, which connects critical depth values. 2 Lawrence, A.; Thollander, P.; Karlsson, M. Drivers, barriers, and success factors for improving energy management in the pulp and paper industry. What are the Different Types of Energy Management Software? those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s). This is often particularly important where fuel gradations are concerned. Specific energy. E Neelis, M.; Ramirez-Ramirez, A.; Patel, M.; Farla, J.; Boonekamp, P.; Blok, K. Energy efficiency developments in the Dutch energy-intensive manufacturing industry, 1980–2003. There are usually a couple of reasons why measuring the energy present per mass unit is important. Generally, the more detailed benchmarking is, the more data is required [, This article was inspired by the authors’ own experiences of using SEC to research industrial energy efficiency and can, therefore, be said to be explorative in nature. […] Literature data is scattered and problematic.”, “Comparing energy efficiency between countries is not straightforward because of differences in economic structure. After these cancelations, the equation becomes. This article provides a quick reference for common values of specific energy and energy density. De Beer, J.; Worrell, E.; Blok, K. Long-term energy-efficiency improvements in the paper and board industry. The authors declare no conflict of interest. The choice of energy savings indicators starts with the definition of energy savings, which is dependent on the types of drivers (economic, technical or behavioural factors) behind the changes in energy use. Suhr, M.; Klein, G.; Kourti, I.; Gonzalo, M.R. Hence, more support is needed in this respect, to support both researchers and industry practitioners. . ; Huang, C.F. In discussing chemical energy, it is often more useful to be concerned with specific measurements on a molecular basis instead of a mass basis. Energy more generally is an important and fairly ubiquitous concept, and measuring it makes it more easily quantifiable for research and other calculation-based purposes. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Worrell, E.; Cuelenaere, R.F.A. • The definition of useful implicitly requires some assignment of human values in order to define what is considered to be a useful output.”, “In general, availability of plant data from DCs is limited. {\displaystyle E_{1}=E_{2}} Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. (A) Simplified schematic representation of (left) X-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS) and (right) near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS).