Mary Magdalene traveled with Jesus as one of his followers. The Messiah was prophecised to be born in Bethlehem, but Jesus wasn't. I have never once in my life seen or heard someone say "Jonah was swallowed by a fish" OR "Jonah was swallowed by a whale" and then stepped in and said "actually.. that's not true." it's the Bible. The Bible has had an untold influence on world history. And in The Amazing Spider-Man it's Gwen Stacy? And I thought mine was relatively unopinionated. The idea is that there is a small teapot orbiting the sun between Earth and Mars. @Landis not sure if you're talking to me or @Jamesgoat but either way: Well, it's my opinion in the sense that it's what I think. Also, I don't think anyone is actually claiming or has ever claimed that the events described in the poetic Book of Job really happened, are they? actually born in Bethlehem. They all say God "appointed," "prepared," etc. It's bolstered empires, crushed others, changed lives, and led to millions of deaths over the centuries. They cannot both be true, and it is most likely that neither is. ... and I would never. Technically, the virgin Mary and Mary Magdalene both discovered Jesus's tomb empty. He took part in what is possibly the most famous of the miracles of Jesus, by being brought back to life by Jesus four days after his death. In this quiz I will simply describe a particular well-known character from the Bible. It's about as historically accurate as Harry Potter, which, coincidentally borrows heavily from various myths and legends from all over the Roman/Greek/Jewish/Egyptian worlds. Edit. pfff- "Which is more likely — that the whole natural order is to be suspended, or that a Jewish minx should tell a lie?". :), you may already know this but Isa is Arabic for "Jesus.". Joseph and Moses led all of the Israelites in and out of Egypt. Oh sorry - different slugs. The Bible is full of iconic villains, heroes, and spiritual figures that have fascinated people throughout the centuries. @Fiddley, the celestial teapot is a concept made in rebuttal to some arguments about God. We all know you disagree with it. Finish Editing. Available Formats. Guess the bible character emoji quiz answers – Part 1 1) Noah – God instructed Noah to build an ark and take his family and two of every kind of animal into the ark, for as it was going to rain for 40 days and 40 nights. John the Baptist is considered a prophet by Christians, Jews, Muslims, Bahá'ís, and Mandaeans. PLEASE, PEOPLE. Think you know the characters of the Bible inside and out? Pontius Pilate was a prefect of the Roman province of Judea. Laban, the father of the sisters, insisted that his older daughter should marry first. Assign HW. Lazarus is known as Saint Lazarus and Lazarus of the Four Days. Like God, that isn't a good enough argument for its existence. This means he is considered to be one of the four authors of the traditional gospels. 10 questions, rated Easy. Ahab is remembered as a wicked King. What is an octane rating? It should be pretty simple. 6 Min, 5 Minute Quiz It makes generalistic and (on the face of things) meaningless predictions. Jacob first fell in love with Rachel, but was tricked into marrying her older sister Leah on their wedding day. You know how in Sam Raimi's Spider-Man Peter Parker's first love is Mary Jane Watson? The Bible is full of iconic villains, heroes, and spiritual figures that have fascinated people throughout the centuries. The Biblical writers didn't know the difference between a fish and a whale yet. everybody should just go and read the Bible according to Spike Milligan .its so funny. Beliefnet is a lifestyle website providing feature editorial content around the topics of inspiration, spirituality, health, wellness, love and family, news and entertainment. Jesus is the only one conceived Luke the Evangelist is one of the Four Evangelists. She was made from the rib of Adam, the first man. The bible doesn't say "in 1798 the pope will be imprisoned following the French revolution and Catholicism will lose much of its power, making atheism rise". I'd say the fish God sent is without species. was it bad the first thing that popped in my head for leading Jews to Egypt was a Technicolor dreamcoat. Is this the reason why you are stalking me around the site leaving juvenile attacks aimed at me? In 1400 they didn't know that this would happen in 1798. Choose one to start playing: Take Quiz: Single Page HTML format. Sometimes we explain how stuff works, other times, we ask you, but we’re always exploring in the name of fun! I don't think the Bible specifically says that Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve's first children, and thus Seth may not have been the third child. Rebecca was known for her generous nature and the wife of Isaac. - a person who makes a deliberately offensive or provocative online post; to make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them. And in Spider-Man: Homecoming it's some girl named Liz who's the daughter of the Vulture? I can understand feeling embarrassment when asked if you believe in a book that includes a fable about a man who lived inside of a whale, and I can understand tying to look for some way to deflect or explain away that criticism.... but.... when did anyone think that it sounds better to live inside of a fish? How much do you know about dinosaurs? Isaac was the son of Abraham. @cr, prophecies in the Bible didn't actually all happen. TRIVIA Not just the Jews. Sign up for our Entertainment newsletter. Well, some of it happened. I missed Joseph. 5. Solo Practice. A person who makes truthful, honest, sincere and factual comments, like those I've made here, is not a troll. Parts of their wedding have been taken and used in traditional Jewish weddings for centuries. Paul was not one of the original apostles, but was a key apostle who preached during the first century. Whether you want to call it allegory, fable, myth, a tall tale, greatly embellished historical fiction, or simply fabrication- it's still not true in a literal and objective sense of the word. There weren't any insults in the post. Spirit to help me to pray. There is plenty of internal contradiction in the Bible which is why it cannot all be true. troll (n./v.) She played a part in leading the Jews from slavery into freedom. She was the mother of Isaac. Perhaps the best way to describe how the Bible portrays its characters is "human" because they are, in fact, human. If anything that's even less plausible. She helped instill an era of peace following the lawless years before the country had its first king. It's a collection of various myths and legends from all over the Roman/Greek/Jewish/Egyptian world. Keep scrolling down for answers and more stats ... Technically, Jonah wasn't swallowed by a whale. It was the basis of much of Western art, from paintings to novels to plays and music. He is venerated as a saint across numerous Christian denominations. Abraham is an important figure in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, also known as the Abrahamic religions. Trivia Quiz - Guess the Character Category: Bible People Quiz #231,001. I don't think it's BAD per se, just.... lol.