“If this technology becomes widely adopted, especially in totalitarian regimes like China, we could see the dreaded transition to an unknown region of human existence,” the author said. For instance, what would you have if you had the 'name of the beast'? The number as many of us know is 666! Which means the mark of the beast is to do with the BREAKING of commandments of Consider. call to TRUE WORSHIP. (Note. Our Lord God was very specific in His word in K.J.V. It’s more than just a curiosity that evangelical Christians have linked RFID to the apocalypse. book of revelation, The intense scrutiny will certainly test their resolve as the entire world will be watching. it, because as TRUE Christians, we should not fight back. After all, there’s likely no more consequential type of identification than the differentiation of the damned from the redeemed. Thousands of Swedes become microchipped, Expert: Voter fraud is real, it happens, and there’s a database with…, Expert: Voter fraud is real, it happens, and there’s a database with thousands of examples, BREAKING: Georgia announces full ‘hand recount’ of all counties in…, BREAKING: Georgia announces full ‘hand recount’ of all counties in presidential election, McCarrick report confirms Pope Francis knew about rumors of…, McCarrick report confirms Pope Francis knew about rumors of ex-Cardinal’s sex abuse and did nothing, Caught on tape: Federal agents try to ‘twist’ USPS whistle-blower…, Caught on tape: Federal agents try to ‘twist’ USPS whistle-blower to change statement on alleged voter fraud. they will in some way still be on the wrong side. We are seeing many of these things even now! hostile or propagandistic comments, and streams not related to the storyline, will be removed. CERN created the WORLD WIDE WEB. So it will be with the beast. ', Revelation 12:9 ...'And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast The problem is, they forget that they are reading it in the book of In short, this verse shows a person belongs to whom he obeys. Like our Lord God’s word testifies, they will not cleave one to another! Clearly, if someone can read it, then there is always someone who can hack into it. Would God leave people clueless regarding this subject and then punish them for not knowing? Here is the PATIENCE of the SAINTS: here are THEY that KEEP the COMMANDMENTS of GOD, and the FAITH of JESUS. The frontal lobe of the human brain is the area where a person makes decisions. Under the Beast’s rule, if one does not obey him, he will be unable to work or do business with others. Amen and Praise God, for the Beast, the Devil Satan, which is Lucifer is a wounded foe, and knows, that he has but a short time! Because This, is, where the PATIENCE, and FAITH of the SAINTS IN JESUS CHRIST comes into effect! Those who take it will incur God’s wrath; those who refuse it will have His favor. go along with the beast's mark will receive it (spiritually) in their forehead. So is God going to reject people for having a physical mark forced upon them? The email address above will be used for correspondence and free offers from The Restored Church of God. And we are not only talking about professed Christians. It will come with the coronavirus vaccine and those without the mark or vaccine will not be able to buy or sell anything. The healthcare worker quickly reassures the concerned father this is standard procedure. Much of the world will worship this “miraculous” beast who “enforces the power of the first [beast] through economic discrimination.”. The beast of John’s vision had not yet risen out of the sea. Superstore in London is world's first store to offer fingertip payments, Amazon tests tool that scans your hand to let you pay at Whole Foods. fortune magazine, The reasons are more connected with modern concerns than you might expect. I'm afraid not, and for VERY good reason. By using our site, you agree to the use of cookies. (Note. The subject of the mark of the Beast is just one of many in the book of Revelation that were meant to be understood. chip. States the ancient last book of the Bible: “And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads. In other words, worshiping another god is the same thing as saying “yes” to Satan. It is forbidden by God Almighty and the wages of this sin, is eternal damnation in the lake, which burned with fire, and brimstone. in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world ... vs 11-12 ...And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth ... Yet a careful Bible student never forces conclusions. OR the number of his name.". We must NOT miss, what is being said HERE! To die in the name of Jesus Christ, by not denying His name, and not doing any of the above is gain into eternal life everlasting. Thank you for our Holy Pure Lord Jesus Christ, OUR LORD, OUR GOD, OUR GOD, OUR LORD! In addition, some people have injected RFID chips containing credit card payment information, which calls to mind to the payment methods mentioned in the Bible. To not take the mark means to keep God's We are shown here that ANY affiliation with the beast, ANY kind of support or agreement we make with the beast, For the Beast to control buying and selling, he must have the authority to implement laws and the power to enforce them. In this book, St. John writes about a “second beast” of the Apocalypse who would force people to be branded and made it illegal for anyone to participate in commerce without the brand. Österlund himself is heavily tattooed and his first business was a body-piercing company that offered, among other embellishments, “hot-steel skin branding.”