Multiliteracy, 5. Finland? Kansallinen opetussuunnitelma viestii yhteiskunnallista ja poliittista tahtotilaa ja eri intressiryhmien odotuksia koulua kohtaan. topics of the modules are planned locally. Finnish educational policies, and practices, in many respects, run counter to the dominating doctrines of the global, education reform movement, emphasizing, among others accountability, or quality assurance, Student assessment in Finland can be divided into three types. This move toward emphasizing general, objectives, instead of subject-matter teaching, is a fairly dramatic shift in the Finnish, The government determines the general national education objectives (Basic Education Act, 628/1998 and Government Decree 422/2012) and the distribution of lesson hours for different, subjects. opetussuunnitelmien perusteet poliittisen opetussuunnitelman teksteinä. Keskustelunavauksia, suomalaiseen kouluun ja opettajankoulutukseen (Curriculum Studies. However, textbooks are still in use. local authorities (municipalities and schools) following the new dynamics of Finnish society. The curriculum consists of ten lessons aimed at teaching middle school students resistance skills, risk assessment, decision making, social support and conflict resolution while targeting drug norms and attitudes. (Rokka 2011; Vitikka et al. The minimum number of weekly lessons for, grades. Since the 1970s, these, two curriculum models together have formed the basic structure of the Finnish curriculum, (Rokka 2011; Vitikka et al. The. tulkintavälineenä` (Metaphors as tools for curricula ideologies´ interpretation), in Autio, T., Hakala, L. & Kujala, T. (eds), Opetussuunnitelmatutkimus. The increased steering is, justified by the need for equality and high quality of education and by ensuring favourable, circumstances for students’ growth and learning (FNCC 2014: 9). Furthermore, the aim of pre-primary education, as part of early. • Academies and free schools are subject to slightly different rules. ), The old dual, segregating, and thus, unequal, education system was, replaced with a uniform comprehensive school system (grades 1, (Ahonen 2003). Bildung-Didaktik and Curriculum have both influenced on the form of the curriculum (e.g., accentuates the organization of curriculum around child-centered and comprehensive aims. expression often used in the FNCC 2014 is globalizing and rapidly changing world (e.g., FNCC 2014: 149). For example, in some schools: whole-school curriculum planning may be led by School … The spirit of Bildung inherited from German philosophy, and science of education, and the American Tyler rationale highlighting rational planning and, educational psychology, have influenced the Finnish curriculum (Autio 2014; Saari, Salmela, In Finland, a major structural educational reform, comprehensive school reform, was, established in the 1970s. It is developing a curriculum for a Bachelor of Youth and Social Circus Pedagogy programm. Curriculum, it is imperative that Schools maximize their participation in this to endeavour achieve academic excellence. Hopmann, S. (eds), Didaktik and/or Curriculum, New York: Peter Lang, 29-43. (eds), PISA, Power, and Policy: the fakulteten vid Åbo Akademi 35, Vasa: Åbo Akademi, 11-33., Varjo, J., Simola, H. & Rinne, R. (2013), ´Finland´s PISA Results: an analysis of dynamics in, education politics, in Meyer, H-D. and Benavot, A. Deregulation was taken to the extreme with the 1994 core curriculum that accentuated, school-level curriculum design, and teacher autonomy (e.g., Rokka 2011: 23-31). International handbook of curriculum research, 2nd ed, New York: Routledge, 17-31. Curriculum-development processes are no longer limited simply to the individual nation-, state, but to an increasing degree, reflect both national and transnational (“global”) influences, (Hardy and Uljens 2018: 50). Standardization is one of the globally common features of education policies and reform, principles employed in attempts to improve the quality of education, especially in terms of, raising student achievement. assessment. (2014), ´Governing autonomy: Subjectivity, freedom, and knowledge in Finnish curriculum discourse´, in Pinar, W. F. (ed), International handbook. Competence in information and communication technology (ICT), 6. (e.g., Rinne 1984. In the FNCC 2014, the concept of globalization is connected to, working life through globalization of the economy, for example (FNCC 2014: 24). 3. emergence of global educational governance, Oxford Studies in Comparative Education. Equality or Uniformity? Metapfors as a tool for interpreting curricula ideologies. Walking, cycling and camping are valuable activities that some schools may organise. (Salokangas & Kauko 2015.) A series of five videos form the core of the curriculum, telling the Opetussuunnitelman intentioiden ja lähtökohtien teoreettis-historiallinen, tarkastelu. competencies and multidisciplinary learning modules). 1 1. school science curriculum), and be intended for all students (a core curricu-lum) or only some students (a college-preparatory curriculum). e, which different European countries will be able to apply locally. The concept is often used as an antithesis to the subject-, based approach of teaching when highlighting the child-centered curriculum and the, comprehensive objectives of education. (Core curricula 1985, 1994, and 2004 for basic education as political curricula texts), Acta Universitatis. Kulju, P., Kupiainen, R., Wiseman, A. M., Jyrkiäinen, A., Koskinen, K-L. & Mäkinen, M. (2018), A Review of Multiliteracies Pedagogy in Primary Classrooms. PRINCIPLES OF THE CBSE CURRICULUM 1.1 CBSE Curriculum The curriculum refers to the lessons and academic content to …