402 0 obj <>stream You can get Carer’s Credit if you look after one or more people, for a total of 20 hours or more a week, who get: If the person or people you care for are not getting any of the qualifying benefits listed above, you may still be able to get Carer’s Credit if they have been certified by a health or social care professional as requiring the hours of care being provided each week. Contact the helpline to enquire about Carer's Credit: 0845 608 4321. 0000002776 00000 n 0000049148 00000 n is here to help you make important decisions for your future. Carer’s Credit Care Certificate Use this certificate to get a health or social care professional to confirm that the person you look after needs the care you provide. 0000000016 00000 n %%EOF Carer's Credit Application Form free download and preview, download free printable template samples in PDF, Word and Excel formats We will give you National Insurance credits. Share this page. 374 29 Don't include any personal or financial information, for example National Insurance, credit card numbers, or phone numbers. For queries or advice about historical, social or cultural records relating to Northern Ireland, use the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service. The caring week runs from Sunday to Saturday so you can get Carer’s Credit even if you only care at weekends. For example, you will still get Carer's Credit for 12 weeks if: You must tell Disability and Carers Service straight away if you have a break in caring of more than 12 weeks in a row. To reply to you, we need your email address. You will receive National Insurance credits. For queries or advice about Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs), including parking tickets and bus lane PCNs, email dcu@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk. So you don’t need to fill in the application form. By continuing to browse you consent to our use of cookies. If not, you can apply for Carer’s Credit by phone or online. Comments or queries about the Blue Badge scheme can be emailed to bluebadges@infrastructure-ni.gov.uk or you can also call 0300 200 7818. ג�M0%i@��6GH1)�x�yPA(el�C#��'!9^���_1�2x�G Coronavirus (COVID-19) information and advice  ... more, Financial support when caring for someone, Carer's Credit claim form, guidance notes and care certificate, Notes for Health and Social Care Professional Certifiers when completing a care certificate - Department for Communities website, Home Responsibilities Protection - GOV.UK website, contact the relevant government organisation directly, dcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, customerservice.unit@communities-ni.gov.uk, Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA), Swansea, Driver & Vehicle Agency (DVA), Northern Ireland, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI) enquiry service, CustomerInformation.LandRegistration@finance-ni.gov.uk, you are not habitually resident in Northern Ireland, you are under 16 or over State Pension age, Child Benefit for a child under the age of 12, someone you look after goes into hospital, you no longer spend 20 hours or more a week looking after them, you or the person with disabilities go on holiday, you or the person with disabilities go into hospital, you or the person with disabilities go into residential care, the person no longer gets Disability Living Allowance at the middle or highest rate for personal care (or this reduces to the lowest rate for personal care), Personal Independence Payment daily living component, Attendance Allowance, Constant Attendance Allowance or Armed Forces Independence Payment, you are going to leave Northern Ireland - tell, you or the person you care for change address. e��\�I�y�����ha�cN�q�5l��8l����#�� ���筦���,|F�B����@��/�l�—=vn���o��vG�@���n�&~J'���=;8�[��(Kޒة�ֈ�V��g�y�2�N�v*M7xS#�ا=����/��1Mt����O�38�G��t���h[邼i7�QG("�,W�$cZw��>=�1�/|�ѓ�J'O6tpE8p�##)�Js�c��.j�{&Z�+LG�%ZN���6!.qcí�p��(��Hu5K_i��3|i�Z&Hۈ��C$��*�~i[��HA&��0��a��DTm75��L��>�3�����w�Ji[H� � y����t#}U3JV�du{�gEZ��#o���sdq"�q{Wqs�oAI��ybH=�PYn2z�E�����#�>�D���T�Y�;&���\z9��9�� l�� Im��ר����R��Myn�����0�j��Z�i��+��\S��Y�(�D����B$]j�FT�3��a�=;�[J0! 0000036977 00000 n Further information is available for health and social care professionals on how to complete Care Certificates: Changes to your circumstances and those of the people you care for can affect your eligibility for Carer's Credit. 0000002596 00000 n Carer's Credit claim form (CCI), guidance notes and care certificate. Income, savings or investments do not affect Carer’s Credit. endstream endobj 375 0 obj <>/Metadata 20 0 R/Pages 19 0 R/StructTreeRoot 22 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 376 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 595.276>>>>>>/Resources<>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 377 0 obj [/Separation/PANTONE#202747#20C/DeviceCMYK<>] endobj 378 0 obj <> endobj 379 0 obj <>stream Contacts for common benefits are listed below. From writing your will, to setting up your Power of Attorney, Which? Carer's Credit claim form (CC1) PDF (138 KB) Carer's Credit guidance notes PDF (148 KB) Carer's Credit care certificate PDF (81 KB) Help viewing documents. Call 0800 587 0912Email dcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, Call 0800 587 2750 Email customerservice.unit@communities-ni.gov.uk, Call 0800 587 0912 Email dcs.incomingpostteamdhc2@nissa.gsi.gov.uk, Contact your local Jobs & Benefits office. H��W����ߧ�������"91��$�"!b#Y"+;�lH�>�TU��fE��A���Lwuթ�SO�x��W/�?._|�����_��G�F}I}���6٢����7y,~����������/�|�������a��_Ⲽ�~wy�����{�^���nR�"�nq����������_����w/i�7�����w{q}���߽���7�Oâ���ؿ�^J����H��Hi�[*i��#g;����I�I]F�BL�����w��|w�W��q)�m�l�fY�o������ܱ�]���zK��5����b�mM2~���ͱC��+v������ƭ���-�R��pt�v��+�-���&��e��[�e���2 Find out if you could apply for Carer’s Credit, a National Insurance credit that helps with gaps in your record if you can’t work due to being a carer. What do I need to know about Carer’s Credit? Contact the helpline to enquire about Carer's Credit: Download the form and print a paper copy to post: If you care for someone for more than 35 hours a week, find out if you could apply for Carer’s Allowance. For queries or advice about passports, contact HM Passport Office. 