Conifers do like acidic soil in the range of 5.0 to 6.5 (depending on species) and the root systems of the junipers and some of the long leaf pine species can make an adjustment (over a period of 2 to 10 years) of one full pH point. From there they have spread all over the world, especially in dry climate areas. Be careful with very acidic soil if your plants do not need a high acid soil to grow, as highly acidic soil can inhibit the numbers of flowers and fruits in some plants. Once the juniper takes root, it hardly needs any irrigation on your part. The cultivar is widely available … Methods We collected data in two locations, A and B, next to the Quarry Trail; 7 sites had juniper trees and 9 sites had no juniper trees. The Juniperus virginiana , "Eastern red cedar," is a needled evergreen that can thrive in an alkaline or acidic soil. According to Skyrocket juniper info, the plant’s parent is found wild in the Rocky Mountains of North America in dry, rocky soils. Skyrocket juniper (Juniperus scopulorum ‘Skyrocket’) is a cultivar of a protected species. They are highly adaptable to a wide range of soil conditions and they are not particular about soil pH - growing well in soils that are highly alkaline to highly acidic. The growth rate of Junipers varies, but these plants tend to grow at a slow or moderate rate. They prefer slightly acidic, sandy soil but tolerate many different soil types that other trees can’t, including heavy clay soils. Outdoor juniper plants will grow better in full sun, but seedlings need partial shade to develop. Junipers make up a large genus of coniferous trees. These dense shrubs are evergreen plans and a popular choice among container gardeners due to being low-maintenance. Do conifers make soil more acid? How to Grow Juniper. Junipers are native to some regions of Japan, as well as the Russian island of Sakhalin. Spartan juniper trees require very little water, doing … Drainage is crucial for the survival of the roots. How Fast Do Junipers Grow. Water Needs. The plants need full sun and a well drained soil. Watering. Amend the planting site with sphagnum peat moss to give your juniper a soil with an acidic pH. Turns out, not very acidic at all. They will grow in a variety of soils, preferring a slightly acidic soil. The Blue Rug can grow up to 12 inches per year. The soil is an important factor in that growth. So, in the end, it’s your cup of coffee, not your used grounds that end up being acidic. We hypothesized that the soil would be more acidic next to juniper trees and would be less acidic 5 to 10 meters from juniper trees. Juniper is low maintenance and easy to grow. These drought tolerant plants do not like wet soil. Most shrub and groundcover junipers grow 4 to 8 inches per year. They can suffer, if over watered. For creeping or spreading junipers this means growth by width and for other bushes it means height. The question is, how acidic are coffee grounds, once you’ve made your coffee. When it comes to soil, common junipers are not picky as long as the medium provides good drainage. Indoor juniper should be given a bright but indirect light source and kept between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Junipers don’t do well if their roots are submerged in stagnant water. Junipers prefer rich and slightly acidic soil. The Thuja occidentalis , "Northern white cedar," is an evergreen that needs moist alkaline soils to flourish. The only real requirement Spartan junipers have for soil is that it drains well. Soil . ... lower than 7 is acidic). The Oregon State University Extension tells us that the acid in coffee beans is water-soluble.