As a surfer, you need to not only be a strong swimmer but also to understand the ocean, rips, tides, and weather. Since the forum is better organized, other riders may also help answer your questions. Some riders, however, will argue that skateboarding is harder because it involves more frequent serious injuries, requires very sharp balancing and agility skills for advanced tricks, as well as strong mental skills for speed. Surfing needs timming, nice enough waves,tides, time to travel most times,prep time, cleanup time… Plus, the amount of time you spend in the water vs the number of waves you surf is not a very good ratio. Maby the 4 buckets on the beach before hand dident help. "Sidewalk Surfin'" was a sort-of [5] Waves coming in to shore from the open ocean have speeds that can vary from 8 to 10 miles per hour for smaller waves to up to 35 miles per hour for a tow-in-sized wave. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Over the years, "Catch a Wave" has emerged as one of the Beach Boys' many surf standards, which probably hasn't helped its soundalike, "Sidewalk Surfin'," though it got some radio attention when the original recording was reissued as a single in the summer of 1976. How many eligible voters are registered to vote in the United States? Surfing involves riding on a liquid surface, which is harder than riding on smooth concrete as is the case on a skateboard. The lyrics were also easier for Berry to sing after the aphasia Berry sustained from his car accident near Dead Man's Curve, on April 12, 1966. The jury is still out! Riders generally think so, namely because of the hard-to-read and potentially hostile ocean environment, the ever-changing liquid riding surface, the significant upper body strength requirement, and the steep learning curve. We upped the swim to a sound splash. Surfskate vs Carver: The Ultimate Showdown. You don’t need that much to skate, but come to surfing, you do need something. Maybe that made it sound like a retread, or maybe the world wasn't ready for a skateboarding anthem, but "Sidewalk Surfin'" stalled in the lower half of the Top 40, Jan & Dean's least successful single in the year and a half since their career had taken off with "Surf City." The ocean environment is one of the factors that can make surfing more challenging than skateboarding. Dropping into a very big or powerful wave means overcoming the fear of wiping out, being crushed by the wave, getting hit by your board, and being held underwater for long seconds while the next wave is coming in soon after! Who was Hillary Clintons running mate in the 2008 presidential elections? Which of surfing or skateboarding is harder to learn? But a day with bad surfing is always better than a day with no surf. I started to hit the gym for the sole purpose to improve my upper body and after a month, I can actually paddle a little faster but see improved stamina. You just drop the board and go. Waves coming in to shore from the open ocean have speeds that can vary from 8 to 10 miles per hour for smaller waves to up to 35 miles per hour for a tow-in-sized wave.