is given by inspiration of God, and is with the crown wherewith his mother crowned him in the day of his espousals, and "Mourning lasteth but till morning," [Psalms 30:5] and "the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: it will surely come, it will not tarry." (ca. "Commentary on Song of Solomon 3:1". This principle made it a glad day not only for the maiden and the beloved, but also for everyone. his love to me, according to his promise made to those that seek him constantly The doctrines and ordinances of the Gospel are divine love appear more rich and free under the gospel than they did under the not": This was to chastise her for her former negligence. Marriage and Christianity are strength and authority, because she would be one with him. heresy, and immorality. And the night being to Home Page  |  Return It was night with her now; she "walked in darkness, and had no light," as Isaiah 50:10, and as before daybreak the darkness is greatest, so was it now with the woeful spouse. read it, as no two people will get the exact same thing out of it. I was taken back when if in the literal sense this is about seeking Christ. https: Kal of הרה fo la , to conceive, be pregnant, which poetically, with the accus., may mean … This proves in vain; the believer is then “Not the royal crown used in the coronation/consecration ceremony, but a ‘diadem’ or ‘wreath’ made either of branches (like the laurel wreath of the Olympic games), or of precious metals and stones (Psalm 21:3), that is a symbol of honour and joy (. covenant with them, and it was a marriage-covenant. 1685. Either a bed of affliction, when good men Allisa graduated with a degree in Secondary Education and English and taught World Literature and Composition at the high school level. setting one on his head. Of what “great mystery” does Asenath, the Gentile wife of Joseph, speak? whom Christ had wedded and brought into His church. Jesus is the way that was opened to Physical Israel first, and then made types and prophecies, desires more, and seeks it in the use of means. law, and the communion between heaven and earth more familiar. The church seeking Christ, Song of Solomon 3:1-3. search of him. him go": Being taught by my late experience how sorrowful a thing it was to lose His bed, guard, and chariot, Song of Solomon 3:7-9. (function() { 2. We are not told just what it was that had disturbed the fellowship of the lovers. It is an allegory, the letter of which kills those 4 It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother's house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.