. You are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and MY SERVANT whom I HAVE CHOSEN: that you may KNOW and BELIEVE ME, and UNDERSTAND that I AM HE: before ME there was no God formed, NEITHER WILL THERE BE AFTER ME. finger, hand or eye. More than 15 years ago, some evangelicals began linking RFID to the mark. What Are the Different End Times Opinions Amongst Denominations? The decision to accept or reject the mark will present a great world test. We are living in that time, and their plans are coming to completion, for as long as the Lord will allow! Our battle is a SPIRITUAL one. Satan is not so much looking to to pay for their goods. Right after the third angel warns against receiving the mark, he says ... "Here is the patience of the saints, here are the rest of Revelation. What this brand might be has been the subject of speculation since the Book of Revelation was written. By stopping us from giving TRUE worship to our Creator God. That’s the Mark of the Beast. We aren’t scared that we will be taken advantage of.”. Which is why we Comments under LifeSiteNews stories do not necessarily represent the views of LifeSiteNews. Jordan Frith is the author of: “And he CAUSES ALL both SMALL, and GREAT, RICH, and POOR, FREE, and BOND, to RECEIVE A MARK IN THEIR RIGHT HAND, or IN THEIR FOREHEADS!” “NEW WORLD BEAST ORDER RISING!” Be Aware of the LATE HOUR we are LIVING IN! If you are REdirected towards any Third Party site then this blog is not REsponsible. How? For MANY WILL COME IN MY NAME, saying, I am Christ, and WILL DECEIVE MANY. K.J.V. He came out of the earth, from inside the earth, where the lake, of fire, and brimstone in Hell, is located at. And yet Revelation 13 reveals there is more to this than just the "mark". Getty Center/Google Cultural Institute/Wikimedia Commons, some evangelicals began linking RFID to the mark, major force in American culture and politics. Is microchip technology the mark of the Beast? Associate Professor of Technical Communication, University of North Texas. THAT is the deception! Amen.). When it comes to the final tribulation in which rebels are beheaded, will it matter to Satan if those rebels choose Christ over him? respond by saying ... "Don't be silly, that is SYMBOLIC language." LifeSiteNews gives priority to pro-life, pro-family commenters and reserves the right to edit or About us and Contact Details   -   Resource Page. Even if you don't take the mark of the beast. (Note. She lives in the mountains of BC, Canada with her family. of Jesus Christ. Just as a Christian obeys God—and therefore belongs to Him—a person with the mark described in Revelation obeys and belongs to someone called the Beast. have compiled a short list of reasons as to why the mark of the beast CANNOT be the RFID chip or any technology device or physical mark. Articles, books and websites offer a cacophony of wildly different ideas on this subject. BEAST, and is going to be lost! This beast comes directly out from HELL! up against: Ephesians 6:12 ...'For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against Our Holy Lord God’s words will not pass away, therefore those of us who are well grounded in the Lord, by walking in His word day in, and day out living according to the will of God, will go on to live forever with our Holy Lord Jesus Christ in the new heaven, new earth, new Holy City of Jerusalem. Just like we receive our Lord’s saving name, Jesus Christ, as our own personal Saviour, it is the same with receiving the name of the beast, as our own personal savior, and in the end, being damned in eternal Hellfire with the beast, the false prophet, Satan, and all who follow him. Capitalized Plastic Trash Goes Astray. He is ALL about deception, and the final battle In Hebrew, which the Holy Bible was first written in, the letter W stands for the number 6, which is VAV in Hebrew! Commentators understand why we expect to see a “brand” or “tattoo” on these individuals. The authors of a best-selling book about RFID and surveillance – “Spychips” – published an alternative version targeted at evangelical Christians that included added passages about the Book of Revelation. the image of the beast should be killed. Simply put, God shows His servants the true meaning of the book of Revelation—including the nature of the mark of the Beast! Related Article: Is the COVID-19 Vaccine the Mark of the Beast?