Respect (Unhu/Ubuntu/ Vumunhu) The new curriculum requires a transformation of the Ministry’s organisational structure and operations. Learning areas offered for Forms 1 to 4 are as follows: The EIF says that inspectors will look to see whether or not each subject’s curriculum builds towards clear end-points. Translation of syllabi for indigenous language learning areas from the English language. The Introduction of Heritage Studies at all levels; The local curriculum is one that schools are free to adopt in order to complement the national curriculum (which is that prescribed by statute, consisting of the core and foundation subjects) and the basic curriculum (which describes the statutory requirements for curricular provision beyond the national curriculum, comprising the requirements in current legislation for the teaching of RE, relationships education (from 2020), careers education, and opportunities for work-related learning) with other curricular elements that are determined at school or community level. The danger here is that some subjects, such as art, music, and languages, are squeezed out of the timetable by English, maths and science. Likewise, key stage 3 should not be – without strong justification – reduced to two years, forcing pupils to choose their GCSE options too soon. The first ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level examinations based on the updated curriculum were written in 2018. Inspectors will also want to see evidence that each subject’s curriculum is planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before, and towards those defined way-points and end-points. All the New Curriculum Framework from Class 1 to 10 download from Below Click Here to download Link. Introduction of 7 cross-cutting learning areas (subjects) at ‘O’ Level; Several innovations were introduced in the new curriculum with broad implications for stakeholders at all levels. Mathematics: Pure Mathematics, Additional Mathematics and Mechanical Mathematics; Curriculum impact, finally, is about pupil achievement as assessed by external test and/or exam results not by a school’s own data (hopefully reducing teacher and leader workload and the unnecessary and unhelpful production of reams of tracking and progress data, a well as avoiding bogus – i.e. What should remote education look like in your school? These end-points, the foundational knowledge on which our curriculum is built, may be derived from the assessment objectives or learning outcomes for that subject as defined by Ofqual and awarding bodies, or may be the key concepts that the teachers of that subject deem most important. Curriculum … There is also an effort to reassign teachers who are already in the system but who teach outside their areas of specialisation, to teach in their areas of specialisation. The respective subject panels researched on content that was suitable for every level and drew on their pedagogical training. There is an important caveat to bear in mind when assessing the intent, implementation and impact of the school curriculum: what is taught in schools is more than just the formal curriculum – rather, it is also about the messages pupils receive through the experience of being in school. Collaboration with training institutions will continue to encourage them to fill gaps in the availability of trained teachers. The expansion in the capabilities of information and communication technologies and the emergence of an information-driven economy underpin the need for the development of new skills sets that enable citizens to live and work competitively in the global village. Regardless of the method, pupils need to be taught specific knowledge and skills in, say, English, maths, science, geography, history, languages, art, design and technology, and so on. A broad curriculum offers all pupils a wide range of subjects for as long as possible. Curriculum is the core of the teaching-learning process. As such, “outcomes for pupils” and “teaching, learning and assessment” are no longer standalone judgements, instead incorporated into the new “quality of education” measure. Working with stakeholders at all levels of the system to strengthen support for schools. The Ministry is committed to being more responsive, transparent and outcomes - focused. Here, the questions to ask are: what knowledge and skills do pupils gain at each stage and over time and how does this compare to expectations? Register to receive regular updates on primary education news delivered free to your inbox. The 2002 Education Act requires schools to provide a “balanced and broadly based curriculum” which: promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society, and prepares pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. Ambassador House Within the whole-school curriculum there will be individual subject disciplines, perhaps clearly demarcated on the school timetable or taught as part of a thematic curriculum. A new competence-based curriculum framework was developed and finalised in 2015 whose phased implementation commenced in 2017. The policy on the medium of instruction has not changed. Briefing of publishers on revised syllabi for all learning areas so that they could develop relevant textbooks; After September 2015, the Ministry organised feedback meetings in all Provincial capitals where stakeholders were engaged once again. Teachers’ Unions endorsed the Framework at a meeting in May 2015 after which the Framework was taken to the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Education and subsequently to Cabinet for approval. That flag may be planted at the end of the key stage, or indeed 10 years after pupils have left school. Providing teaching and learning materials for children with disabilities, and; The updated curriculum seeks to achieve a good balance between academic and technical and vocational (practical) learning areas. Once the end-points have been discerned, way-points need to be identified, too. title="What is the medium of instruction? The range of languages that will be used at that level has been expanded from three that were previously used (Shona, Ndebele and English) to 15, in line with provisions in the new Constitution. What isn’t it? The inception phase was from September to December 2015. Mass Displays; What does the teaching of Family, Religious and Moral Education entail? He is the author of numerous books for teachers. The Religious and Moral Education syllabi do not aim to influence or convert children into any religion, but to allow learners to be aware of diverse religions. The new Ofsted inspection framework will see a focus on the breadth of a school’s curriculum offer, including its ‘intent’, ‘implementation’ and ‘impact’. In particular, secondary schools need to know more about the primary curriculum so that year 7 consolidates and extends what was taught in year 6 and does not needlessly repeat prior learning in a confusing, contradictory manner. Finalisation, printing, and distribution of the 104 syllabi that are now in schools; Here, we need to ensure that there is consistency – not just in what is taught – but in the language of learning and the language for learning. What preparatory steps were taken for implementation of the first phase of the curriculum? The regulatory standards for independent schools provide a useful way of thinking about breadth. As for the other learning areas where there were substantial content changes, teachers’ guides and supplementary materials were produced and distributed to schools before the end of the first term of 2017. Humanities: History, Religious Studies, Sociology and Economic History; Literature in Indigenous Languages and in English; Indigenous Languages and English Language; Foreign Languages such as, French, Swahili, Chinese, Portuguese; Diversity In-service training of teachers who will be starting implementation of the updated curriculum in 2018 and subsequent phases in syllabus interpretation; Is the Continuous Assessment Framework and guidelines in place? The capacities and capabilities of staff at each level will be enhanced. Practical subjects: Wood, Metal, Food, Textile Technologies, Home Management and Design. How did the Ministry ensure that the content in the syllabi is appropriate to the developmental level of the learner? All Rights Reserved, New Curriculum Framework for Class 1 to 10 Naya Pathyakram CDC. A consultation has just concluded over the proposals and the outcomes have just been published.In addition to an overall effectiveness grade, schools will receive a graded judgement for each of the following areas: Quality of education, Behaviour and attitudes, Personal development, and Leadership and management.As such, “outcomes for pupils” and “teaching, learning and assessment” are no longer standalone judgements, instead incorporated into the new “quality of education” measure.