$��X�@�EH0� U!"�A�G��+����H�����@:�u���SL�+�,F�����? Investment in social infrastructure to support organisations in providing a fair go, a better life and an opportunity for all, is just as important as the investment we make in the physical infrastructure to keep our society moving. It was voluntary, but crucial. Read full transcript of the speech below: Inaugural Speech of Jihad Dib MP, Member for Lakemba in the Legislative Assembly of the NSW Parliament. He has now come full circle, because today he spends his spare time mentoring young kids who need someone to tell them that it is okay and that there is someone to believe in them. “So, we hold hands with our fellow citizens to fight extremism and its advocates and adherents, and we reassure our fellow citizens that we stand by them in protecting them and this country we call home, from extremists and their evil.”. J-Wire will publish considered comments by people who provide a real name and email address. I have lived the most wonderful experiences and the line “I am a part of all that I have met” from Ulysses sums up perfectly the way people and events have shaped my life and made it richer. A concerted focus on education, whether at school, TAFE or university, and the creation of real opportunities that lead to well-paid jobs has the potential to change the profile of the entire generation in one fell swoop. The Greeks arrived later, then the Vietnamese and Lebanese. Tenth: It was unanimously presented that the Islamic doctrine, which is derived from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet and the consensus of the scholars of the Salaf and what has been unanimously agreed upon by the nation, is free of anthropomorphism and of attributing boundaries, directions and places to God. If islamaphobia was about being against violence, and not just about race, islamaphobes would discuss when Muslims are the victims of religious violence, like in Myanmar or Palestine. The special times we have together are what I treasure most. The sanctimonious hypocrites feigning concern in parliament fool nobody. It was strongly viewed that knowledge is the weapon and it is through knowing that we can defeat ignorance, moderately fight the hateful extremism, and mediate the fortification of society. They want decent roads and hospitals. 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Last week I had the greatest honour of being sworn in as the eighth member for Lakemba. The Islamic Charity Project Association (ICPA) celebrated its 25th Annual Ramadan Iftar at Al Amanah College Hall on Friday 18th of May coinciding with the 2nd of Ramadan 1439AH, under the high patronage of the Islamic High Council of Australia- Darulfatwa. J��I�2��e7�b�4�㚲�����H>H�1��ʿ Why not have a Moroccan tea, or eat some Lebanese sweets, a biryani or a meat pie whilst browsing shops that sell everything from henna to traditional African clothing. He did however, raise the challenges for the electorate and the degree to which hard-working service organisations are stretched and underfunded. “We cannot talk about an inclusive society on one hand and look to divide it with the other. Representative of  Ulama’ Majlis in Sumatra, Dr. H. Ardian syah, MA. Every day I think of you as the reason I am obligated to make this world a better place, and just quietly thanks for always laughing at my bad dad jokes—like that one. Read more, Nov-18 9:45pm SBS World Movies: The Invisibles, This film tells of a largely unknown chapter of the Jewish resistance during the times of National Socialism. I welcome also Mr George Bitar Ghanem, Consul General of Lebanon. If they did that of course, they wouldn't be Islamophobes, they would instead be decent people. The thing which unites us is our core values, as the Prime Minister articulated, of freedom of speech, of the fair go, of equality between men and women. It is a fascinating fusion of modern day Australia. It is a name used by people of different faiths because they know its true interpretation. Much more unites us than divides us. This commitment that every person matters is what I bring to public service. “I recognize them for their fantastic work. Comments that are abusive, rude, defamatory or which contain offensive language will not be published, Sign up to our FREE daily news delivered to your INBOX, E-mail (will not be published) (required), Nov-15 4:00pm online: 80th Dunera Anniversary event – survival through sculpture, The Dunera Association together with Sydney’s Emanuel Synagogue and the  Duldig Studio will present a special event to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the arrival in Australia of the Dunera and the Queen Mary. As well, they reject all forms of deviant and destructive extremism that is drawing our nation to a chasm and they consider the defiant extreme practices in the name of religion, is unrelated to Islam. I have always believed in the values of the Labor Party. Mr Dib, the state’s first lower house Islamic MP, used his own inaugural speech in May 2015 to speak of his own family’s migrant history, his pride in and appreciation of the multicultural success of Australia but he also warned of threats of intolerance and ignorance. John Curtin remains for me a true political hero and one of the finest examples of servant leadership I can think of. Like all things in life, when one takes the time, it is possible to discover all sorts of gems. Posted by AMUST Media | 3 Jun, 2015 | Featured, News | 0 |. This Islamic Conference, which is the first of its kind and calibre to be held in Australia, is entitled: ‘Muhammad, peace be upon him, the Prophet of Mercy and Messenger of Peace’, and carries the theme: ‘Verily We have Made You a moderate Nation’. “Society is in much need of those men and women who graduate from the discipline of Ramadan and adhere to such traits of good example and benevolence and are able to disseminate their goodness as role models.” Addressing the over thirty religious teachers who graduated from Al-Azhar Ash-Sharif this year and Darulfatwa Australia’s personal development courses, His Eminence said: My message to our graduate Sheikhs tonight is to call people to the right path using wisdom and kind dialogue and to avoid harshness when offering advice and guidance. It was the first time someone had done such a thing in this House, and the significance is not lost on me. They worked hard as factory workers, cleaners, tradesmen, labourers—as anything a person with limited English could find. But Senator Anning’s comments didn’t contribute to any progression of Australia’s social cohesion or address some of the challenges which we might face.