They can be a challenge to grow, but they grow well if the temperature is below 80 degrees Fahrenheit because they are used to cool or cold climates. Grammatophyllum speciosum is the largest type of orchid and grows up to three meters in height. Let's learn more about some popular orchid types. Unlike most other orchids, these grow robust shoots with succulent leaves, instead of pseudobulbs. Popular Varieties: Flat-leaved vanilla (source of the flavoring agent), leafless vanilla, Chamisso’s vanilla, pompona vanilla, Colors: White, cream, yellow, light green, Light Requirement: Bright indirect sun (1500 to 3000 foot-candles). Popular Varieties: Large-lipped encyclia, Tampa butterfly orchid, oncidium-like encyclia, Colors: Purple, brown, yellow, fuchsia, green, Light Requirement: Medium to bright filtered sun (2,500 to 3,500 foot-candles). Just like their name suggests, you can actually get vanilla from these flowers, and the blooms have a nice vanilla scent as well. Also, they like to have a temperature drop at night and a lot of air around their roots, making them good candidates for glass vases and slatted baskets with no potting medium, or with just a tiny bit of it. Apart from its small white flowers, its deep purple velvety leaves contribute equally to its popularity, making it a common choice for hybrids. Most epidendrums are short plants with small strongly fragrant flowers. These are native to Asia, mainly from China, Japan, and India. These plants grow in North America, Europe, and Asia, being able to tolerate various climatic conditions. Their flowers ' colors can be purple, green, yellow to brown. Boat orchids are known for being hardy to cold, dry conditions, but still, need weekly watering if grown in areas with a hot summer. This article may include references and links to products and services from one or more of our advertisers. Catasetums are highly attractive and praised orchid genus, characterized by deciduous biology and highly handsome fleshy, waxy flowers. They also look beautiful in hanging baskets and pots. Because these orchids are top-heavy with lots of blooms on each stem, this type of orchid often requires staking. They usually come in colors such as lavender, red, white, and pink, and they have beautiful yellow centers. The genus contains as much as 1800 epiphytic and lithophytic species, with a consequently large areal. That is why they can never get boring and can never cease to amaze us. Humidity: Since orchids don’t always get their water from the soil, maintaining the right humidity levels is instrumental in keeping their stunning look. These orchids do not do well if the temperature gets too high, so keep it within 65-68°F on average. They need a lot of bright light in order to grow and thrive, and if grown indoors, you may even need artificial lighting of some type. Ventilation: The more humid the conditions are around your orchid, the better ventilation it will need to avoid insects, fungus, and rotting. However, as with most orchids, you need to ensure they aren't too wet and that air circulation is good. You cannot make them re-bloom like some other orchids. One of the genera to contain some of the most popular and bizarrely attractive types of orchids, these come from the southern parts of North America as well as Central and South America. Also known as the Jewel orchid, this orchid looks great whether it’s in bloom or out of bloom. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. It is the Phrag. Though make sure to use a potting mix with excellent drainage. These orchids are native to rainforests of Central and South America, so they like their moisture. It is a deciduous orchid that turns yellow and falls off during the winter when it’s dormant. Flowers come in virtually any color but black and blue. You can be perfectly fine growing them using artificial light (fluorescent, LED light), but make sure that the lights are not too close to the orchids. Because they grow both male and female flowers, their blooms can look quite different, with the former consisting of an anatomical trigger that injects pollen into nearby bees. Their lip can look flat and broad or ruffled. Named after the unique pouch at the center of the flowers, this is one of the most recognizable orchid genera with stunning flowers. Other types that have the "lady's slipper" title are the orchids from genuses Paphiopedilum and Phragmipedium. Yellowing of the leaves means they are getting too much sun. This is not a type of orchid you’ll want to place on your windowsill, because the stems grow up to four feet high. 25 Popular Types of Orchids (Facts & Pictures), Monkey Puzzle Tree - Growing & Care Information, Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree - Optimal Growing and Care Tips, 10 Outdoor Bamboo Plants You Can Grow In The Garden, Double Knockout Rose - Varieties, Care & Planting Information, 10 Best Perennial Flowers For Your Garden, 8 Exciting Japanese Flowers - Photos, Uses, and Care Guides, 9 Mexican Flowers with