will talk more about detoxification. I started slowly, adding meat to soup in small amounts. I urged the National Multiple Sclerosis Society to create a new peer review process for dietary intervention studies since it’s a very different science from drug development. It would incorporate Paleo principles, functional medicine concepts, and my own research. And I’m going to read it off my computer as opposed to the book just to make it easier so I can have a little bit more eye contact. Conventional medical treatments were failing her, and she feared that she would be bedridden for the rest of her life. It didn’t take more than a week to realise I have a gluten intolerance. I wanted to know if there was something more, some other avenue, something the doctors had overlooked. There’ve been hundreds of scientific papers about diet and MS published and available on PubMed. Nevertheless, it was happening. In summer 2000, I moved with Jackie and my children from Marshfield, Wisconsin, to Iowa to accept a joint appointment as assistant professor at the University of Iowa and chief of primary care at the VA hospital. I didn’t talk about it much, but I thought it likely that eventually I would become bedridden. To a large extent you have, it was difficult to get our first paper published which described the preliminary data on the first 10 subjects in our trial who had progressive multiple sclerosis and who with the implementation of the Wahls Protocol experienced statistically and more important to a clinically significant reduction in fatigue. So I started to think outside the box. I knew how science worked—I knew that studies on mice and rats are always the source of tomorrow’s treatments, but that it’s typically years, often decades, before anything becomes a matter for a clinical trial, let alone a standard of care. This will be life changing for many.”— Robb Wolf, New York Times– bestselling author of The Paleo Solution“Whether or not you struggle with autoimmune diseases, I can’t recommend The Wahls Protocol highly enough. The stress and pressure of medical school may have been what triggered my first symptoms in 1980, years before I had any idea what they were. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Reviewing that research protocol made me wonder if the electrical stimulation might slow down my disability. My father died the next morning, and so her words were forgotten in the chaos of grief. It wasn’t my area. The results of this will be forthcoming in a future publication. Sometimes they wished I wouldn’t attend their activities, and that made me feel guilty for wanting to be there. Our epidemic of health is spreading. I couldn’t feel it for years. I was exhausted, nauseated, and scared. I'll find someone who knows keto and can be less restrictive, more supportive. My doctors gave me steroids to suppress my immune cells, and my strength slowly returned, but it was the beginning of a slow, steady decline. I lifted my left leg off the table and held it there as he dialed up the electrical current. And you can read more about this Now I will just read and see … We have several other trials in the works so we can continue to refine and improve and disseminate information about the limitless potential of this lifestyle. This book is a must- read for all of us who want to see the end of the threats of multiple sclerosis and other chronic illnesses.” Informed by science, she began using Paleo principles as guidelines for her unique, nutrient-rich plan. What if diet could have a major impact on MS? Over the years they became steadily worse, like electrical pain that felt like a 10,000-volt cattle prod sticking me in the face. And that was the preface. With disability? He kept dialing up the current. I had been a vegetarian since my college days and I loved my beans and rice. The dietary and lifestyle changes that form the basis of my protocol used in our clinics and research trials are not complicated. PDF software is required to view the supplemental PDF.