The most famous Scent Geranium must be the Lemon Fresh Mosquito Fighter and yes… It’s all in the name! It might just be too much to deal with the sun when struggling with all the changes. It is always a good idea to replace the compost every year. Strawberry geranium. Scented Geranium Skeleton Leaf Rose (pelargonium cv.) Apple Geranium (P. odoratissima). Its fresh leaves are often floated in finger bowls, used in potpourris, or dried in bunches and hung in closets to give a pleasant lemon fragrance. Geranium Pelargonium also called the rose-scented geranium is said to be the only known species which is safely consumable. $6.95. Geraniums will grow for … Lemon Geranium (P, crispum). Scented Geranium Super Citronella (pelargonium cv.) I know what it’s like – we grow a geranium in a big pot and we bring it out in summer and keep it in the greenhouse or conservatory in winter and we can go on doing this for years on end. They vary in heights and widths. A common nickname for this plant is ‘Lemon-geranium’. If your geranium plant was kept in the shade and now after re-potting, you are keeping it in full sun, this may have an impact. $6.95. $6.95. Best to gradually expose to sun once the plant is better established and doing better. One of the core secondary nutrients geraniums need, as with all plants, is magnesium as that directly affects the chlorophyll molecule responsible for the green pigment on plant foliage. Whitefly on pelargoniums. Lemon Crispum is one of the most often used Scented Geraniums for cooking.Most often it is used to scent icing sugar. $6.95. The gorgeous green geranium spreads a citrus scent which is pleasant for you… but repels mosquitoes. Scented Geranium Rober's Lemon Rose (pelargonium cv.) In a container, ensure drainage and adequate moisture by using a good potting mix that contains ingredients like peat moss, pasteurized compost, … Scented Geranium Spanish Lavender (pelargonium cv.) Grown for their uniquely scented and often ornamental leaves, Scented Geraniums are fast growing and highly tolerant of variable soils and conditions. Noteworthy CharacteristicsP. Some are more tolerant of … Geraniums are rarely affected by slugs and snails. Scented Geraniums: Planting, Pruning, Fertilizing, and Using. Whitefly can be a problem with the regal and sometimes the scented pelargoniums, though they do not actually damage the plant. Scented geraniums (actually, they are Pelargoniums) will gladly stand and pose in your window garden, but why not put them to work?A few crushed leaves of the rose-scented p. graveolens, for instance, will make the nighttime bathing experience a fragrant, calming one. crispum cultivars are good for topiary because of their small, dense foliage.. CareScented geraniums do not tolerate poor drainage. $6.95. A balanced water-soluble fertilizer of 20-20-20 is ideal. Geraniums need to be fertilized at least once monthly or bi-weekly during the growing season. Tall and spiky, Lemon Geranium is one of the smaller leaved (about the size of a fifty-cent piece) Scented Geraniums and is ideally suited for container growing. The Mosquito Fighter has a compact shape and felty-hairy, bright green leaves. This variety grows to a height of 3 feet; produces 3-lobed, stiff curly leaves and lilac pink flowers. Tear leaves in half and add to the sugar the day before Scented Geranium … Lemon-Scented Geraniums include several species of tender perennials (such as Pelargonium crispum, P. citrosum and P. citronellum) from South Africa (hardy in Zones 9-10) which are grown more for their scented leaves than for the flowers. This lemon-scented, shrubby, upright pelargonium has cream-margined leaves.