Photos & Growing Guides. Native to East Asian tropics where plants are covered by the thick forest canopy, these orchids do not like much sunlight. These produce brightly colored showy flowers, often having a fresh scent. The Zygopetalum orchids are a small genus with around 15 recorded species; however, people have made many hybrids these days. Native to Brazil, these orchids are a popular choice for producing hybrids. On the other hand, if a houseplant gets too much ventilation in dry conditions, it might dry up too quickly. That would mean the plants do not contain water in their bulbs; mind this so that you should keep moisture the soil well.With various species, they can bloom in multi-flowers or single-flower. Oncidiums are also called "dancing ladies". Colors: Yellow, reddish-brown, purple, cream, green, Light Requirement: Bright filtered sun (2,000 to 3,000 foot-candles). Some people prefer fertilizing once a month, while others dilute it to apply weekly with water. They are a small but showy type of orchid, and their leaves are long, reed-like in shape, and light green in color. This genus is often found in tropical America areas from Florida to Latin America. Orchids are used for various purposes, including as a spice for some foods, in certain types of herbal medicines in Asia, and as a way to scent perfume. As the name suggests, it grows in cool climates and shaded humid conditions. It can grow up to 30 blooms on a single stem, and it is a sturdy and long-lasting flower. Popular Varieties: – Darwin’s orchid/ Christmas orchid/Star of Bethlehem orchid, Colors: Mostly white; some are yellowish, cream, or green, Light Requirement: Medium to bright filtered sun (2,000 to 3,000 foot-candles). A distinctive feature of Vanda care is that they love an extremely bright light - 3000 - 5000 candelas. The Encyclia orchid has dangling petals and sepals, which is why some people say it resembles an octopus. The main characteristic of this type of orchid is its very pleasant aroma, which means you will likely smell it even before you see it. When they bloom, their flowers can last 6 - 8 weeks. Dendrobiums require cooler temperatures and less humidity than its purely tropical counterparts. Popular Varieties: Flag-Like Miltoniopsis, Miltoniopsis roezlii, Colors: Pink, purple, red, yellow, and white, Light Requirement: Filtered low light (1,000-1,500 foot-candle). Also called Cockleshell orchids, they have no fragrance, but they do bloom for several consecutive months, making them appealing for people who want color in their garden for long periods of time. In fact, this orchid loves water so much that it can even tolerate wet feet. These are epiphytic orchids, with a few species being lithophytes. Dendrobium is one of the most popular genera in horticulture, withDendrobium nobile being the most widespread ornamental orchid. Some of the Lady’s slipper varieties are considered endangered at present. The story about the first Cattleya ever discovered is a touching one. Popular Varieties: Psychp papilio, Psychp krameriana, Psychp sanderae, Psychp versteegii, Colors: Yellow, cream, white base color with purple, brown, pink, red markings, Light Requirement: Shade to filtered sun (1,800-3,000 foot candles). Some species are very small in height while others can reach the height of up to 6ft. The color pattern is also interesting - the upper petals are pale-yellowish-green, the "legs" are a creamy-rosy combo, all topped with maroon markings. Also called the Lady’s Slipper orchid, this type of flower is easy to grow and is great for the beginner flower-grower. The smallest orchid was initially mistaken for a fungus and is only half a millimeter. Suitable for growing in a greenhouse, especially if you are growing it mounted. Required fields are marked *, Get email updates about what's new for gardeners this season. These orchids bloom in different colors with the most common being white, orange, yellow, red, green, and purple. The leaves may take on a crinkled appearance unless they get enough water. It is the orchid family. The variety called Sharry Baby has a chocolate-like scent, and although simple to grow, the Oncidium orchid does require a lot of moisture and humidity to thrive. Others are pseudobulbs with alternating leaves. Among the most popular orchid varieties, the flowers have a unique look with their long erect petals. In dry areas, placing the plants in a humidity tray, or installing a humidifier near them can work. These plants need low nighttime temperatures around 50-60°F, but cannot tolerate frost. Miltonia orchids bloom in various colors such as yellow, white, pink, purple, and red. When growing in a pot, make sure to use a potting mixture that drains well. What is also highly interesting is that Catasetums are unisexual - able to produce both male and female flowers, which is very rare among orchids. Abbreviated as ‘Ble’, these plants grow dark green long pleated leaves that add to its attraction in addition to the large, showy unscented flowers.