What Eastern and Western Educational Systems Produce. Is the Debate Format the Best Way for Candidates to Express Their Ideas? As John (2012) noted, they must communicate with both their children and their children’s teachers in positive meaningful ways (TEAM – together everyone achieves more). What Should You Know About the Mealworm Life Cycle? The difference between Western and Eastern education People tend to think that Westerners are more assertive and creative, while Easterners are more conservative and reserved. Teachers need to keep themselves updated with the latest innovations in educational technology to utilize various tools such as educative websites like Khan Academy, Quizlet, etc. Students are given a large quantity of homework after they leave their school, even though the students spent a long period on campus. Thus, memory reflects and depends on the entire cognitive structure. The US scored lower at math, but higher on reading and science. Key words: Education system, Eastern and Western system, creativity, society, culture, holistic education. The essence of education is distinct in the East and the West. In holistic education the classroom is often seen as a community, which is within the larger community of the school, which is within the larger community of the village, town, or city, and which is, by extension, within the larger community of humanity (Forbes, 1996). As a teacher is seen as an authoritarian in the east, learning happens in a one way direction leading to a less interactive class. Lifestyle and craft blogger living in Georgia. The school systems need to adopt different teaching styles and strategies for helping students learn more effectively. The West often sees the individual as the sole entity for inquiry, discovery and success. There is a lack of efficiency in applying, analyzing while solving a problem. These schools guide students to form their own opinions instead of learning by rote. Her research interests include counterculture literature of the 1960 and instructional design for online courses and she enjoys writing about literature, art and instructional design. Lecture is the main mode of instruction. Manage. Creativity in Chinese is composed of two characters ? Education: East versus West. Utilizing and updating with the latest technology as a boon to effective learning. Eastern and western world are extremely complex and differentiated both politically and historically. How Do Single Sex Schools Boost Self-Esteem? , how the modern worldview associated with capitalism and scientific reductionism underlies conventional assumptions about schools, teaching, and learning. So, memorizing needs to be tied up with the need to apply and use the knowledge that has been previously learned. Rather than seeing discipline as their primary vehicle for learning, Western students view themselves as contributors. Consequently, each of the distinct characteristics of Eastern and Western education are vital in shaping personalities and outlooks of students. The difference between Western and Eastern education- Education system in need of change? It is commonly believed that the standard math levels of Asian students are generally higher than those of American students. So what makes all these difference? Certificates and high scores are the main outcome with which the students are consumed into a competitive world. In the East, many schools have large class size of 40-60 students as compared to a much smaller classroom in the west where it’s often no more that 25-30 students. The educational challenge ahead of us is to pass on the rich diversity of culture and ways of knowing to future generations (Wildman, P. and Inayatullah, S., 1996). Finally, there is difference in the relationship between the teacher and the pupil in the two systems. A   holistic  worldview  embraces  the  wholeness of our humanity, and integrates, rather than isolates, our diverse human possibilities (Gallegos, 2001). Effort is emphasized upon, but not too much on standardized testing, as their Eastern counterparts are. The western education allows students’ creativity and curiosity to flourish, thereby providing a chance for them to reach for higher achievements. Western schools, on the other hand, focus more on student participation in discussions, fostering innate human curiosity and encouraging students to challenge ideas. The answer could be achieved by blending the two, a hybrid model as Huang (2014) puts it. Struggling with a math concept in class, for example, is simply an opportunity and not a sign of a possible learning disability or deficit. The United States had a score of 481, which fell in the middle of the ranking (36th out of 65). Crossref. The Western education system is student-oriented, developing such qualities as critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and generating new ideas. Western educational systems put stress on the ideas of creativity. 5). Regarding teachers as facilitators and guide. 