Thunder hammer, artificer armour? Doing well FW....doing VERY well with representing it right. Hammer of Olympia would be okaish if not for the recommended troops choice and the useless HQ, both of which are ineffective points sinks. Admittedly not so much anymore, but still. Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: David Johnston (Brother Argos) and the Bolter and Chainsword, I’m about to play few friendly games. The Iron Warriors were the IV Legion of the twenty original Space Marine Legions.Their Primarch is Perturabo.They were one of the nine legions which betrayed the Emperor during the Horus Heresy, becoming Chaos Space Marines.. Their specialty is siege warfare and the reduction of fortified positions, which made them natural rivals of the Imperial Fists even before the Heresy. Chaos. Combine with the new artillery tanks coming out and it's going to be even more obnoxious. I may just have impulse-bought two Iron Circle Automata... Any idea what to do with them (in-game), besides putting them on display alongside Perty? Page 5 of 51 - Iron Warriors Tactics - posted in + HORUS HERESY TACTICA +: Of course they are fun. Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: David Johnston (Brother Argos) and the Bolter and Chainsword, Iron Warriors are my legion so I’ve been trying to make them work for a while. Page 28 of 52 - Iron Warriors Tactics - posted in + HORUS HERESY TACTICA +: Axe is the safest option for artificer fights. What do you think works well with these guys? Edited by Dhar'Neth, 29 November 2019 - 07:42 PM. x10 man tactical is the cheapest option, but they are stuck walking. Not the most optimal setup, but it was just great to get the dice out. so it would be a model without rules and that sounds very wierd to me... To be fair, Forgeworld often has a habit of that. But I run Admech Main/IW allies with way more Castellax/Adsecularis than Tacs as Troops (works). bare-bones master of signals is practically recommended. Vox Stellarum: Truescale Horus Heresy Redux, Iron on the inside Iron on the outside also, This is not recommended for shared computers. Do you think the Warsmith rule actually confers much advantage/worth taking over other fluffy characters eg Master Of the Signal for example when zoning in Artillery or a champion for those pesky duels. Always liked the idea of a mounted army, but I want it to be effective on the table as well as being fluffy and cool to look at haha any advice would be great, cheers. I've been toying with different ways to play my Iron Warriors (quad mortar and Medusa bits are in the works for an IronFire army), but what do people think of Land Raiders in 30k? Highlight was Morty and Perty stuck fighting each other for 3x rounds, making insane numbers of saves back and forth: all that you either love or hate in Primarch-on-Primarch combat. Together with siege terminators and Golg. Most of the time taking a. Moving the Tyrants to HS does open up for a list with Perturabo deep striking 10 (12 with Perty and a Praetor taking command squads) terminator squads turn, using a comms relay and Damocles to secure the reserve rolls. PERSONALLY, for me the Heresy is taking cool, fluffy units with a little bit of list building in mind. He has filler troops and the terminators score already. -the only advantage of a cortex controller on marines is the ability to repair robots. The cost marginalizes the benefits, even with Golg's Terminator Troops or cheap CC tacs in rhinos. I know it's all about the Termites these days, but I have 0 interest in ever owning those models, especially at FW price; not a criticism just me. Just when i finally got me some cataphractii and cyclones...DAMMIT! Any specific wargear? Guess if I switch out Perturabo with a Praetor and more Terminators....and maybe more Terminators, could be better as Pride of the Legion? edit: also just realized that as per RAW, Vhalen doesn't even get his own unique warlord trait but "shatter defense" instead because of his warsmith rule lol. Didn't get my new red books yet, but Quartermaster has them at 205 points, which for a big durable monster seems reasonable. Land Raiders are fine. Legions don't have great troop options (for the cost) and at 1500-2000 points (the level I play) you only have a few options when it comes to a cheap and effective HQ. Perturabo is boss. master of signal + iron havocs /w ML on a bastion with ammo dump, mechanicum battle brothers (castellax, thanatar).  TROOPS 2x Tactical Squads (10 dudes), chainswords2x dedicated Phobos Land Raiders, shrapnel bolts, dozer blade, extra armor, auxiliary drive, armored ceramite Battlefield role differs from havocs (esp. Furthermore, they are a legion that specializes in siege warfare and grinding down their opponents. Tactics of the Legions [edit | edit source] Select a legion below to see a list of their tactics: Sons of Horus. If running Iron Fire seems wise to put havoc launchers on every possible thing. I play Iron Hand rules instead of IWs, even though I have an IW army. But the true gold is the mention of a special rhino in regards to iron warriors.