The musical flow thus induced titillates the extrasensory energy centers. The material and spiritual benefits that it bestows are immense and deep. Touch the thumb to the tip of the little finger. He is the creator, powerful, fearless, and enemy less, and parthenogenesis. If a particular gland, gets diseased or dysfunctional, we start stammering  when we speak those specific words. Without the sun, there will simply be no life. Show me the right path, the same path which made them your minion not the path which made them your coagulation and they are debauched. Gayatri is a Mahamantra. In Rig-Veda after Trishtup, Gayatri (Gayatri Mantra) has the maximum poems. It is like buying goods for cash, instead of getting them on credit. Mantras are not mere words. Onkar is single. Markandeya rishi says, “In whatever manner Gayatri japa is done, it purifies the interior and fulfills all desires. We are open for your emails, questions and suggestions on: Monday-Friday: 9.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. The knowledge underlying it is so profound that if a person understands it properly and brings it into regular practice,he can make his present as well as future life truly happy and peaceful. But a closer scrutiny of its meaning indicates otherwise. 9. This dichotomy is unfortunate as well as false. This mantra will provide you with all the happiness and satisfaction in your life. Even those who do not look upon the sun as a divine entity must necessarily accept its intrinsic relationship with the cycle of life and the sustenance of all activities and phenomena in this world. Start with 3 minutes and build up with time and regular practice. The Gayatri Mantra, also known as the Savitri mantra, is a highly revered mantra from the Rig Veda (Mandala 3.62.10), dedicated to Savitr, the Sun deity. Required fields are marked *. It appears that you have disabled your Javascript. The Gayatri mantra is focused precisely at this enhancement, and should therefore be valued and practiced by the modern neo-educated too. Gayatri, Gita, Ganga and Gau (cow) are the 4 pillars of Indian culture. Gaytri is a prayer for the highest knowledge that is the Knowledge of the Self. A version of the Gayatri mantra is featured in the opening theme song of the TV series Battlestar Galactica (2004). Enhances nerves functioning – Chanting the mantra exerts pressure on your lips, tongue, palate and vocal cord connecting regions in and around your brain which creates a resonance effect or a vibration helping to boost and stimulate nerve functioning. They have a cynical attitude about all that is ancient, simply because it is ancient. On the other hand, the other category of people think that in matters of spirituality, religious logic and reason have no significance. The Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to Savitar, the sun deity. Brahma-prakāsha, the Divine Effulgence, will descend on you, illuminate your intellect and light your path when this mantra is chanted. The Logic Behind Mantras and rituals is the support of every truth seeker who believes in its efficacy, power and glory.He may be of any caste, creed, clime or sect.