4 those with special talents from developing into professionals. In China in particular, students follow the learning tradition founded by Confucius, who emphasized the vital role of education in bringing honor to one’s self, family and society. For centuries, the Chinese viewed the child as a miniature adult who should behave according to the expectations of the adult world. Eastern systems often instill moral value in education. Confucius said, "Education breeds confidence. Crossref. Education must take into account socio-cultural changes and challenges. Schools in the East are extremely long, consisting of full school days from Monday through Saturday with Sunday being half day. Moral education enjoys a special status in Japanese schools, for example, and permeates the daily activities of Japanese elementary and junior high school students. Avengers 3: Infinity War – Was Thanos Right? Susie Zappia teaches humanities and research and writing courses online for several colleges. Better yet, we need to move to connectivism which is similar to constructivism, the difference here lies in the central role of relationships and networks as primary sources in connectivism. When American graduate student Jim Stigler visited Japan in 1979, he noticed a striking difference in the way that Asian teachers and parents framed difficulty. Eastern system of education demand from students the knowledge they give to students while the western system of education is constructed so that it gives education and asks nothing in return. Different Perspectives. Many students in American often go home without homework, leaving them much leisure time. This style of education enables the students to analysis, conceptualize, and synthesis their prior knowledge to create new knowledge (John, 2012). One of the biggest points of contrast between the two approaches is how students see their role in their own learning. (oecd.org/pisa/keyfindings/pisa-2012-results-overview.pdf). Here originality is greatly stressed upon in contrast to eastern grading system where uniformity is preferred. Education system worldwide aims to develop students into well-rounded citizens and help them become creative problem-solvers. Eastern schools instill the belief that discipline can outweigh any academic difficulty, discrediting any other factors that may affect student performance. They plan all the activities while students are only required to memorize the program material. The author has not declared any conflict of interests. "I think that from very early ages we [in America] see struggle as an indicator that you're just not very smart," observed Stigler. After all, children go through basically the same stages of schooling whether they grow up in China or a western country such as Australia, the UK or the US. Holistic Education in American Culture. get the best international school experience with The Perse School Singapore, Learn How to Make a Photo Book (Including Amazing Photo Book Ideas), Necessary Precautions to Take Right After a Road Accident, Discover the 5 Most Destructive Tree Insects. In contrast, Western students focus on collaboration and discussions. However, we do not want to create robots but individuals who creatively face the unique challenges that life has in store with great rigor. The term is currently popular in Singapore, and parents there frequently are labeled kiasu parents when they push hard to make certain that their children are at the top of every class. The Western education system creates individuals who see themselves as the sole vector for success. New York, NY: Worth, 4th Ed. While there are variations within each country, such as from state to state, the chart below gives a general idea of how age-related educational opportunities compare between China and three Western countries - Australia, t… Therefore, children are given enormous amounts of homework and are taught to work hard – that’s why Asian studen… Holistic Education: Pedagogy of Universal Love (Vol. This school year, three eighth-grade students at Rectory School (Gabby K., Mika K., and Tianshu W.) changed into the algebra 2 class with Mr. Washburn. 847-868). Thus, their children generally achieve high scores in school and on PISA tests. Eastern students are taught that discipline is the most important skill to cultivate regarding their education, as they believe any academic difficulty can be overcome through diligence. Over 80% of parents in Mexico and China expect their children to work as managers or professionals by the age of 30. Hare J (2010). In the West, with perhaps the exception of parochial and religious schools, the curriculum is almost invariably subject-specific. (2008). Retrieved from. Placing an intrinsic value on education roots back to this concept of honoring entities much bigger than the self, such as one’s family and nation. Whatever strategy is used, the facilitator of learning will ensure that it is one that will allow learners to become actively engaged with the construction of learning and not be a passive tool of teaching (Clapper, 2009). While other occupations that are out of ordinary or norm such as artists may be considered low or degraded. Eastern and Western world are extremely complex and differentiated both politically and historically. Reading, language skills, math and geography, for example, are taught separately and at specific times, with no ethical or moral components. They are much more collective-oriented than their independent counterparts in the West. In Korea, they work independently in academic study programs. Western system    encourages   students    to   pursue   their true interests, producing a broad range of skills and areas of expertise. BORGEN Magazine is produced by The Borgen Project, an influential humanitarian organization working to make global poverty a focus of U.S. foreign policy.