But the majority of the public tends to think high of any insurance company when they see the company associated with some form of social cause. *You can also browse our support articles here >. To understand what their publics are saying and to reach them effectively, public relations practitioners must employ the social sciences – psychology, sociology, social psychology, public opinion, communications study and semantics. As Bill Prickett of APR says that during meltdown of US economy when unemployment is out of control it is only the profession public relation experts and executives who would be able to provide the much-needed expertise and support in critical business areas like, Employ constant, consistent communication, (VandeVrede L., A bad economy demands great PR). To maintain their foothold, existing insurance companies are required to come up with new products very now and then. The role starts right inside the interview room. The goal of any good firm is to build business trust with their audience. Invitations need to be sent out and the press release has to be marketed. A PR professional’s job is not to alienate people even in the most trying circumstances. They serve as genuine written social proof of your efforts and achievements. Disclaimer: This work has been submitted by a university student. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. One needs to be honest but tactical at the same time. Generally, the process involves gaining free press by sending media packets to journalists who may be interested in your company’s latest developments. There is no scope for reaction. By listening to and analyzing their concerns, public relations firms are able to devise better relationships between organizations and society. (PR deals with facts, not fiction. Use website at your own risk.Content on this website is not legal, investment, financial, or other advice. In order to calculate the economic impact of PR, a three step process is required –. Both were considered as capital intensive activities but the fact is that PR is more of a labor intensive activity. Industry knowledge – When someone is applying for a PR job in the insurance industry, a knowledge of the industry is a must have. As has been mentioned again and again, insurance companies are often held in negative light and it is important to highlight the good deeds as much as possible. 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Conversation Intelligence: What Is It And How Can It Improve Sales Performance? Some people may question the amount paid to PR professionals but the fact remains that these are specialized people who are the face of the industry. Insurance as a product is quite complex for the layman. For the academic point of view, Harlow offered the next definition: “Public relations is a distinctive management function which helps establish and maintain mutual lines of communication, understanding, acceptance and cooperation between an organization and its publics; involves the management of problems or issues; helps management to keep informed on and responsive to public opinions; defines and emphasizes the responsibility of management to serve the public interest; helps management keep abreast of and effectively utilize change; serving as an early warning system to help anticipate trends; and uses research and ethical communication techniques as its principal tools” (Tench and Yeomans, 2009:4). 5. (McCusker G. The Truth About PR Disasters), It is also said that the prevailing state of ethics in PR practice depends greatly on codes of ethics practiced by leading professional PR associations. In addition to these and other works focusing on specific aspects of public relations, there have been broader analyses of public relations and its influence on society and the discussion is still evolving. A degree – A professional Bachelors’ degree is a must for a PR job. Critical approaches to public relations examine the manner in which the profession sustains or generates social inequity and include theoretical critiques of scholarly work by industry frontrunners like Aldoory and Pieczka. Generally, having a code reflects a sincere desire to raise standards of ethical practice and to provide criteria to guide and judge individual behavior” (Cutlip and Center’s, 2009:152). This allows you to tell your story to the public through an unbiased third-party. Here you need to abide by a code of conduct that may include a set of forbidden activities and some ethical principles. If you are someone who has all these qualities and have the ambition to make it big in the insurance PR field, then we wish you all the best.