Here are a list of funds, REITs, and companies offering monthly payouts. The company's price-to earnings ratio (P/E) is at 14.90, behind competitors General Mills (NYSE:GIS) at 15.73 and Kraft Heinz (NASDAQ:KHC) at 20.15. PGX tracks a fixed-rate preferred stock index. T, Exxon Mobil The bulk of its properties are in the U.S., and total revenue has been expanding quickly over the past five years. About 2-3% is solid, while 4% or higher is fairly high-yield. Aug 13, 2019. Like many REITs, it's rather inconsistent, therefore making the stock rather expensive compared to earnings. The fund offers a 4.26% dividend, and the shares manage to perform relatively close to the S&P 500. By all accounts, earnings are volatile, but the company remains profitable, with an overall trajectory in the right direction through the last two years. TRTN stock has a high dividend of 6.3%, but its dividends only account for 45% of earnings. Another low-risk fund that produces a nice dividend yield of 3.5%, the WisdomTree U.S. High Dividend Fund The company's free cash flow at the end of the quarter was $18.3 billion, a rise of $3.9 billion year over year. It pays a dividend yield of 3.34%. On top of that, the payout ratio on the dividend is a very sustainable 47.47%, trailing 12 months. GNL is a small-cap play offering a 10.71% dividend yield. The stock is also cheap since its forward P/E ratio is just 7.2 times. In summation, they invest in low-risk dividend plays on the S&P 500. When it comes to monthly dividends, REITs rule the day. With a 7.08% dividend yield, Gladstone MO, IBM This industry isn't going away. CVX. You buy something like DHS if you're seeking something that can keep relative pace while hedging risk and collecting a nice monthly dividend. BAC (yes, there are a lot of banks involved). Considered high risk for its class, Receive full access to our market insights, commentary, newsletters, breaking news alerts, and more. Its quarterly dividend offers a 4.37% yield. LTC offers a 4.8% dividend yield and finished 2018 with its highest net income in five years. AbbVie's share price is down 3.7% this year, which offers another opportunity and drives up the yield on the company's dividend to 5.85%. I don't like the volatile nature of cash flow quarter to quarter, but Gladstone is an entity more concerned with growing itself. Of the three dividend stocks, I like B&G the most in the short term because its dividend offers the highest yield and the company is having a great year, plus that rise should continue as the pandemic drags on and may have a lasting effect once it subsides. DAL. Investors keep waiting for trouble with AbbVie and the company keeps managing to avoid those anticipated problems. I would never suggest this become a large piece of the portfolio, simply like the stock itself does not perform well against the broader market, and there are inconsistencies in their earnings trends. Below is a list of a few monthly dividend names that span from risky endeavors to relatively stable exchange-traded funds. Dividend Yield. The fund has trailed the S&P 500 over the last two and half years, but you're not exactly getting into these types of dividend names if your goal is simply to outperform the market. In the meantime while these stocks appreciate, investors can enjoy the nice dividends from B&G, Verizon, and AbbVie. Smucker Company for $550 million and the market responded positively to the news, closing at $28.74 the day after the announcement, $0.85 a share higher than the day before. Verizon has lost income this year because of the pandemic, which has cut primarily into the company's media division because advertising is down, as well as its consumer division because people don't use mobile phones as much, let alone rack up roaming charges when they rarely leave the house. Shares of Verizon and AbbVie are both down more than 3% year to date, while B&G has seen its shares climb more than 47%. AbbVie is technically a Dividend Aristocrat if you count its time before it split off from Abbott Laboratories in 2012. PNC, Citigroup Picking a high-paying dividend stock to buy is easy. If anything, it's becoming ever more prevalent in our daily lives (for better or worse). Equity remains stable, and they seem to do a good job of keeping debt at reasonable levels. Offering a solid 5.46% dividend yield, PGX is a great play if you want monthly returns. High dividend stocks are popular holdings in retirement portfolios. Particularly, market watchers are watching its rheumatoid arthritis drug, Humira, which has been the top-selling drug in the world, as it's facing a lot of competition. The I consider it a far more risky venture than some of the other names I've included on this list, but that's the price you pay for a whopping 11.25% dividend yield. Think Campbell Soup BlackRock Limited Duration Income Trust is a diversified, closed-end management investment company. Monthly dividends certainly are a nice form of cash flow. Furthermore, high yielding dividends carry a lot of uncertainty. BLW is a closed-end investment company that invests in various classes of bonds, mortgage-related securities, U.S. Government securities, etc. But if you are after a high-yielding monthly payout, AGNC offers it. C, JP Morgan  Primarily focused on providing financing to middle-market companies, Main Street Capital  The company's share price is up more than 47% year to date and yet the company's dividend offers a nice 7.05% yield. MAIN has a 5.9% dividend and has succeeded in driving its revenue streams over the last five years. You're not going to get much out of this fund outside of that dividend, as the shares themselves don't do very much. It also posted net income in the quarter of $2.31 billion, up 22.9% over the same period in 2019. A fixed-income-focused ETF, The hard part is finding an income investment where the dividend isn't at risk, that isn't a value trap about to plummet in share price, or that's overvalued. With a 3.74% yield and a balance sheet that has ever-improving equity, Realty Income seems like a nice play for a monthly dividend. The shares are cheap relative to earnings, and it makes for a nice monthly payday right now. The fund invests in equities within the S&P 500 that offer high dividend yields in a stable form. Considered a midcap play, SJR is offering a 4.64% dividend with the fundamentals to keep it going. Look to see how quickly the dividend … Investing in commercial properties in the U.S., United Kingdom, and over broader Europe, GNL seeks leases to single tenants, on properties it acquires in commercial areas. With Friday's announcement, the company will have raised its dividend for eight consecutive years and in the past three years, its dividends have seen a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.36%. Returns as of 11/12/2020. I like the company's annual trends in terms of operating income, net income, and revenue growth. Here Are 3 Cheap Dividend Stocks You Can Buy, Copyright, Trademark and Patent Information. VZ, Coca-Cola The problem here is net income. The company has very steady revenue growth, coupled with five fiscal years of rising net income. It's slow growth, and this REIT does not keep up with the S&P 500, but that's kind of one of the drawbacks of buying a stock like this. With a 4.43% dividend yield, The ability to appreciate capital is very different in corporate structures that require a large percentage of distributions of their income. If they were easy to maintain, everyone would do it. See you at the top! 91.69% of the fund is invested in preferred shares. It also posted net income in the quarter of $2.31 billion, up 22.9% over the same period in 2019. Verizon has raised its quarterly dividend for 14 consecutive years, including a 2% hike this year, despite the pandemic. But annually, the company has produced fair net income over the last five years. However, the company's core business remains strong and the setbacks are likely temporary. Prior to this year, the company's revenue had risen for nine consecutive years. Market data powered by FactSet and Web Financial Group.