0000037331 00000 n We explain the respite care options available, how to choose and pay for this type of care, and the benefits it offers you and the person you care for. We give you the information you need to help you through an emotionally draining time – there is plenty of support out there for you. �7~&� {�N��B)ξ����UG�>Q�����Oëbz���ˣ�đZ�z� Carer’s Credit can also help if your spouse or civil partner needs to claim bereavement benefits. Our emails are free and sent monthly. 0000035127 00000 n 0000002890 00000 n Apply online or use form DS700. If you are a foster carer and will get National Insurance Credits from HM Revenue & Customs, you don’t need to fill in the application form. Receive expert guidance on caring for older people. You can still get Carer’s Credit for any breaks of up to 12 weeks in a row. Date published: 30 January 2020. If you’re eligible and receive Carer’s Allowance, you’ll automatically get National Insurance credits, so you won’t need to also apply for Carer's Credit. If not, you can apply for Carer’s Credit by phone or online. You will not be paid any money if you are entitled to Carer’s Credit. For queries or advice about careers, contact the Careers Service. For queries or advice about pensions, contact the Northern Ireland Pension Centre. $g�R����ss���G�q7�z�)�yV�0 4�s��3L��H�KԚ. ?XJ������@��!�j�T4��i� Income, savings or investments do not affect Carer’s Credit. Guidance on the practical and emotional aspects at the end of life, from planning end of life care to arranging a funeral and coping with bereavement. xref Carer's Credit claim form, guidance notes and care certificate; Complete the application form and any care certificates you need to support your application. If someone else also looks after the people you look after, you may still get Carer’s Credit. Use our calculator to find out how much you might pay a home care agency in your area and what financial support is available. 374 0 obj <> endobj Use our simple tool to find out how much care might cost and what financial support is available. To learn more about the Carer's Allowance and how it works, take a look at this guide. We use cookies to allow us and selected partners to improve your experience and our advertising. 0000035545 00000 n If you’re unable to work because of caring responsibilities, and therefore can’t make National Insurance payments, Carer’s Credit helps build your entitlement to the basic State Pension by making sure there are no gaps in your National Insurance record. 0000007912 00000 n endstream endobj 401 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[22 352]/Length 34/Size 374/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream � T@��y/ B�����{�੔#q#�~��m�"Y��$U�,C�8t�R� �\�SIyBf E; ���U]"o� If you wish to check on a problem or fault you have already reported, contact DfI Roads. To be eligible for Carer’s Credit you must be: The person, or people, you’re looking after must get one of the following: You can still get Carer’s Credit if you have breaks from caring (up to 12 weeks in a row); for example, if you take a short holiday or someone you look after goes into hospital. h�bb�g`b``Ń3� ����##> � A health or social care professional must sign that part of the form. 0000012904 00000 n Download the application pack below or request a pack by phoning the Disability and Carers Service. The EU Settlement Scheme will give family members of persons of Northern Ireland the same rights to live and work in the UK as the family members of Irish citizens, including access to benefits and services. In this guide, we explain what carers are entitled to in the workplace – including requesting flexible working and working without discrimination. It estimates that the credits add £237 a year to a carer’s State Pension, so it’s definitely worth looking into if you think you might be eligible. %PDF-1.4 %���� Learn about funding options for home care, home adaptations and care homes, together with Attendance Allowance, gifting assets and Power of Attorney. Don't include any personal or financial information, for example National Insurance, credit card numbers, or phone numbers. if(window.da2a)da2a.script_load(); trailer 0000060211 00000 n If your query is about another benefit, select ‘Other’ from the drop-down menu above. Download the application pack below or request a pack by phoning the Disability and Carers Service. Receive expert guidance on caring for older people. Make sure your complete the 'Care Certificate' section on your Carer's Credit application form. Get applying. Disability Living Allowance (DLA) care component at the middle or highest rate. You only need to fill in this certificate if we have told you to in Part 2 of the application form. Apply for Carer's Allowance - money to help you look after someone who needs to be cared for. 0000034696 00000 n Consider your options and learn about sheltered housing, retirement villages and care homes. Comments or queries about angling can be emailed to anglingcorrespondence@daera-ni.gov.uk.