In the end, they’re just people, and they’ll appreciate an authentic voice on the other line more than a mechanical pitch. Tamara Monosoff from Entrepreneur explains: “The reality is that even in our internet-based world, few tools are more effective and necessary for generating sales and sales appointments than the good old telephone.”. You couldn’t define an hour long slideshow presentation as a sales pitch. Treat the gatekeeper with the same level of respect as the customer. How to model your cold calls after this: Don't let yourself get thrown off course by unexpected interruptions. In fact, research from our friends at found that top-performing sales reps switch topics 15.6% less frequently than average or poor performers. Just restate your introduction clearly, and move forward with the conversation. A new 60 second sales motivation video every day. All techniques use a little bit of psychology to discover how to sell on phone effectively and what motivates potential customers to buy a certain product. We recruit sales people in every sector of the economy including, software, manufacturing, financial services and medical devices. This is a pretty powerful tactic to do because you are basically making a statement that sells the prospect on why the might not move forward with a purchase and when you do this, you can identify if the prospect is serious about moving forward. And exactly the same possibility is available for your potential customer - they can do research before your call and get prepared.With information increasingly available on the Internet, one click is all it takes for anyone to know everything they need to know about a product or service at the very moment a salesperson is simply reading from their script (aka robot-salesman). How to model your cold calls after this: Clearly state the reason for your call at the beginning, and sell them on the meeting, not the offering. Consider listening to how you sound on the phone to look for ways to improve how you present yourself over the phone. Need a hypothetical positioning statement? Here is another cold call example for SalesScripter. In this cold call, the salesperson does some really good things in the area of asking questions and qualifying to see if we are a fit for what he sells. “Does this sound like something you’d be interested in?” How many different methods are there to give a sales pitch? When you pause at the right time, and for just the right amount of time, you give your prospects a moment to consider what you’ve said and show them that you’re comfortable and relaxed, not in a hurry. He had some clear differences and he went to those as a the next step in his sales pitch. And let’s face it, cold calling probably isn’t your favorite sales method — but it’s worth the effort. This is an example of one of our phone sales scripts that is a call received from a financial services company. Then you say something like this: “So, team productivity is a priority for you right now.” He started out by focusing on me. You need to sound like a professional, and it matters how your voice sounds over the phone. ALSO READ - 7 Mistakes Salespeople Make In Their Everyday Work and How To Fix Them. Houston, TX 77024 It’s an important distinction to make. The assumptive close helps put sales professionals in a better state of mind because they assume that the customer is going to make a purchase. In general, sales techniques are a backbone of methods used by a company's sales team. (We still have not looked at phones at this point). A high-pitched voice may sound amateurish, and talking too fast, talking over the customer, and other poor verbal communication cues can make you seem nervous and unprepared. I was in the process of getting a new mobile phone and open to also changing service providers as part of the transaction. According to one study, your chances of contacting a lead are 100 times greater if you call them in the first 5 minutes than calling them just 30 minutes later. That way, you can be an expert advisor that helps educate prospects as you find the solutions they need. Do this and you will rock at telephone selling techniques. In fact, starting this sentence with “The reason for my call is…” has actually been proven to help prospects stay on the phone longer and even book a meeting. That is why sales representatives should not shy away from using their customers’ names. Learn how to prospect more effectively with this free webinar. When you encounter sales objections, your prospect is essentially telling you how to sell to them—be ready with these smart responses to close the deal. Start your 14-day free trial today. How to model your cold calls after this: Ask the right questions to quickly jump to the needs of this client. Throughout the process, he was informative and consultative, but he was never aggressive or pushy in his sales pitch. If you think about it, the phones are relatively the same regardless of provider so it really does not improve his position by talking about those. Get right into why they might benefit from this call. Refer to the script to stay on track, but don’t rely on it. By asking questions, the sales representative - and by extension, the business - can fully comprehend their customers’ needs and tailor their pitch to fulfill it. (Jump to 4:27 in the video to see Morgan’s voicemail in action.) Phone: (713) 802-2026. In this chapter, you’re going to learn: A cold call sales pitch is unique because it requires a moment of clear connection between you and your lead. There’s no need to ask if you caught them in the middle of something: let’s just assume you did. Learn how to sell successfully over the phone—and avoid these 9 common mistakes. The shape of your mouth and the pull on your vocal cords changes when you smile, so your voice automatically adopts a different tone. Ever get a call from someone that you know will keep you on the phone for hours? Treat them with empathy and it will definitely pay off. His mastery of this area began while working in hunting roles selling technology products to large corporations and took it to the next level while building and managing an inside sales call center. This is a delicate balance—you don't want to sound pushy ("You REALLY want to know about our product") but you need to offer something so irresistible that they don't hang up on you. The trick to successful sales lies in the agent’s ability to identify the character type of each potential customer, and to quickly adapt his or her sales pitch accordingly. 12808 Queensbury Lane #E235 This practice is strongly recommended. Before the call, read the customer and their company’s name out loud. Follow these 10 tips presenting proven and well-performing telephone selling techniques over the phone. It is undesirable for companies to have a hostile relationship with the gatekeeper. Practice until it sticks in your head. M5J 2L7. First of all, you’re calling a complete stranger and asking for some of their valuable time. Unlike their close ended counterparts, these questions are not designed to elicit a specific response, but rather to initiate the dialogue and build rapport.These open-ended questions open the floor to the customer, which is important because they might reveal new information and improve the business’ operations.